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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1990   8:00 A.M.   YEAR 3, DAY 172


Hatonn present.  Look about you, Dharma, at the glory of the snow that blan­kets the world in amazing beauty.  God’s grace is like that wondrous blanket of snow which nurtures the lands and gives drink unto Ina-Maka and covers all that is ugly and wounded.


Because you look upon the covering of beauty it does not mean that the ugli­ness or wounds are either gone or healed—it only means that Father’s GRACE can cover all.  But just as with a heavy snow­fall, it makes of the path slippery and the work heavy to remain in the pu­rity for ye must also utilize the things of the earth which are covered and ye must dig and shovel, dig and shovel and bring the substance up through unto the surface.  Today you can find abundance be­neath and the birds can eat.  Ye must prepare against the day when the abundance will not lay beneath and the lands are parched.


Ye must live for the moment and yet you know that only ten miles from you there is naught but dry and arid desert that stretches for hundreds and hun­dreds of miles with its water sup­ply all but de­pleted.  Look upon it now and remember—for the day will come that the desert shall ap­pear as an ocean and lands which lie in waste will flourish as portions rise unto the height of the mountains.  Rejoice for thy Mother is renewing.




Before we dive off into the “Crucifixion” of the “Phoenix” we must speak of personal intents, bondage and rape of the minds—YOUR MINDS!  Let us further speak of freedom—mental freedom and break­ing your bondage.


Mankind has come to the wall—will he remain on the troubled side or pass be­yond into the won­drous new—but unknown?


To unlock the bonds you must release “FEAR”.  Fear controls your lives whether or not you re­alize of it.  You fear you won’t have, fear you will have, fear the government will catch you and audit your income tax reports, fear you will lose of another’s “love” (well, it isn’t “love” anyway), fear your rent will not be paid or the children not eat, or fear, fear, fear and more fear.  You must release the fear and set your mind free, chelas.  IN THE FREEDOM FROM FEAR YOU CAN AGAIN “THINK” AND GROW RICH IN ALL THINGS—FOR LOVE CAN FLOW WITHIN ONCE THE FEAR IS RE­MOVED FOR FEAR CANNOT RE­MAIN IN THE PRESENCE OF LOVE.  IT IS JUST AS WITH THE LIGHT—IN THE PRESENCE OF LIGHT, THE DARK IS GONE.  GOD IS LIGHT—LET US WALK TO­GETHER INTO THE LIGHT, LITTLE ONES.


Ones pick up this book and judge before they read the pages—usu­ally from the comments of an­other or a paragraph of subject out­line.  Some will say, “Just one more `spiritual’ book with lectur­ing idealism,” and some will say, “Why do they mess around in the worldly practi­cality when I need spiritual guidance and `they’ only tell me what is wrong?” and then al­ways—”The word must come from darkness for `I’ didn’t write of it and whoever believes in discar­nate energies is crazy anyway.” 

Do you see how fear, even of re­ception of a Journal, can immobilize you from action?


Let us consider some guidelines as we consider the subject.  “Easy for you Hatonn, Sananda and whoever else is up there, you ones have found your way.  We need something for TO­DAY, DOWN HERE, and don’t give us a bunch of `church’ `stuff’!”  Alright, let’s put it where it’s at—YOU!  JUST THE FACTS MAM AND SIR, JUST THE FACTS!


Beginning rule: No-one can do it for you.  You must look around and size it up as it is.  If your life is perfection, you need not con­tinue in this Journal—but the process begins and ends with you—unrelated to any other.


To even begin, however, you are going to have to face one or two facts squarely head-on.  You are going to have to learn to forgive the world and ev­eryone in it, MOST ESPE­CIALLY YOURSELF SO THAT YOU CAN START AT “0”, CLEAN, CLEAR AND FRESH.  Peace and fearlessness can only begin to come within as you cast the frightening things filling your life - without.  Love and peace, inner peace, is expe­rienced as you learn to forgive the world and ev­eryone in it, and thereby see everyone, including yourself, as blameless.  You cannot go back and erase that which is past—you can only start by forgiv­ing yourself those past actions which displease, start to set things right which can be corrected, release those things which you cannot rectify and move right on—but in correctness and God-ness instead of the continual repetition of the old erroneous ways.


Actually, each moment of your experience is an opportunity for a new direc­tion and a new path of action.  If you find yourself de­pressed, angry, irritated or ill, you can be sure you have chosen the wrong goal and are responding to “fear”.  You have either di­rectly and con­sciously decided to be more inter­ested in yourself and what you are “getting” than to extend yourself outward into the “What can I `give’”, and if you choose to linger in the discontent or nurse your perceived wounds by accepting anything or everything as an af­front instead of a simple lesson in choices, then you are giving in, again, to “fear”.


Let me give you an example that is very close to Dharma.  From the Gate­house in Sedona went forth a most painful denouncement of her work and ac­cusations of evil having entered into Dharma’s scribing. (The denouncement brochure which was sent to all ones on the Gate­house mailing list is enclosed herewith along with Aton’s re­sponse).  It is included for we need to make a great point of this.  The situation raised its serpent head and bit, inflict­ing great poison and pain.  The matter was confronted and released—but this in­volved many others who were left in confusion and hurt.  Aton re­sponded for He stands higher than any other.  Do you see?  HE took the burden and car­ried it—Dharma released it unto him.  It matters not what comes forth hence­forth from the incident—it is released and holds no threat for within there is peace and truth.  It is easy to “forgive” for there is naught to “forgive”—it sim­ply is opinion of another or others, and is none of Dharma’s business once she has come into balance and finds naught to “correct”.  Her “error in reactions to fear” would be to capitulate to the foolish attacks which only prove her truth is valid—you can al­ways judge by the terms of an attack.


For instance, if you take literally the exact words of the denounc­ing attack and disclaimer you will find that the ones attacking ei­ther now reject original writings as having been false or they are efforting at keeping truth hidden away for personal gain to prevent the masses from having the truth and word of God.  The point is, it does NOT discount Dharma’s writ­ings for she is not the author of these Journals—she only prints the symbols of the alphabet upon the pages.  Therefore, since the proclaimed denouncement is against the “authors” of these Journals—IT IS NONE OF DHARMA’S BUSINESS.  SHE MUST RELEASE IT IN LOVE AND LEAVE IT.  SHE MUST NEVER “FORGET” IT, HOWEVER, FOR IF YOU DO NOT REMEM­BER THE LESSONS YOU ARE DES­TINED TO REPEAT THEM.  IT SERVES AS A MOST POSITIVE INPUT FOR IT CAUSES HER TO MORE CAREFULLY CLEAR OF HER RECEPTORS AND ALWAYS RE­MAIN “ONLY” IN THE LIGHTED PRESENCE AS WE WRITE.  IF SHE IS NOT CLEAR, WE SIMPLY DO NOT WRITE FOR WE FORCE NAUGHT UPON HER.  FORCE IS NOT OF GOD, NOR IS FEAR.  FEAR AND FORCE ARE OF EVIL.




“Time” is simply a perception which allows for “experience”.  It allows a “space” in which to choose an experience.  Do you want to experience peace or do you want experience con­flict?  It is totally up to you which it will be.  Christ is pulling for you to choose peace; Satan is calling to tempt you with lies that you might choose conflict.  Only from conflict can the old dark one pull you down.


Perhaps you need a bit of definition regarding terms: Being without fear and darkness IS being in a state of Love and allowing.  Fear is the other “pole” op­posite Love.  There are lit­erally only two valid emotions.  One is real—love; the other a mental illusion—fear.  Love is true reality for it is oneness with God within; fear is something your mind has conjured up and is therefore unreal.


What you experience is your state of mind projected outward into action and response.  If your state of mind is one of well-being, Love and peace, that is what you will project and therefore experi­ence.  If your state of mind is one filled and churning with doubts, fears and concerns, you will project that state outwardly and it will attract that which you envision and therefore will be your experiential reality.


All minds, brothers, are joined and are simply ONE, just as ALL things are ul­timately ONE—ONE!  Therefore, what you perceive through your physical senses presents you with a most lim­ited and distorted view of reality.


Your minds, however, function as if they were not one.  The one that really does you in acts, and will produce if you allow it, through the ego and directs only scenarios of war, conflict and con­fusion.  It further projects the illusion that you are separate from one another.  Your true direc­tor, however, does not project illusions; it only extends truth and projects unity and joining.


Your mind is actually the director, producer, script-writer, film editor, cast, projectionist, audi­ence and critic.  Your mind, being limitless, has the capacity of changing the movie and every­thing about it at any time.  Your mind has the power of making all deci­sion.  The ego portion of your mind acts as a heavy curtain which blocks you from reality.  You can learn to direct your mind to open the curtain and reveal the light and truth and then the true mind can project al­ternative solutions for dealing with all the conjured up mispercep­tions.  You never run out of al­ternatives—that is the biggest misperception foisted upon mankind for just when you think there are no more alternatives—there is another.  It may not be suitable but alternatives are infinite.  Which ones you choose is the testing.


Do not denounce yourself for conjuring up negative and far out al­ternatives—that simply means the mind is working without re­straints—YOU simply must weed out the inappropri­ate alterna­tives.  Further, if you practice making all decisions in love and according to the Laws of God and Creation, you shall always be in the choos­ing of the alternatives which pre­sent total integrity for nothing less will be acceptable.





Boy, do the “controllers” love this one.  Make a man feel guilty and you have him in prison!  Look around you and realize how many “guilts” are accepted by you simply because some­one else chooses to control you in some manner.  Further, look at the bars of your prison cell and the key to the lock—”fear”.  You can become to­tally immobilized by the “fear” and the guilt keeps you im­prisoned.  You finally cease to function on your own account.  You are given laws of God and Creation—ALL OTHER LAWS ARE STRUCTURED BY OTHER MEN!  So what do you do?  You start being so guilty and finally pronounce your­self unworthy and unde­serving and forfeit all to the rule-mak­ers.  Do you not see that as long as you follow the com­mandments of God and Creation, all else is self inflicted or man inflicted rules and regulations?


The “Conspirators” will even launch a big “guilt campaign” at in­come tax filing time—calling you a “cheater” if in fact, you take deductions which are right­fully yours!  Worse, the forced filing of federal income tax forms is unlawful according to your Constitution as laid down by your founding fathers.  Oh, it is indeed “legal” for it is set up by your United States Legisla­tive Democracy—it is UNLAWFUL!


Ah, but the Constitution made YOU sovereign—We The People of the united states. . ..  Not the United States’ people.  Watch your capital letters and apos­trophes.  The sixteenth amend­ment does not repeal the articles of the Consti­tution.  As an example, the 21st Amendment clearly states that it repeals the 18th Amendment; the 16th Amendment does not even hint that it repeals any of those pre­ceding it which, of course, include the first ten, the BILL OF RIGHTS.  Therefore, since it does not repeal that which came before then you must consider the filing of an income tax form a voluntary act or an “exercised right” and the forced filing caused by the Legislative United States upon a person who is not a citizen of the area of Wash­ington D.C., Puerto Rico or other territories coming under the direct au­thority of Congress is un­lawful according to the Constitution.  For, if you reside in one of the fifty states you are sim­ply a Citizen of the united states and not a United States’ citizen.  No, they won’t tell you that and thusly has all else in your Constitution as to your “rights” under the Constitution been re­worded to defraud YOU THE PEOPLE.


How many of you stand forth at tax time and don’t file?  You may actually be unlawfully fil­ing but do you refrain?  (Editor’s note: The authors of the Con­stitution gave the authority to collect taxes to the States, not to Congress.)  No—you move into total chaotic states of fear and guilt over every entry onto the form—terrified they will catch you in error and imprison you—and if you don’t know differently, that is exactly that which will happen.  Instead of be­coming informed in the truth of it you continue to march to the evil drummer.


Thusly you become, next, a prisoner of anxiety and usually, anger.  Both are equal wardens who then perpetrate upon your being illness, stress and, ulti­mately, immobility of action.





All societies devise a system for administering justice so that when an individ­ual is accused of a crime, he can be tried and, if found guilty, appropriately sentenced to a designated punishment.  This usually takes place in a court of law where three essential participants can be identified: the accused, the prosecutor and the judge.


The accused, or the defendant, may engage a knowledgeable associate to help him, the de­fense lawyer.  In addition, both the defense and the prosecution may solicit witnesses to support their respective cases.  These are presented in a predetermined sequence before the judge, who will decide whether the ac­cused is guilty and what the appropriate punish­ment should be.


In most civilized societies this process may take considerable time in prepara­tion and presenta­tion before a verdict is reached.  Yes, of course I speak in hypothetical and idealis­tic manner for of course your court system has also been crucified by the “conspirators”.


You must see that the court of the mind works much more quickly in pro­cessing all the available information and reaching a verdict—sometimes within a matter of seconds, and rarely more than a few days.


The mind is like a complex computer, able to receive evidence for or against any particular course of action in order to weigh one against the other.  It then makes a decision favoring one or the other according to the evidence pre­sented (or data entered).  It then makes a de­cision based on that information.  When an individ­ual is accused of an emotional crime, his mind makes a deci­sion in the “court” of that mind.  The decision of THAT court is binding and will de­termine that individual’s entire future if the “crime” is not brought up for “retrial” on different evidence.




Well, the holder of the mind (you, for example) is obviously the accused, but who might be the prosecutor?  Who serves as judge?  You probably already are aware of the “crimes” and the ap­propriate “prisons” should you be con­victed and sentenced.  Obviously, you must un­derstand the nature and the function of each participant in this “court of the mind”.


Each of you has at least three ego states with three differing viewpoints.  Your professors have labeled them Child, Parent and Adult.  It is interesting in con­cept and will suffice for our pur­poses herein.




THE THREE EGOS:  CHILD: This is the original and perhaps the cen­tral ego state, the part of you that you refer to when you speak of the “real me”.  It is the feeling part of your being.  The Child feels all your normal emotions: hurt, anger and fear as well as their oppo­sites, happi­ness, love and security.  As the component that provides the drive and energy for your creative activi­ties, it is probably the only ego state observable at birth, although the other ego states are developing as fast as the moments pass.  The Child stands be­fore the bar of justice as the defen­dant in your court of the mind because only the Child ego state experiences feelings.  In fact, that is exactly what the Child is being accused of — having feelings.  This is the very state of be­ing which is required by God in order to enter into His kingdom for the other ego states are stripped away.


The PARENT: Very early in life the Parent ego state develops in re­sponse to contact with peo­ple in the outside world, chief of whom are your parents or surrogate caretakers.  This ego state is mod­eled upon people in the immedi­ate environment, the most important of whom is usually mother, since she is so close to the Child dur­ing the early learning period.  This internal Parent becomes very similar to the important persons in the child’s world.  It merits its name since it is almost identical in thought and behavior to the true par­ents.  A very important ego state to the individual, it provides him with a ready reference to the likely responses of the true parent.  This enables the Child to know in advance what effect his behavior is likely to produce in his parent.


Each individual commences life with an instinctive feeling self.  The expres­sion of the self, the Child ego state, is very much modi­fied by its interaction with the Parent ego state.  The function of the Parent is to gather all the in­formation it can about the people in the immedi­ate environ­ment of the Child so that the Child can re­spond in an harmonious manner to these people.  The Child must get on well with these important people since it depends upon them for its survival.  The Parent ego state therefore strictly mimics these people and adopts their attitudes and be­liefs.


It is vitally important for the Child to maintain his parents’ ap­proval and to avoid their disap­proval.  The internal Parent acts as an excellent means of monitoring and modifying the Child’s behavior to conform with the true par­ents’ ideas and beliefs so that it can get along well with them—exactly the same as going along with any authorities’ rules, whether right or wrong.  At some point the Child cannot discern which is right and which is wrong and, to keep peace and within the acceptance of the “law” of the parents, he simply accepts their guidelines.  The Child is aware of his great dependence upon the true parents for his very existence and they continu­ally reinforce this by example or power with intention, and his greatest fear is that they will abandon him to his own help­lessness and isolation.  This possibility holds very real terror for the Child.


The importance of the Parent ego state can never be underestimated.  Be­cause of its some­times hypercritical attitudes, it may be judged a negative and destructive element in the per­sonality.  This is more apparent than real be­cause the Parent ego state primarily in­tends to protect the Child, although the manner in which it ful­fills this function is frequently archaic and responsible for much mental ill health.  The failure of many therapists to appreciate this important point has limited their understanding of the clini­cal problems pre­sented to them.


At first it is difficult indeed to accept the idea that each of you has more than one aspect to your personality.  You can rather eas­ily accept the Child ego state since most of you are aware of some of your feelings, and you can there­fore appreciate your feeling self, the Child.  However, it may be most difficult to recognize the other ego states in yourselves, and this is particularly true with regard to the Parent.


You can perhaps more readily recognize these ego states in others than in yourselves.  Chil­dren at play, for instance, are happy, sad, angry or scared, clearly in the Child ego state.  At other times, as they mimic parental attitudes and behavior, they are op­erating within the Parent ego state.  Witness the lit­tle girl play­ing with her dolls.  She will scold them for some imagined trans­gression or praise them for some notable accomplishment.  Further observa­tion will reveal that she loves her dolls and cuddles them.  Her behavior re­veals her devel­oping internal Parent, which has mod­eled itself upon her own parents.  In addition, she is adopting some of her par­ents’ attitudes towards herself and is being criti­cal, praising, or loving of herself.  Clearly her Parent is inter­acting with her Child.


The ADULT: Let us now consider the third ego state that can readily be rec­ognized in all hu­man entities.  Probably maturing a bit later than the Parent, it develops from that part of the mind concerned with collecting information about the world around you and filing it away in the memory banks for future reference.  Every minute of the day you are using your five senses and col­lecting information, which proliferates each and every day of experience.  This data, accu­mulated without prejudice, is independent of other people’s opin­ions and beliefs, much like the other knowledge that comes the individual’s way.  This is in direct con­trast to the Parent ego state, which is totally con­cerned with learning exactly how others think and feel, then recording the in­formation.


With ample data at its disposal, the Adult ego state is similar to a highly com­plex computer which can and does arrive at new conclu­sions whenever it is presented with a fresh problem.  These conclu­sions are based upon the im­mense amount of information which has been amassed over the years.  An understanding of the Adult role is particularly important for the analytical consideration in resolv­ing problems which the Parent and Child have created.


With ample data at its disposal, and unlimited additional informa­tion avail­able for the re­searching, the Adult ego is basically un­limited as to capability if not somehow closed down by the other ego states for one cause or another.


Ideally, all three ego states should be acting together in harmony for the greatest well-being of any individual and these three ego states are always present in all humans although in varying states of maturity.  They can best be equated to three separate points of view which step for­ward whenever a situa­tion requires a definite course of action.  The Child ego state within you will have a defi­nite feeling about the situation, often expressed as  a “like” or “dislike”—with ex­pressions of “I like” or “I want” or the oppo­site, “I don’t like” or “I don’t want”.


The Parent ego, as I have said, is very concerned with what others expect and want, and it uti­lizes words that indicate this concern.  When you find yourself saying such things as “I ought” or “I should” or, alternatively, “I ought not” or “I should not”, you are using phrases that express your concern for other peo­ple’s expecta­tions of you.  You are using your Parent ego state.  This ego state also comes into play when, like the little girl with the dolls, you counsel, advise or criti­cize others in a parental manner, or when­ever you take responsibility for others.


When operating from your Adult viewpoint, you are either giving in­formation in a purely factual manner or presenting conclusions that you have reached from information in your possession.  You say things like “I can” or “I will” or “it is”; you may offer the oppo­site state­ments of fact or intention, e.g., “I can­not”, “I will not” or “it is not”.


From the foregoing I trust that you can agree with me on the premise that you are not just one person with a single point of view.  You carry within you more than one point of view about any given situation, and these viewpoints can de­clare war upon one an­other.  Con­sider how quickly a Child’s “I want” may clash violently with the Parent’s “I should not”.  In­cidentally, this is the basis of much Parent/Child conflict of which we still have volumes to present unto you.  Actually, it has all been presented unto you, you probably just haven’t found it all in the set of instructions which came with your new self!


Alright, now you have met the three states of ego, which all of you possess, so it is now pos­sible to consider the role that each plays in the continuing saga of the court drama being played out in the mind.


The ACCUSED: The accused is always the Child, the central part of the per­sonality that is be­ing prosecuted for a feeling or some other attribute that has caused offense.  For exam­ple, the Child may have been accused of existing, of being a girl or a boy, or even having cer­tain unac­ceptable human feelings such as fear, anger or hurt.


The PROSECUTOR: The prosecutor is usually a parent, more probably mother than fa­ther.  Mother is the more likely to be affected by any of the ac­cused’s attributes since she is in close daily contact with the Child. (This, of course, is suppositional and will vary from child to child and circumstance to circumstance.)  Siblings, grandparents and teachers can also function as pros­ecutors.  The accuser is always someone within the Child’s immediate envi­ronment who has been distressed by who he is or something he has done be­cause of who he is.


The manner in which the prosecutor communicates his distress may vary con­siderably, but what­ever method is used, there is no doubt left in the Child’s mind that he is considered en­tirely re­sponsible for the distress caused to the prosecutor.


The JUDGE:  The unenviable task of Judge falls to the Parent.  Why?  Be­cause the Parent functions to prevent the Child from alienating himself from the true parent.  This must be avoided at all costs.  The Parent must therefore judge whether the accusation is indeed cor­rect and whether the prosecutor is sufficiently distressed to consider withdrawal of his sup­port and caring.  The Parent must also determine whether or not a punishment should be imposed which will prevent the recurrence of the offense.


The Judge may be called upon to make a very rapid decision or to postpone judgment until one or more similar accusations have been made and it be­comes clear that alienation of the parent is likely.


The DEFENSE: Since there are two sides to every question, in the court of the mind the case for the defense is always fully consid­ered.


The Child speaks up in his own defense, and his testimony is sim­ple: he was only doing what seemed right to him.  He was just being himself.  This seems to him a totally adequate de­fense.  If pressed, he might also plead that he did not know that being him­self was a crime or that it would distress anyone.


Unfortunately, ignorance of the law is not an adequate defense in any legal system.  The fact that the Child did not know that being himself could be con­sidered a crime avails him noth­ing.  His weak defense is laughed out of court.  The onlookers in the gallery—friends, rela­tives, peers—become hysterical.  How could any Child think that being itself could serve as a defense and that ignorance of the law is acceptable as a defense?  Well, it is nicer in God’s court for it is readily acceptable.  In your world of density it is totally unthink­able!


All is not lost, however.  What about the Adult?  What can he offer in de­fense?  Unfortu­nately, the accusations are usually made before the Adult has gathered enough information about the world to be of much help—no-one usually goes researching until the need arises.  He, too, is acutely aware of the Child’s dependence upon the parent and may confirm that the Child still lacks the physical and emo­tional strength to survive the hazards of the world with­out the help of the parent.  He may reinforce the Child by assuring him that he is not abnormal and that others with the same attributes are not consid­ered criminals for possess­ing them.  But this support is usually quite minimal.


The VERDICT: When the court retires to consider its verdict, it may spend a considerable time in reaching it or decide in the fraction of a second.  A pro­portion of these verdicts are “not guilty” ver­dicts.  You do not need to consider those since no problem will arise.  Ver­dicts of “guilty”, however, are the ones of great con­cern.

 When the Judge (Parent) has found the Child “guilty” he must pass a sentence which will en­sure that the crime will not recur.  Whatever decision the Parent now makes must be acted upon by the Parent ego state.  In the court of the mind, the punishment is always fash­ioned to fit the crime, and many years later, as you analyze the punishment which the Child is un­dergoing, you may hazard a guess at the crime that he was accused of committing.


Sometimes the sentence is not immediately administered but is held over the accused’s head as a threat (probation).  To consider the details you must look closely at the “freedoms” available to the accused.


Dharma, we must have respite please.  Thank you.


We shall consider “the emotions” when we return to the writing.


Salu, and good-morning.             Hatonn

