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 MIssing text on page 124 of Phoenix Journal 47.
[NOTE:  Phoenix Journal 47 was one of the 10 banned Journals by the U.S. Government.   After much searching, Patrick and I were given a xerox copy of Journal 47, as an original at that time in 1996 was very difficuut to find.  We scanned the journal and noticed that on page 124 someone had laid their business card on the page, blocking some of the text.  Because the PDF file we have posted on Fourwinds, along with all the other Journals is under "lock", we are unable to change the PDF document.  Thus, we now include the entire page 124 of Phoenix Journal 47 for all to read.  --AB ]
  [QUOTE from Phoenix Journal 47, p. 124 

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SINS (ERRORS). I know we keep repeating this statement, but it bears repeating and repeating that you ones who call yourselves "so called" Christians who believe I died upon the cross FOR YOUR SINS, KNOW THAT YOU WILL STAND NAKED BEFORE GOD AND SELF IN RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN SINS. I don’t care if you claim you accept JESUS CHRIST as your savior. YOU will "save" your own soul and assets or they will not be "saved".


And what about your soul? YOU will choose to GROW INTO KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-RESPONSIBILITY and abide within the LAWS OF GOD AND NATURE, or you will choose physical destruction of self and thus remain in a place in keeping with your IGNORANCE.


What is even more disturbing to those of us assisting Earth human, is that you ones even seem bent on destroying your very beloved planet! YOUR life-blood of survival as a species is at stake, and YOU SEEM TO CARE NOT ABOUT IT!


This is why WE of YOUR HOSTS most certainly hope that you ones will take heed of the WARNINGS  about HOW NATURE WORKS, especially those given by Germain at this time within the Pleiades Connection series, and that is that Atomic Radiation is BURNING YOU UP, EXPANDING YOUR CELLS OF LIFE AND CREATING DEATH WITHIN YOU AND ALL ABOUT YOU. You MUST stop this madness of developing Nuclear Atomic Plants, because it is coming back upon you; and you think there is suffering now? Oh, MAY GOD HAVE MERCY UPON YOUR SPECIES IN YOUR IGNORANCE OF THAT WHICH YOU DO! YOU WILL REAP BITTERLY THAT WHICH YOU HAVE SOWN UPON MOTHER AND MOST OF YOU KNOW IT NOT!