X22REPORT: First Placeholder Filled, Tracking,Think Conspiracy To Defraud The United States – Episode 2252
First Placeholder Filled, Tracking,Think Conspiracy To Defraud The United States – Episode 2252
The economy continues to improve, everything the [CB]/MSM have tried has failed, they are no longer in control of the economy. More and more sectors of the economy are reporting a V shape recovery. The [CB] is panic mode, they had everything set to move to China, Trump is rebuilding everything the globalists stripped away. The patriots trapped the [DS]/MSM once again, the plan was constructed to move the players to where the patriots want them to be. The elections are very important, the [DS] has tried everything and their last attempt is to get mail-in voting, Trump is getting ready to release the winning move. The placeholders are now being filled, think conspiracy to defraud the united states, treason and crimes against humanity.