We petition by ourMighty God Spirit within, for a great, great love of our Creator, for all of the Lighted Masters and for ALL of Creation.
By our Mighty I Am Presence, we petition and humbly ask for GodAton, and Creation, to immediately uncreate ALLTHE DEBRIS (bodies, ships, cars, etc.), pollution,pollutants, plastic and ALL metal (tin, aluminum and barium, etc.), ALL dumps and dumping grounds,andfills, sewage, oil, chemicals and chemicalresidue, nuclear and all radioactivity from themisuse, not caring, and improper knowledge and handling of ALL of the elements of ether, earth (soil and rocks), air, fire and WATER, and All elementsnand minerals ever created in and on Mother Eart and the Moon,especially, metal and all the radioactive elements.
This includes everything tha has EVER been done to ALL the elements and minerals from ALL evil and ALL unbalance, from all civilizations from the beginning of their existence topresent, on Mother Earth and the Moon.
We also petition for a COMPLETE release, cleansing an immediate uncreation of all the pain and shackles of ALL the elements and minerals on Mother Earth an the Moon.
We petition for All that is uncreated and released to be immediately transmuted away by St. Germain’s Violet Flame from this Low Octave to the Higher Octaves and Aethers and gone for alleternity!!!
We petition for Liquid Love to continuously be infused within, and surround all the elements and minerals. We petition for them to now be able to cleanse and purify Mother Earth and the Moon when they transition.
We thank our Creator, Creation, anALL the Lighted Realms for helping us and being here for us!!! Thank you for all the lessons in this illusion!!!
Please surround us all and all the Cosmos, with the Golden Light of Sananda, the White Light of God, Aton, and the Blue Light of St. Michael! We ask this to be done in Sananda’s name!!! Amen!!!