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Message From Kyron - February 13, 2002

Channeled Through Nancy Tate

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m Kryon, and I welcome you to my energies this day. This is the kind of day that makes giants weep and the most delicate of creatures hide their faces in sorrow and jubilation at the same time. This is the kind of a day when the whole world sits up and takes notice of the trees and the flowers, for they recognize that they are as one with all of them.

I love to bring you news of the kind that I have today, for this is the proof of the Divinity of you all. This has been a day to end all days. It is a day that is unheralded in the annals of time. It is about the wonderful energy of the Holy that I speak. We here on this side of the veil see all of you in your unbridled fury collecting all the blessings that you have turned your backs on for so long. We look just a wee distance into the future, my dears, and we see the picture as it unfolds in the canopy under which you labor for so long.

My dear ones, you are the angels of the highest order, and you come from Heaven to play a part in the production of the ages. This has been an interesting time, I must say, for there has been none other like it. We continue to monitor the progress with which you ascend to the degree that you left when you fell. We see that you will return and soar right by that position, into the sweetness of the beyond, for in your time on earth my sweet ones you have attained a greater degree of knowledge and understanding than the time in which you came to this time and space in the universe.

There is a great deal to be done still in the play that you are performing. There is a necessity for the amount of freedom that you bring to the choices that lay before you. Do I tell you often enough that you are beautiful in your positions as angels in the highest order? Do you realize yet the wonderful tasks you perform?

I tell you now that there is none higher, for there is really no lineage and progression of the attitude that can be achieved. It is all degrees of the same, my dears, and it is all Holy. There is no better or worse, only differing degrees of the same.

My dears, I wish to project to you a possibility that there are no devils on earth, only angels. Do you know this yet? Are there those among you who do not realize yet the infinity of the love that resounds around your planet? There are many who would say that is folly; you have only to look beyond your own door to see the devilry that takes place in certain parts of the world these days. I say, you are seeing only the illusion, and it is in perfect order. The energies build to ward off the indecision that could be prevalent in the world today. Do you see many in the offices of the land today who are indecisive in their stands? Do you see that the lightworkers are milling about and saying, I am not sure about this; let’s talk it over before we decide we want to march for peace?

No, my friends, we see absolute devotion to the cause that is supporting the actions that are being taken. There is an unbounded love for the position one takes every step of the way. Even heaven is involved in the playing out of the nuances of the mighty, for the chips will fall where they may, and the choice is up to the direction in which the chips are propelled.

My dears, there is a virtual army of Divine beings who are directing this display. There are no bit parts in the production that is being played out in the direction of the ascension of the people of earth, and indeed earth herself. Everytime there is a skirmish on earth; there is a direct correlation in the Spirit of the Divinity of it. Everytime there is a beguiling event on earth that involves the playout of the various countries of the world against each other, there is direct proportionate interventionary energy playout in Heaven. We are a playful lot, as are you. We have watched you and learned from you. Yes, we are able to learn from the thirds dimension, as you learn from the other dimensions.

When the coming together of the forces of goodness and light stream across the faces of the people on earth, it does so with the support of the love of the Divinity. This is the forward moving of the cosmos, and the wonderful production of the coming together of the events of change on earth. We have told you that there is a change in direction that takes you beyond Armageddon and into the realm of a brand new way of being. It is all in your creative hands and you will bring to your lives the results of the play you brought to this point. You are opening up a whole new paradigm, and you are putting your individual stamps of identity on the energies that come from this new paradigm.

I tell you this, my dears, that there is going to be an interventionary piece of the puzzle that will be presented at some time in the future. What you do between then and now will determine the necessity of using that energy. It is all perfect, no matter the outcome. The very energy of intervention is in the hands of all of you. In a way, you could say that there will be no intervention, for the mere presence of that energy gives you the fuel by which to carry out the result yourselves. Yes, my friends; it is through your intent to move beyond the warring energies that will give you the energies of intervention from which you can draw. It is a match that will take place that will bring the result to agreement with all there is. There will be no other side to the issue. Do you see what I say, my friends? There will only be the intent for the peace on the planet, for once the intent is of a magnitude that produces the interventionary energies, you have already reached the point of total agreement for peace to reign forever.

Now this may look different on your planet, in the illusionary events that come forth. It may look as though there is a continuance of the warring energies, and the outcome may seem very threatening indeed. However, my dear ones, remember, that is the illusion. Right up to the actual playing out of the parts of the roles, there is going to be an accumulation of the energy that will propel you all beyond the supposed annialation, and into the peace of the world that you have, in a sense, already created in your minds and hearts, through your intent. You have such power here! You are all in control of the destiny of the planet, for there is no stronger element of peace than the unitedness of the percentage that spells success in the physics of the equation. It is the continuation of the frequency in the protrusion of the elements of success that produce the equitable percentage for the outcome of the number twelve. That number is the one that takes you into the next dimension, where the new directive of thirteen will take the energy to the new level and beyond.

Do you see the value in playing your parts to their fullest? Do you see the value in living your present moment to the utmost? This is the equation by which success is achieved. This is the energy by which you will find yourselves in the situation that you intend for yourselves. Keep the vision that is your utmost desire and intent clear and strong, even in the face of adversity and strife. Know that the outcome is the total of all of your intentions and the energies that are created in the knowing. You are in a position here to create the strongest case for peace that the earth has ever seen. This is the only outcome that will come about, for the energies have already been created, and the holding of that energy will bring it into existence. Steadfastness and a peaceful heart will propel the remaining darkness out into the cosmos to be transmuted and returned as renewed love and power to fill the gaps with the energy of the Holy Divinity. The projections of the darkness that plague the world today are just that projections of the holographic mirror that reflects the darkness that you shed as you follow the energies of the Light into the bliss of the moment. You are the children of God who are the prodigal ones who return to the fold after the long journey of rediscovery. Your return will be welcomed with open arms and a loving embrace by the wonderful infinity of the God that is All.

There are no lost ones in the fold; and the taste of your wine on the lips of the beautiful is the nectar of the Gods who bring the infinite love to the table of the first supper in the new energy of love and compassion. There is nothing sweeter, or more profound than to see the assembly of angels as they proceed toward the gates of heaven and know that it is the Pearly Gates that lead you to the state of living in the physicality of life on earth in the energy of the Light that supports you. It is a brand new thing that you do, and we are standing here with tears streaming down our faces filled with the love and thanksgiving that comes from seeing a job well done. You are almost at those gates, and the sight is sweet.

And so it is!

Copywrite, 02/13/03

Nancy Tate
