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HATONN: WILL WE EVER LEARN? Continued History Lesson Called: BEHIND COMMUNISM - Part 7


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Will We EVER Learn?

Continued History Lesson Called: BEHIND COMMUNISM  -  Part 7


10/7/93 #1    HATONN


To keep you focused on the subject which will ultimately be one of the two ONLY REMAINING IMPORTANT FOCUSES ON THE "ENEMY" OF GOD, I must keep going on our current subject material.  We had worked our way up to Stalin in BEHIND COMMUNISM.  And, right there shall we take up with the writing.

You can SEE FOR YOURSELVES what is in front of you if you will but LOOK instead of believing the lies tossed at you as if from an afternoon viewing of the next episode of Soap Opera!

Let us take up here, where we left off, with "Stalin's Past", please.


Some authors have suggested that Stalin is, himself, a Jew.  Known facts do not bear this out. Stalin (born Joseph Vissarionovich) Djugashvili) was born in the mountain village of Gori, situated in the province of Georgia, in 1879. His father, Vissarion Djugashvili, was a peasant from the neighboring town of Dido-Lilo.  His mother was Ekaterina Geladze, whose forbearers were serfs in the village of Gambareuli.

Not too much is known about Stalin's father.  He was, for a time, a cobbler and he seems to have worked as a day laborer in a shoe factory in Adelkhanov. He is said to have been a heavy drinker.

Stalin's mother was a devoutly religious woman who took in washing to feed her family and her life's ambition was to see her son become a priest.  Young "Stalin" attended the elementary school in Gori--a four-year course--and in 1894, he obtained a free scholarship to the Tiflis Theological Seminary which provided free clothing, books, and food in addition to his tuition.  Four years later, he was expelled after which he applied himself to revolutionary activity.

Stalin's first wife was Ekaterina Svadidze, who bore him one son (Yasha-Jacob) Djugashvili. Jacob was a dullard who, even after his father became dictator, worked as an electrician and a railway mechanic.

Stalin's second wife was Nadya Alliluyeva, who bore him a son, Vasili, and a daughter, Svetlana. Vasili is now a major-general in the Red Air Force.  [H: Remember, there is no information accompanying this document--not even a date of writing, so it is "past tense" in every situation--but judging from the dates mentioned--we can calculate that it is not "ancient" history.  In fact, most of you in the elder generation will remember VERY WELL these castings of characters.]

Svetlana Stalin has been married twice.  Nothing is known of her first husband--we do not even know when the marriage occurred or where, or who the groom was.  It is an official government secret.


The fate, as well as the identity, of Svetlana's first husband, remains unknown.  But, of her second husband, there is no doubt whatever; he is Mihail Kaganovich, son of Politburo member Lazar Kaganovich, and he is a Jew.  [H: Right here, we know that the history is outdated for recently in television exposes the story of Svetlana and her current state of total alcoholism has been predominantly displayed in the tabloids and tabloid media programs.]  This leads one to speculate as to the true position of Lazar Kaganovich in Russia today.  With a sister married to Stalin and a son married to Stalin's only daughter, he is, to say the least, in a unique position.  Just where Stalin's power leaves off and Kaganovich's begins is difficult to determine.


One of the most frequent arguments used to disprove the Jewishness of Russia's present-day leadership, strangely enough, revolves around Lazar Kaganovich.  Propagandists are fond of pointing him out as "the only Jewish member of the Politburo", the suggestion being that since the Politburo contains only one Jew, it is plainly not Jewish controlled.  [H: It is important to note that almost all of the really deep information came out of the foreign presses, those other than the U.S., because even these statements, such as referring to anyone as a "Jew" was already considered "Anti-Semitic" and barred from the already Jew-controlled media and press in America.]  But this argument will not stand the light of day; it completely ignores the fact that both Premier Stalin and vice-premier Molotov have Jewish WIVES.  [H: Do you see how subtle is the information control?]  And, it conveniently overlooks the fact that the solitary Jew, Kaganovich, is double related to Stalin by MARRIAGE.  Kaganovich is not just another member of the Politburo--he is Stalin's brother-in-law and his chief advisor and trouble-shooter.  The Stalin-Molotov-Kaganovich combination which rules Russia today is just as solidly Jewish as was the original Lenin-Zinoviev-Kamenev-Trotzky government.  [H: Ah, but we now begin to have a clue as to the dating of this writing.  There is a "date" mentioned a bit later of July 1951, so it becomes safe to assume the original documents were assembled and presented AFTER July of 1951--still within the lifespan of MANY OF YOU READERS.  You must understand why this is important; it only requires two generations and into the third--TO TOTALLY CHANGE THE PRESENTATION OF HISTORY AND ACCOMPLISH THE FULL BRAIN-WASHING TAKEOVER OF CIVILIZATION!  YOU ARE THERE!]


In the Communist satellite nations, as in Russia, the Jews occupy virtually every key position of power.  Perhaps no better proof of this can be found than in John Gunther's book, BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN.  Gunther, a Jew-loving "liberal" of the most sickening type, reveals that Poland, Hungary, Rumania, and Czechoslovakia all have Jewish Dictators.  This is shown by an excerpt from his book, "10. Jews play a very prominent role in several governments. Here, we tread delicate ground.  The three "Muscovites" who run Hungary are Jews, the men who dominate Poland are Jews, the secretary general of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia is a Jew, Ana Pauker or Romania is a Jewess.  This brings up the grave point that Jews, as a race and a nation, may be unjustly assessed blame--by the ignorant--for the murder...."

However, Gunther vigorously denies Communism is Jewish.  This, from one who is totally pro-Jewish. And, about Hungary: The three "Muscovites" mentioned by Gunther (above), are the Jews, Matyas, Rakosi (Rosencranz), Erno Gero (Singer), and Zoltan Vas.  Hungary has enjoyed the unique privilege of undergoing two bloody Communist dictatorships, both Jewish-led.  The first was that of Bela Kun.  When Kun's regime collapsed in 1919, hundreds of his Jewish compatriots fled with him to Russia, among whom were Matyas Rakosi, and Erno Gero.

In 1945, when the Communists took over the country, Matyas Rakosi was installed as the supreme dictator of Hungary, with Erno Gero and Zoltan Vas occupying positions number two and three.

Rakosi is an intimate of Stalin, knew Lenin personally, and was Commissar of Social Production under Bela Kun.  He is a typical member of the Jewish bureaucracy which controls international Communism.

Although every foreign correspondent and every news service knows the identity of these "Iron Curtain" dictators, they are seldom mentioned in the press and never are they IDENTIFIED AS JEWS.  Any newspaperman daring to identify the Communist leadership as Jewish would instantly be threatened with loss of advertising and would be accused of "bigotry" and "anti-Semitism".  [H: Anyone getting an "inkling" of what might be going on now?  WHO IS THIS YELTSIN?  WHO CONTROLS THE MEDIA AND PRESS OR THE US?  THE WORLD? DOESN'T LOOK TOO GOOD, DOES IT?  WHY?  BECAUSE YOU ARE "TOLD" EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOLD TO CONFUSE AND TOTALLY MISINFORM YOU-THE-PEOPLE!  YOU ARE SO BUSY ARGUING OVER ABORTIONS AND "GET THE GUNS AWAY" FROM EVERYBODY EXCEPT THE CRIMINALS--AS TO TOTALLY MISS THE OVERALL IMPORTANT ISSUES--YOUR LIVES AND THAT OF YOUR NATIONS.]

Poland: Poland has shared the tragic fate of Hungary.  "The Men Who Dominate Poland" (Gunther) are the Jews, Minc, Skryeszewski, Modzelewski, and Berman.  The first three are of cabinet rank, while Jacob Berman's official position is that of Under-Secretary of State--a minor office.  Yet, it is this Jacob Berman who is the undisputed boss of Poland.

Berman, a product of the Warsaw ghetto, has lived in Russia and was installed as dictator over Poland when the Russian armies took over the country. He prefers to work behind the scenes as much as possible--a device frequently used to hide the Jewishness of Communism. Poland's Jewish bureaucracy is perhaps the largest of any Iron Curtain outside of Russia proper. Although Jews comprise less than 3% of the total population behind the Iron Curtain, they occupy virtually every position of authority. These facts should convince even the most doubtful that BEHIND Communism stands the international JEW. JEWS AND COMMUNISTS WILL NEVER BOTHER TO DENY THIS, BUT THEY WILL VICIOUSLY ATTACK THOSE WHO EXPOSE THE TRUTH.

Romania: Anna Pauker, well known as the boss of Romania, is so obviously Jewish and so well recognized as such, that documentation is unnecessary.

Anna was born in Bucharest of orthodox Jewish parents. Her father (who was a Kosher butcher) and a brother now live in Israel. Anna earned a living for a time teaching Hebrew and for a while she lived in the U.S. Here husband became identified as a "Trotskyite" and was executed in one of Stalin's purges. Today, Anna Pauker is one of the most powerful figures in the Communist world.

Yugoslavia: The only non-Jewish dictator behind the Iron Curtain is Tito of Yugoslavia, which fact probably explains his revolt against the Kremlin. But, Tito was tutored by the Jew, Mosa Pljade. Says John Gunther of Pljade: "He is Tito's mentor... Whatever ideological structure Tito may have, he got from this shrewd old man."


Czechoslovakia: The secretary-general of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia, whom John Gunther identifies as a Jew dictator, is Rudolph Slansky.  Like the other satellite dictators, he was placed in command of things when the Communists took over.  Slansky, incidentally, has been purged by the party and is, at this writing, under arrest.

The following excerpt is taken from page 10 of the December 10th QUICK magazine.  "A Czech Purge: Moscow, upset by unrest in Czechoslovakia and by the failure of Czech workers to produce at rates the Kremlin ordered, found a scapegoat: Rudolf Slansky.  A down-the-line Moscow stooge and former Red boss of Czechoslovakia, Slansky was unpopular with the Czechs.  His expected execution was designed..." NOTICE that although Slansky is identified as the "former Red Boss" of Czechoslovakia, HE IS NOT IDENTIFIED AS A JEW.

[H: Now, we come to the part Dharma has dreaded since start on this subject.  I should acknowledge right here and right now--that the majority of Dharma's "working" life was spent in total integration with leaders of the Jewish people, doctors, and lawyers.  She can relate to that which we write but she was both adored and well-treated in all instances and she, like every one of you (especially those calling yourselves Jews) must recognize this for what it is and not that which is brought against you as a nation and-or a people.  Would those with whom she worked back the "freedom" or "Israeli" side of the issue?  The Israeli--in every instance and did so.  Do they KNOW what is taking place? No, but being brain-trained to accept their "put-upon" status as taught through the generations--they support the IDEA of a homeland, a nation, a recognition and a place of prestige.  Do you not see how these desires bring the basic instinct of a "race" or "creed" to power?  The recognized "Jew" is basically brilliant, shrewd, and well "educated" to his purpose.  This is not "BAD"--this is the way IT IS!  To go forth and blame your neighbor for that which he understands even less that do you--is stupid and unthinkable.  To shoot your black neighbor because a black child shot another in Los Angeles is equally stupid.  If you can't find THE TRUTH of the reasons BEHIND THESE ACTIONS AGAINST FREEDOM IN ALL STATES OF THE GLOBE--you will never change anything except the escalation of the confrontations.]


Jewish historians divide Jewish immigration into the U.S. into three phases: the Sephardic or Spanish Period, the German Period, and the Russian-Polish Period.


Since colonial America was still a pioneer country, there were almost no Jews here before the American Revolution.  In 1776, there were certainly no more than a few scores of Sephardic Jews in the entire country.  Modern Jewish historians have tried to prove the existence of two Jewish privates in Washington's armies but the question is of no consequence either way.  By 1830--50 years after The Declaration of Independence, and 220 years after the founding of Jamestown--there were an estimated 10,000 Jews in the U.S., comprising perhaps 1/5th of 1% of the total population.  [H: So is it not interesting that the "founding" parties and leaders of your nation were almost ALL Freemasons?  This is a prime Zionist Khazarian Jew organization from the Illuminati.]


During this period a fairly steady trickle of German Jews came to the U.S., mainly from Germany, so that by 1880 they numbered about 250,000, our of a total population of 50 million--about 1/2 of 1%.  [H: Now, get ready for interesting data.] RUSSIAN-POLISH PERIOD

Following the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, vast numbers of Russian Jews inundated our port cities; between 1881 and 1917, our Jewish population increased by 1200%--to more than three million!

World War I and the Russian Revolution added to this influx.  Many Jews left Poland when, as a result of the Versailles Treaty, it was made independent of Soviet Russia; others fled Russia during the counter-revolution and civil war which raged in 1918-1919-1920.  The White Russian Armies, regarding Bolshevism as a Jewish movement, showed little mercy to those Jewish communities falling into their hands.  Many Jews, fleeing these anti-Communist armies, eventually made their way to the U.S.  [H: Already, readers, it MUST be evident that there were and are Jews and there are "Khazarian ZIONIST (Communist-Socialist-Fascist) "JEWS".]

This flood of immigration continued until 1924 when the Johnson-Lodge bill temporarily brought it to a halt.  However, when the Roosevelt administration came to power in 1932, the barriers were once again lowered, so that in the calendar year of 1939, 52.3% of all immigrants admitted to the U.S. were Jews.  Since World War II, this influx has continued under so-called DP legislation, with the result that approximately half of the world's Jewish population has now congregated here.  Today, official Jewish sources estimate America's Jewish population to be (1949) 5,185,000.  The actual figure is almost certainly higher and may exceed 7 million. [H: Now, perhaps, you can see why Hatonn doesn't pull information out of the "blue" FOR you--if you wait and research, you can find your answers, i.e., "when was this book written?"  It now has to be after 1949 but prior to the following "census"--putting you somewhere around 1952.]


"The newly arrived Jews settled in the metropolitan centers, New York alone absorbing approximately half of the total Jewish immigration.  But, the "ghettoization" of the East-European Jews in the United States was the result not of objective forces only, it was as much the result of the immigrant's desire to retain all they could of their old way of life."  --Page 218, The Jewish People, Past and Present, Central Yiddish Culture Organization (CYCO) New York.

New York City, with its more than two million Jews, has been the staging ground for the Jewish invasion of the U.S.  Here, the Jewish immigrant has found a ghetto-like environment similar to the one he left in East-Europe.  Here, he learns the language and customs of the country.  Here, he gathered know-how and capital before facing forth into the hinterland of America.  Soon, he would be buying up a business on the Main Street of Los Angeles or Dallas or Chicago.


Many "lower class" Jews, being unable to learn the language or raise the capital, or being otherwise unequipped to go into business or the professionals, have settled in New York to become workers and craftsmen.  Thus, we find Ben Gold's Communistic fur workers union, and David Dubinsky's "socialistic" garment workers union, consisting almost entirely of Jews.  As would be expected, therefore, New York City has been the seed-bed for Communism in the United States.


The American Communist Party has never been very large.  In 1940, it had an estimated 80,000 members; it has perhaps half that many more.  On first appearances, this would seem to rule it out as a significant force in American politics.  But, appearances can be deceptive. Unlike the mass-recruited Communist parties of France and Italy, the American Communist party is small, carefully chosen, well-disciplined, and fanatical.  Few--perhaps none--of its membership has been recruited from the sweaty-shirt strata.  Its members are college professors and union leaders, physicists and government workers, playwrights, and business executives, actors and newspaper reporters.  Some of its members are wealthy; almost all are well educated.  Its chief asset is its ability to mobilize the combined forces of American Jewry to its use.


Since early 1945, the Communist Party has been involved in a series of highly publicized treason and conspiracy trials utterly without precedent in American history.  These included the "Amerasia Case", the "Gerhart Eisler Case", the "Judith Coplin Case", the "Alger Hiss Case", the "Hollywood Ten Case", the "Fuchs-Gold Atom Spy Case", the "Rosenberg-Soball Case", and the case of "Eugene Dennis and the Convicted Eleven".

It was impossible, of course, to conceal altogether the Jewishness of the overwhelming majority of the defendants. But, Jewish propagandists exhausted every trick in trying.  One Jewish publication--Look magazine--ran a picture story on the spy trials in which the defendants were variously described as "typical Americans"..."American born"...and "As American as apple pie". So, there will be no further doubt regarding the racial identity of the American Communist Party, we have accumulated photographs and data on virtually every Communist indicated or tried for communistic activity since 1945.  The reader may judge for himself.  [H: I will have to leave it to the printing staff to evaluate the technology of presenting copies of these pictures.  I do think it is important if you can find a way to do so.  Pictures speak ever so much more eloquently and vividly than mere words.]  {See pages 15-19 for collage picture spread.}


In early 1945, the FBI arrested six individuals, three of whom are known Jews, for stealing 1700 highly confidential documents from State Department files.  This was the Amerasia Case.  Those arrested were:

PHILLIP JAFFE, a Russian Jew who came to the U.S. in 1905.  He was editor of the magazine, Amerasia, and was the former editor of the Communist paper, Labor Defense.  He was convicted and fined.

ANDREW ROTH, a Brooklyn-born Jew with a lieutenant's commission in Naval Intelligence.

MARK GAYN, a writer, born in Manchuria of Russian-Jewish parents.  His Jewish name is Julius Ginsberg.

JOHN STEWART SERVICE, a high State Department official who gave Jaffe much of the stolen material.  He is believed to be a Gentile.

ALSO ARRESTED were Emmanuel Larsen and Kate Mitchell, nationality unknown.

Only two of those arrested were actually brought to trial, although the Justice Department's case was considered airtight.  [H: Which is undoubtedly WHY they were not brought to trial.]  The trial of the ringleader, Phillip Jaffe, was one of the strangest on record.  Late on Friday afternoon, he was rushed into court without any previous notice or publicity and before anyone knew what was going on, he pleaded guilty and was sentenced and fined.  By paying the comparatively insignificant sum of $1,500.00, he was relieved from the danger of any future prosecution.  Roth paid a $500.00 fine.

John Stewart Service was not prosecuted, nor was he discharged from his high State Department position.  The State Department, despite the constant prodding of Senator McCarthy of Wisconsin, refused to accept the evidence against him.  Four times he was called before the State Department's "loyalty board" and four times he was cleared.  This, in spite of an FBI wire recording of his transactions with Jaffe!  Not until the fifth loyalty hearing was it decided that there were "reasonable" grounds for suspecting his loyalty.  This came six years after the original arrests.  Somewhere, hidden hands were pulling wires.


Let us sign off for now.  Thank you and Salu.



Source:  CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, October 12, 1993, Volume 3, Number 3, Pages 6-9.


A "Chance" Conversation With Russian-Ukrainians


Editor's note: We received the following report on 10/9/93 from a third party, L.A., and share it with you readers because of its timely correspondence to and verification of the main subject of this week's CONTACT.  Report on encounter Friday, October 8, 1993, at 3:15 P.M., at rest stop on Highway 101, 32 miles north of San Luis Obispo [Kalifornia] with a former "unemployed" KGB agent and a Russian secret service police operative, with Americans John Younger and Bill Carr.  All quotes are from Russian-Ukrainian to English, with a handicap of not being a practicing interpreter.


Upon returning from Sunnyvale, after spending ten hours in discussion regarding remedies of Law needed to circumvent the imposed contractural disabilities proposed by the 39 men who "insured" the Blessings of Liberty to THEMSELVES and THEIR Posterity," Bill and I stopped for a much needed rest at a rest stop, and I started reading the latest issue of CONTACT.

A woman sitting across from me noticed the word Khazar on page 11, and started commenting on it, while speaking in Russian to her friend, Luisa.  She made several other comments, which I listened to and then decided to join her conversation in her language.  This started a very friendly exchange of ideas; political, spiritual, and economic regarding the lack of knowledge of the American people.  She commented, "How can Americans be so gullible to believe what the news media is feeding them regarding the political and economic happenings in the world today?"

I made a comment about the snow in Moscow in September, (from page 6).  "Their ability to control the weather is beyond your comprehension," she told me.  Luisa then commented, "The planned starvation of the Ukrainian people will eliminate at least 20-30 thousand this winter alone."

My comments were directed more to Luisa now because she had just arrived in America from the University of Lvov, Ukraine.

She told me that the people there are preparing for survival in the upcoming preplanned genocide by those in control, by planting gardens, storing food and accumulating livestock and whatever else necessary for survival.

Landscapes have changed to small farmscapes in almost every village.  This massive planned starvation of the Ukrainian people and others in the disbanded republics of USSR is for those who have no allegiance to [or are resistant to] Communism and it's "superiority to all other forms of control."

No one is allowed to leave the country unless they are very hard-line Communist. She also said there are more political and religious freedoms in the disbanded republics, for a short time, than here in America.

There is no currency in the Ukraine, only coupons. Basketful of coupons are required to purchase even daily sustenance.  About 95% of the manufacturing facilities are operating with only skeleton crews limited to 2- or 3-day work weeks for lack of raw materials and power. There is no power except for selected days.

All of this is designed to keep the people demoralized and in total fear and submission. Luisa's job there in the secret police is no longer necessary as the task of preparing the people for submission to the NEW WORLD ORDER has already been accomplished.

I then started directing my remarks in the form of questions to Nina, so that she would not feel left out of the conversation.  I opened my comments with, "If the information is not classified, would you mind discussing your involvement at your school?

She replied, "We are teaching a Russian language accelerated course to a ten-student class, 6 hours a day, 6 days a week."  Nina remarked there were over 100 teachers doing this on a daily basis, all with a similar background as hers.

Nina, "formerly" a KGB teacher of the English language, taught English to Russian agents in Russia.  Her teaching experience was about 15 years in Russia.  She is presently employed by the Defense Language Institute in Monterey, teaching Russian to American military people in various ranks of both enlisted and officers with various security clearances.  Comment was made that enlisted personnel had higher CIA status clearances than officers did.

Information flowed freely to every question as Nina felt all Americans were already cognizant of the future Russian-American joint ventures into establishing the Police State here in "Zone 10".

Nina was irritated by my patriotic fervor for freedom and commented, "Why are you Ukrainians so stubborn and bullheaded to fight the inevitable; our world domination!?"  (Russian or Khazar??)

She said, "We have so many or our agents working within your patriot groups using them to drive a wedge between people to prevent friendships from becoming lasting ones based on trust.  We have been able to do this with fear and intimidation and it has worked perfectly in dividing the people from uniting to the common cause of freedom."

Without showing my irritation, I told her that at a recent gun show I saw tables of ammunition being bought out in a very short time after the show opened.  "Americans, like Ukrainians," I told her, "will not allow their country to be taken over and are waking up to the NEW WORLD ORDER."

Nina retorted, "We confiscated registered weapons throughout the Soviet Union to prevent insurrection.  Our new techniques of locating unregistered firearms have been perfected and may soon be put into use by your regulatory forces in America."

Nina stated her allegiance was neither to America nor to Russia, as her status is above any level of comprehension.  She has freedom of movement within the world and is not bound by any international regulations.

Luisa joined in after the topic changed to religion.  "The religious freedoms now being enjoyed are soon to be converted to the state imposed One World Religion."  Luisa called them "religious fanatics".  "They hunger for the word of God like no other people in history before.  The people are swallowing the lie of religion, grasping for some hope of salvation, regardless of whether it's cultist or doctrinely sound biblically.  Owning to the amount of idle time due to lack of work, people are undertaking religious studies very seriously."

I did not disclose to them that I had just viewed a video on the real church groups in the Ukraine, creatively developing their own hymns or praise and thanksgiving for use in their services.

The Bible study groups are trying to develop sound doctrine from fragments of scripture obtained in Spirit-filled, God-inspired teachers.  Their sequestered existence from any form of religious-spiritual freedom could not extinguish their bond with God, The Creator.

Many small "ecclesias" (meaning, "called out from amongst") gather together for praise and worship frequently, in their own way, as The Spirit moved them.  The children were thrilled to be able to sing songs of praise, knowing that their parents would not be taken from them by an agent of the secret police in the middle of the night.  The secret police were inactivated. How long will this religious freedom endure?

My parting comments were that many Americans are now dissolving their political contractural liabilities and are refusing to finance or fee "the Beast" that is overcoming them.  Her parting comments were, "Have a safe journey.  Doshvedania!"



Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, October 12, 1993, Volume 3, Number 3, Pages 33-34.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.