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History Of The Khazars


5/5/90   HATONN



Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance.  May we share a bit more vision so that the way becomes more lighted.  Thank you.


Why do I implore you to look at the ugly instead of as the New Age Movement would have you look?  Because they pronounce falseness unto you and if the vision is incorrect or there is no vision in truth, man shall perish--no more and no less. You must awaken unto the truth of your existence and know the players in the game of control and must do so before it becomes too late to longer matter.


Prior to unfolding more of the story as pertains to Israel and the Zionists, you must realize that I am speaking not of the beloved Jewish "people" of your world, any more than I would have you believe all Catholic priests and nuns practice (or even know of) the activities within the walls of a cloistered convent.  For instance, we have one with us who served as a Catholic priest for more than thirty years with a parish of some 1,015,000 parishioners.  He was only in a cloistered convent on one occasion and that was for a white veil ceremony.  Of course, you ones know not these things--this is precisely WHY I am telling you these tales of unpleasant and seemingly paranoiac circumstances.

If you do not know what it is you need to correct, how can you be in the correcting of it?

You cannot begin to understand world circumstances in any segment of geographical location without some knowledge about the past seven decades of struggle for control of the Kremlin.  But that struggle, in turn, is a portion of an even bigger historical picture.  You are still witnessing in full flower the on-going and climaxing of a war of more than a millennium between the two most bitter enemies on earth.  It is the war between Russia and the Khazars.  And, dear ones, how many of you have even the vaguest notion of who or what are Khazars?

The kingdom of the Khazars vanished from the map of the world many centuries ago, but their impact is greater this day than in any prior time segment.  Today, most people have never even heard of them or their lands, so you need not bow your head in embarrassment.  If you do not continue and then follow up with a bit of research to prove my words unto self--then bow your head in embarrassment before God who would delight in seeing you of His creations come into truth.

In its day, the Khazar Kingdom was a very major power indeed, holding sway over a large empire of subjugated peoples.  It had to be reckoned with by the two neighboring superpowers of that day.  To the south and west of Khazaria, the Byzantine Empire was in full flower with its Eastern Orthodox Christian civilization.  To the southeast, the Khazar Kingdom bordered on the expanding Moslem Empire of the Arab Caliphs.  The Khazars influenced the histories of both of these other empires but, far more importantly, the Khazar Kingdom occupied what was later to become a southern portion of Russia between the Black and Caspian seas.  As a result, the historical destinies of the Russians and the Khazars became intertwined in ways that have persisted down to the present day.

I suggest that if you have trouble with this information and also in locating information regarding these people, you should get a book by a British writer/historian about the Khazars.  Arthur Koestler, THE 13TH TRIBE - THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE.  No, Dharma, do not get it for I shall give you all you need to know about it.  But for others, let me see-yes, Random House, New York should be a source.

The Khazars were derived from a mixture of Turks, Finns, and Mongols (this latter is important when considering the projections of one Nostradamus, as to the anti-Christ).  As early as the third century AD, they were identifiable in constant warfare in the areas of Persia and Armenia. Later, in the 5th century, the Khazars were among the devastating hordes of Attila, the Hun.  Around 550 AD, the nomadic Khazars began settling themselves in the area around the northern Caucasus between the Black and Caspian seas.  The Khazar capital of Itil was established at the mouth of the Volga River, where it emptied into the Caspian, in order to control the river traffic.  The Khazars then extracted a toll of 10% on any and all cargo which passed Itil on the River.  Ah yes, taxways all the way to the 5th century. Anyone who refused to pay the tax (toll) was immediately attacked and slaughtered-not greatly different from today.

With their kingdom firmly established in the Caucasus, the Khazars gradually began to create an empire of subjugated peoples.  Other tribes, who were comparatively peaceful, were promptly attacked and conquered.  They then became attached as portions of the Khazar Empire, required to pay tribute continually to the Khazar Kingdom and the Khazar coffers.

This is not different in concept for all conquered peoples have had to give tribute to the conquering Empire, but I assure you, not in the manner of the Khazars.  The so-called great empires of the world always gave something in return for the tribute they extracted.  Rome, for example, made citizens of those they conquered, and in return for the taxes they levied, they brought civilization, order, and protection against attack from would-be invaders.

Not so in the Khazar Empire.  The peoples who were subject to the Khazars received only one thing in return for their payments of tribute, and that was only one thin and shaky promise that the Khazars would refrain from further attacks and pillage-so long as the tributes were paid.  The subjects of the Khazar Empire, therefore, were simply nothing more than victims of a giant mafia-type protection racket.  The Khazar overlords were therefore resented universally and bitterly throughout their domain, but they were also feared because of the merciless way in which they dealt with anyone who stood up to them.  And so the Khazar Empire expanded until it occupied large areas of what is now Russia and south-eastern Europe.  By the eighth century, the Khazar Empire extended northward to Kiev and westward to include the Magyars, the ancestors of modern Hungary.

Then a stunning event took place in the mid-700's AD.  The Khazars had been under continual pressure from their Byzantine and Moslem neighbors to adopt either Christianity or Islam; but the Khazar ruler. called the Khakan, had heard of a third religion called Judaism.  Apparently, for political reasons of independence, the Khakan announced that the Khazars were adopting Judaism as their authorized religion.

Overnight an entirely new group of people, the warlike Khazars, suddenly proclaimed themselves to be Judaists-adoptive Judaists--and formed their tribe straight away.  The Khazar Kingdom began to be described as the "Kingdom of the Judaists" by historians of the day.  Succeeding Khazar rulers took Jewish names, and during the late ninth century, the Khazar Kingdom became a haven for Jews from other lands. 

[Note: Before the mid-18th century, the word "Jew" did not exist.  The word "Jew" was first used in a play in 1765.  Thus, before this time, the words "Judaist", "Sephardim", and "Ashkenaz" were used to describe the ancient Hebrews (who renamed themselves Judeans) newly-found religion.  The Khazars (Ashkenazi Judaists) capitalized on this word and set about the task of replacing the religious descriptions, "Judaism" and "Judaist" with the words "Jew" and "Jewish" in every history book and every Bible found, up to present day.] 

Meanwhile, the brutal Khazar domination over other peoples continued quite unchanged.  But, then a new factor appeared on the scene.  During the 8th century, they came coursing down the great rivers, the Dnieper, the Don, the Volga.  They were the eastern branch of the Vikings--ouch!  They were known as the Varangians or the Rus.  Like other Vikings, the Rus were bold adventurers and fierce fighters but, when they tangled with the Khazars, they often ended up paying tribute like everyone else.  When two titans meet, it is always interesting for the probabilities to change moment by moment.  Now, isn't all this history fascinating?  You started your journey of hate and confrontation and enslavement so far back it, too, is forgotten.

About 862 a Rus leader name Rurik founded the city of Novgorod, and the Russian Nation was born.  The Rus Vikings settled among the Slavonic tribes under Khazar domination, and the struggle between Vikings and Khazars changed in character.  It then became a struggle by the emerging nation of Russia for independence from Khazar oppression.

Over a century after the founding of Russia's first city, another momentous event took place.  Russia's leader, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, accepted baptism as a Christian in the year 989 and a big to-do was made of it, of course.  He then actively promoted Christianity in Russia.  His memory is revered by Russians today as "Saint Vladimir", and so, over a thousand years ago, Russia's tradition as a Christian nation began.  How many of you knew this?  How many of you children realize that Russia is a Christian nation?  You all teach and proffer that the Russians are atheistic--the Soviets, my friends, are the ones preaching the no-God theories.

Vladimir's conversion also brought Russia into an alliance with Byzantium.  The Byzantine rulers had always feared the Khazars and the Russians were still struggling to free themselves.  And so, in the year 1016, combined Russian and Byzantine forces attacked the Khazar Kingdom.  The Khazar Empire was shattered and the kingdom of the Khazars fell into decline. Eventually, most of the Khazars migrated to other areas.  Many of them wound up in eastern Europe, where they mingled and intermarried with other Judaists.  Like the Semitic Judaists some 1000 years earlier, the Khazar Judaists became dispersed.  The kingdom of the Khazars was no more.

As they moved and lived among the Jewish people, the Khazar Jews passed on a distinct heritage in a militant form--known as ZIONISM!  You thought I wasn't going to get there, didn't you?  This was passed on from generation to generation and became more and more militant and reached out in every direction in its efforts to consume and control.  This particular group all but consumed Germany in the early third of the 20th century.  In the view of Khazar Jews, the land occupied by ancient Israel is to be retaken--not by miracle but by armed force.  This is what is meant by "Zionism" today, and this is the force that created the nation which today calls itself Israel.

The other major ingredient of the Khazar Jew heritage is total hatred for Christianity and the Russian people as the champions of the Christian faith.  Christianity is viewed as the force which caused the ancient so-called Kingdom of the Jews, the Khazar Kingdom, to collapse.  Having once dominated much of what is present-day Russia, the Khazar Jews still want to reestablish that domination--and for a millennium, they have been trying continually to do just that.

In 1917, the Khazar Jews passed a major milestone toward the creation of their own state in Palestine.  That same year, they also created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia--financed by some very familiar foundations out of America.  Be patient and you shall begin to see the linkage of the secret societies and moneychangers.  There, of course, followed a Christian Holocaust, the likes of which the world has never seen.  The Khazar Jews were once again in control of Russia after more than 900 years and they set about the task of destroying Christianity by destroying Christians--over 100,000,000 of them (almost makes the projections from Germany look feeble, does it not?).  Worse, and in addition, Godly Jews everywhere take note; at the same time over 20,000,000 religious Jews also died at the hands of their own proclaimed people, the Khazar Jews.

This, my friends, is what the Russian Christians were up against in their half-century plus struggle to overthrow the atheistic Bolsheviks, but they finally succeeded in their overthrow program, and now the 1000-year-old war between the Russian Christians and Khazar Zionist Jews is reaching a climax.  The majority of those displaced Bolsheviks relocated immediately to America.  At stake is not only the future of Russia and Christianity, albeit it totally corrupted in any event, but also of the Jewish people as a whole and--the Jewish people as a whole haven't the vaguest idea that this is happening to them.  They follow along thinking that someday soon they will have their nation back--oh no, you Godly Jews of the tribes of Abraham will be sacrificed as never seen before upon your placement.  It will be the Jews who will pay the ultimate price at the hands of the Khazar Zionists, and they will kill you while you stand in protection of them.

There was a leader of the Jewish people that we would give tribute now; Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, who died in New York in 1979. Interestingly enough-he died in the morning and was buried the same afternoon.  Yet, over 100,000 Jewish men arrived in time for the funeral.  It is hard to imagine how many more would have come if time had been longer.  The services were pushed ahead to prevent the crowds and the investigation into the cause of death.

A tribute was later given in the New York Times and, clearly, it spoke for myriads of Jewish people.  Among the words within the tribute was a phrase I would share; "He was the undisputed leader of all Jews everywhere who had not been infected by Zionism"; and also, quote, "With a courage all too rare in our time, he called the Zionist state a work of Satan, a sacrilege, and a blasphemy."  The shedding of blood for the sake of the Zionist state was abhorrent to him.  He was also removed, for he was a troublemaker and troublemakers and bringers of truth are "taken out".  Hence, my scribe's nervous indigestion.  Well, God wants no more martyrs--the time for the impact of martyrs is finished--God wants alert, thinking, and "living" people.

That tribute, however, was given and the words were spoken by Orthodox Jews mourning their fallen leader.  And, the new Christian rulers of Russia would agree, for they, too, regard the Zionist state of Israel as a counterfeit and a cruel and dangerous hoax for Christian and Jew alike.  The Khazar state, called the "Kingdom of the Judaists" over a thousand years ago, was a total, deadly parasite, living on the tribute from conquered peoples.  Likewise, today, Israel depends on a never-ending flow of support for its survival.  Guess where almost all of it comes from!  Left unchecked, the Russians believe that the Khazar Jews will destroy Christianity by means of Zionism, and Russia through Bolshevism.  So, Russia's Christian rulers are on the offensive against their enemies of over a thousand years--the Zionist Khazars.

Americans who call yourselves Christians, have not cared enough to open your eyes to effort at saving your own country or to defend your faith--you just walk out on it rather than repair and come back into Christness.  So, now your land has become the battle-ground of the Christian Russians and their deadly enemies--the Khazar Bolsheviks and Zionists.  Like it or not, dear ones, you are caught in a total all-holds-open war.  This, Oberli, is why the war this time will be in your Hemisphere.  America is the new crown jewel in the global Zion.


Does it not make sense why the cosmospheres are sitting above Panama and why Israeli arms have ended up in Colombia?  Oh, dear people of the lies--please hear our call before it is too late to make impact.  If you do not, 'tis important that you do know WHY it has come upon you! ...



Source:  PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, October 1990, Volume 4, Number 10,11,12, Pages 2-5.





Comments by RM



ESU IMMANUEL REFERRED TO THEM AS THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. "I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." --Revelation 2:9

ESU ALSO SAID:  "Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you." --Revelation 3:9

All throughout history, the Khazars have played a deadly game of 'who's who' and 'catch me if you can'? If you think that a "synagogue of Satan" is clever enough to continually deceive and hide their evil acts and goals from the world through name changes, you would be right.  The following are a list of names they have used through the ages: Canaanites, Chazars, Khazars, Ashkenazi Jews, Bolsheviks, Communists, Marxists, Socialists, International Zionists, Progressives, Socialists, Socialist Democrats, and Globalists.  Every time they are exposed, they change their name.

How does one find and keep track of these international criminals?  By discerning their lies, their behavior, and their acts.  And, by keeping tabs on the above groups, for the Khazars control them all.  "Wherefore, by their fruits, ye shall know them." --Matthew 7:20

With so many names, what do you call them?  Their root tribe name, Khazars, Khazarian Jews, or Ashkenazi Jews perhaps best describe them.

Who are the master-minds behind the Khazars today?  Two Khazar dynasties (America's enemies) still hold great power over the American government and peoples: the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

 Two Khazar dynasties still hold great power over the Khazarian Jews: the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

The Rothschilds: George Soros is a major agent of the Rothschilds, is most active in the U.S. fomenting anarchy against the U.S. Government and promoting and funding the Communist and Socialist parties in the U.S.

The Rockefellers: The Rockefellers still have a rogue faction within the CIA, FBI, State Dept., Justice Dept., and other bureaus. Those who have followed the criminal dealings of the Clinton Crime Family (Bill Clinton is related to the Rockefellers) will have witnessed the protection of these two by the CIA, FBI, and Justice Department, et. al., over the decades all the way back to Arkansas.  The same can be said of the Bush Crime Family all the way back to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  Henry Kissinger has been a major agent of the Rockefellers, who influenced foreign policy in several U.S. presidential administrations from Nixon on.

The Committee of 300, headed by the British Crown, is currently the pinnacle of evil on this planet.  They control such organizations as the Bilderburgs, Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateralists, The EU, the Democrat National Committee, most Democrats and several Republicans in Congress, several past U.S. Presidents, the CIA, the U.S. central banking system, the IRS, the United Nations, and many U.S. corporations and think tanks.

What is their goal?  The total subjugation of all the world's governments by way of banning and confiscation of all individual's firearms and ammunition worldwide, population reduction down to 550 million people by whatever means necessary, banning of all national sovereignty, banning of Christianity and other Godly religions, the elimination (murder) of all Christians worldwide, the elimination (murder) of all resisters worldwide, control of the military worldwide, control of the world's people, forced labor (slavery), control of natural resources, control of the world's water and food supply, control of healthcare worldwide, control of industry worldwide, control of the economy worldwide, control of the press worldwide, control of travel worldwide, control of all money (theft of all the world's gold and silver) worldwide, etc. The Committee of 300 and the Khazars are the United Nations (U.N.).