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Plans For An Uncertain Economic Future


1/3/82 #1   HATONN


As we sit to continue the discussion of "possibilities" to make easier journey through this time of political, economic and spiritual transition, we find our audience somewhat more receptive.  It is sad that Man waits until the storm has struck to see that it is actually coming.  No matter, for you will work with that which you have for that is all there is which you can control in any measure at this time.

Since I seem to still represent some hazard to your being and since so much garbage is flung at you through channels and disembodied foolishness, I shall always attempt to give you information which can be confirmed.  My job is to select that which has Truth and merit from the piles of trash and greed-mongers.  Bits and pieces of Truth lie in many hands who pen and serve, but they too, are looking for survival and often it is through returns on newsletters, investment suggestions (through them) and thus and so.  This does not make the Truth lesser, it only causes errors in good judgment.  When I find writers who have seen the picture accurately then I shall simply give you information for obtaining their material as well as giving them credit for the outstanding perception and I will utilize it--hoping that you will support their work.

I give such gratitude to Donald McAlvany for analyzing the position of your nation quite well indeed.  However, I do not agree with all of his investment and economic output and neither do I agree with his conclusion in a great many instances and these are not always "negligible".  For instance, he honors one, Churchill, along with other Biblical characters, etc.  I won't even comment on the Biblical characters in point but Churchill was not a worthy humanitarian or patriot of his nation.  He was the most incredible war criminal of the era.  Oh, he may have done some rather brilliant strategy--such as bombing innocent women and children, i.e., Dresden, and bringing Germany to her knees but he also participated fully in the causing and bringing of the war AND genocide in conjunction with Eisenhower and F.D.R.  Sorry about that, chelas.  You can pretty much KNOW that if a Man holds great status in POWER, he is of evil intent and serves the Elite One World Globalists--not God nor Country.  These ones use the young and prime of your nations for gun fodder so that they are never brought down; well, some of the returning "soldiers" are beginning to see Truth as they "experience" that Truth.

Examples of the powerful stature of these people are quite evident, however, throughout history.  Churchill is an excellent example of what I mean.  He was faced with a narrow margin between victory and defeat, between honor and dishonor, as he analyzed it, between survival or death or slavery by mental mindset.  He rallied the people of England against a superior Nazi war machine in the Battle of Britain in one of the wildest "stands" a people has ever made.  Winston Churchill encouraged the British people, "Never, never, never, never, never give up!"  The very difference between survival and death for many terminally diagnosed people is that tenacious instinct for survival.  You see, the premise works for evil as well as for goodness.


But, in addition to the instinct for survival and a vision of overcoming difficult, seemingly insurmountable circumstances, proper preparation for difficult times is an important ingredient to survival.  Most people will not prepare in advance for difficult economic or political times.

McAlvany lays out some dozen items which must be considered and acted upon as elements of survival preparation for the coming crunch and I will list them for you herein.  The first thing, however, is that you had better look around and find your GOD and then locate your ENEMY. You will find it rapidly for they will be the speakers shouting and encouraging you by telling you that "You must sacrifice and they will lead."  Well, the first and most important thing is to somehow begin to "sacrifice their leadership" because they have caused the trouble in the first place.  However, they now have by far the larger guns so that is not as easy as it might appear so let us move on to things you CAN DO.


1. Change your mindset.  Begin to look at Everything differently.

2. Begin to Develop Discernment About People.  Train yourself to watch what people do, not what they say.  You live in a day of great deception and you need to become sensitive about what is true of false in people.

3. When you Invest, Invest First in the Right People.  An investment can be great, and the people untrustworthy, or incompetent, and it will fail.  Find like-minded, trustworthy people to invest in, or with.  Invest with or in people who share your view so that your goals are the same.  It is important to realize that to get through this period of time in any kind of wholeness, you are going to have to move back into trust of brother and you can't trust most of your brothers.  To simply play the game necessary to remain intact, you will have to again trust a handshake and a "word".  If you, however, take advantage of that circumstance you are as wrong as the one who advertises, arranges self-greed contracts and thus and so.  Further, if you come within the shield of God's Hosts, the first thing that will go from any relationship is the intent of "making wealth at our expense".  KNOW it right up front for our people have no need to serve you in any manner.  Our task is to bring Truth, get God's people off the planet when it is appropriate to secure a working remnant and finally, close the planet if necessary.

When the Elite bring forth the bantering about hostile "aliens" coming, believe me, they speak for selves for there are no dangerous "aliens" coming anywhere.  We are God's Hosts come in preparation.  Those who are controlled or practice evil are already on your place.  WE ARE, HOWEVER, EXTREMELY HOSTILE TO EVIL-DOERS AND YOU SHOULD ONLY LOOK AT WHO TOUTS THIS INVASION!

4. Honestly look at yourself, your strengths and weaknesses.  Even the Bible says to know thyself and I surely can't argue with that advice.  Discover what in your life is not working.  Work on, or moderate the weaknesses.  The guide by which to measure your status is by that same book and it is called the Ten Commandments.

5. Seek the counsel of others you trust.  Seek wise and Godly counsel of persons whose life is working well.

6. Find like-minded people who understand where this country is going, who have the instincts for survival, and who are taking steps to get prepared for the difficult times which lie ahead.

7. Find alternative methods of doing everything.  Develop other methods outside the system (i.e., bartering, growing your own food, swapping a product or service you have with a farmer for food he grows, etc.).

8. Develop and instinct for what doesn't FEEL RIGHT.  Become sensitive to what you have a hesitation to doing.

9. Begin to eliminate non-essentials from your life.  Eliminate time or money-wasters.  Buy only what you really need, not what you want.  Live below your means.  Develop habits of life to eliminate waste.  If you are in a situation wherein you can work as a group in survival situations, allow the purchasing and saving of supplies for cooking, etc., for large numbers to a central place of one who has room for storage of same against the day of need.  Do not get rid of things just to be frugal--you will need those large party type utensils and quantity supplies to make the hard times quite bearable--then share.  You all don't have to have a 20-gallon punch bowl, for instance.  But if caught short of facilities you might well need all those extra bed sheets--but not in your immediate closet if you have a small apartment.  This is the kind of cooperation you need--NOT the ALL living as communal under and within each other's nerve endings.  It is, however, mandatory that each provide that which he can with the full understanding that just because one works and earns his measure--that all are included when the point of their own experience is to let another serve their needs.  I speak of COMMUNITY and NOT of COMMUNAL.  Ones who have no intent other than to parasite off the "group" or working circle, will be the first EXCLUDED.  It has become a time for no excess baggage in things or persons who are set to serve this Command.  How you plan in other locations, and outside my immediate Command is yours to choose. This is a group of non-religious persons who do their job 24 hours every day--FOR GOD'S SERVICE ACCORDING TO OUR MISSION.  We will, however, share all information given and will assist wherever we might--but all ones must know the "rules" before "assuming" anything.  Some in this gathered circle still have time to tend of others who might arrive; most have not even the time to tend of physical or human needs at all.

Keep this in mind when you feel a location change might be an answer.

10. Develop physical, mental and Spiritual disciplines before a crisis arrives--so they can be used naturally and without effort during the crisis.  For instance, if you wait to use that "shield" of protection of which I constantly speak, until you really need it--in your panic, you will forget to ask.

11. Learn to treat everything as if it were irreplaceable.  Treat everything as if it is the last one you can ever get (i.e., your car, tools, boots, guns, furniture, carpets, etc.)

12. Buy things that will last, even if they cost more.  Something mechanical that does not need power is better than something that needs electric power unless you have prepared with generators, etc.  Look around and see what happens if your electricity is OFF for a while.  Most will find they cannot even cook or warm their homes.  Even gas furnaces which do not "fail" require electric motors to force the heated air.

Let us consider:


Reducing one's debt to as close to zero as possible is essential in the coming financial crunch.  That may involve selling off some property to reduce your debt, moving to a smaller home, accelerating your mortgage payments with two half payments every 14 days, refinancing your home at the present lower interest rates and perhaps shifting to a 15-year mortgage from a 25 to 30-year mortgage.  Most people should get rid of their credit cards.  Use plastic only to the extent that it can be easily paid off each month.

Now the shocker, for most of you have waited too long and may as well consider bankruptcy to clear your debt load.  If you are out of work already, these things will happen regardless of what you do.  If this is the choice route to take, and it will be for thousands, get a corporation going in Nevada and remain out of the system as much as possible.  If you are self-employed--get that work portion of yourself incorporated in Nevada to keep everything from showing in your name.

If you are awash in debt, consider debt consolidation where you reduce your overall interest rate and consolidate all of your debt into one payment, perhaps stretching out the repayment term.  In any case, take on no new debt from this time forward.  If you can't buy it for cash, don't buy it!  Your sense of financial freedom will go up in direct proportion to how little debt you have.

Yes, I realize I speak as if there were just transient problems afoot and not a massive depression.  For some of you who have listened and acted, you will have managed well and will be prepared by having done these things already.  There will be no MAGIC for those who disregard all warnings.  You had better just pray a loving relative has taken your indiscretions into consideration and prepared for you as a part of the family.  THE WELFARE SYSTEM WILL COLLAPSE!  Jobs ending now in major industries will NEVER RETURN--the industries are being deliberately moved so there will not be work opportunities as you ever knew them before.


Most Americans live above their means.  Learn to live below your means.  Apply principle #9 above.  Make yourself save at least 10% per month.  (Some of you people with jobs can save 20-25%.  The more the better.)  It has simply come to the time when you are going to have to be frugal if you wish to survive.  The unemployment in every nation is so great, however, that standard procedures for little recessions simply won't cut it in this time.  For most situations there simply are no suggestions I can offer for I offered them in time, but most denied my presence, much less my suggestions.  I can only offer you ones Godspeed and may you be in finding the Light.


(Which is basically all there are.)  Thousands more banks, S&L's and insurance companies will collapse in the coming financial collapse and depression.  There is no substantive insurance safety net under these institutions as of NOW.

Over two million people have their assets frozen at present in financial institutions which have failed already.  Millions more are going to suffer their fate and have tens of billions in assets either lost or frozen.


Many of the largest insurance companies in the world have substantial high risk exposure to faltering real estate and junk bonds and are destined to totally fail.  You must quickly evaluate your own situation.  Millions of Americans have their life savings, their pension funds or their life insurance death benefits tied up in life companies that can and will go down in the coming months.  There is actually not one company which will endure when the closures come for the major operators, such as Chase, etc., set up holding companies for the sole purpose of bankrupting them and not paying debts back to you nice people.  I remind you--this is THE play for the total control of all institutions by the International Bank of Settlements under the one world Global Control Center.  It is not intended that you have any remaining assets or property of any kind.  Worse, it is NOT as simple as telling you what is safe--NOTHING IS SAFE, NOT EVEN UNDER YOUR MATTRESS.  WHEN THEY CHANGE THE CURRENCY, YOU WILL FORFEIT WHAT IS STASHED UNDER YOUR MATTRESS IF IT IS NOT IN COIN OR MINIMAL AMOUNTS FOR EXCHANGE.

When the banks are closed, it will not matter about insurance or anything else--you will most probably lose the money, whatever the size of the deposits.  At the least, assets will be frozen wherein you cannot get at them.  It is already quite prevalent about your nation.


The entire US banking system, not just the poorly rated banks and S&L's, are in harm's path if the US financial system hits the wall over the next months.  A bank "holiday", financial panic or bank run would hit ALL banks--even those seemingly healthy ones.  Many risk-averse, conservative savers have moved the lion's share of their assets out of the banks and S&L's, and into U.S. Treasury Bill money market funds or U.S. or foreign government bond funds.  In spite of a flaky, undisciplined U.S. government, neither it nor large foreign governments are likely to default as quickly as the private institutions in order to save face.  However, this is going to be short-lived because the governments can bear no more debt and the governments themselves will fall.  With the folding of the Soviet Union, for instance, what do you think happened to the debt, say, to the U.S.?  If you no longer have a "country" you have just dumped the debts--no?

This is a major trick of the trade.  Simply default, dissolve the nation and government, rename it as a "new corporation" and go on without any of the restrictions of prior Constitutions or encumbrances.  Watch out for that is exactly what is planned for America and the U.S. of A. right soon.  At this point, everything is worthless and you may as well "whistle Dixie".


There simply are no perfect investments and none that can be bought and held forever in this environment.  The three most conservative places to park funds over the next while are in gold, silver and U.S. coins.  Temporarily, maybe a few carefully chosen US Treasury Bills (short term).


Precious metals should be bought and held in some form which will not be readily confiscated.  Realize, however, that in the past, gold was confiscated even from safe-deposit boxes.  But even as a nation collapses, there will be a time of honoring government minted money.  Coins will be honored, for instance, far longer than will be paper Federal Reserve notes.

Precious ones, there simply are no lasting sure investments of any kind nor are there perfect ways to store or stash your funds.

I have already given you, over and over, my thoughts and suggestions for utilizing some of your funds while there is yet time and resource.  I simply can do no better than that.  When the Big Gun plans are to get everything one way or another--it is exactly as they say--everything.  You will have to arrange to tuck some precious metals and barterable materials away somewhere private.  I suggest that you invest in a security shelter but you must realize that that shelter will be the first place searched for confiscation purposes.  It will, however, save your life.


Americans are totally dependent on the system for their food, water, electricity, etc.  What happens when a major disaster happens?  The system and its infrastructure comes to a screeching halt--at least in the areas so affected.  Major earthquakes as expected in some massively populated areas will be worse than the worst nightmare in regaining any services to the people.

You should have stored carefully for every family, at least one year's supply of food reserves (dehydrated or freeze-dried).

Know that your government has emptied your reserve grain silos and has gotten rid of surplus milk, butter, cheese and eggs, etc.  They have also sold off the futures in grain production.  You have only enough national food supplies to run some one week.


I am not going to speak on this subject for every word is monitored herein and I will not risk my people.  What you do about firearms in your possession is your business.  There are some excellent journals written with excellent suggestions.  You need some protection and if you are in the wilderness areas, you may need some type of firearm for food gathering.

To you "good" "Christians" who feel "God will provide", I suggest that you pay attention to other recommendations in the Bible.  God helps those who attend selves.  God judges by the works of a Man.  God provides the way--YOU attend the needs.  I Tim. 5:8, says it very, very well for you selective readers: "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel."  So be it and wishing it to be otherwise will not change one iota of the Truth of it.


America's major cities are cesspools of crime, drugs, and social upheaval--and the major economic crisis has not yet arrived.  Urban lifestyles are definitely in a major decline.  If a family can live in a more rural or country setting, not only can they lower the risk from crime, but they can live a far more basic, self-sufficient lifestyle.  Many people must work in a major city for employment, but they can live 25-50-75 miles out in the country and commute to work if they choose to do so.

Not only is it a more basic, self-sufficient lifestyle, it will prove to be far safer in the coming period of political and economic upheaval.  The concept of a survival retreat is foreign to most Americans today, but if one should feel so inclined, there are a number of excellent books on the subject.

I suggest that if you must live in the city and have relatives located in rural areas--work out a coalition plan wherein you can contribute to the size of the dwelling and storage facilities and supplies against the day of emergency.  In other words--arrange now for a place of retreat so that plans and supplies are suitable to include YOU.


Sorry--but you are already on the eve of nuclear war, so don't tell me you don't need such a thing because of all this "world peace".  You have never needed a shelter system worse than at this moment.  Moreover, in the future, even without major war you will have radioactive fallout which will only be countered by living partially or wholly under ground for most of your daily hours.

Not one in a million Americans thinks of protection from nuclear war today--especially with this "death of Communism".  What about all those nuclear weapons now running around in the hands of total situations of anarchy?  Funny thing--the Soviets have shelters and every Swiss person is required by law to have nuclear bomb shelter in their homes, and many nations have massive shelter systems--even in your supported Israel--every place has a bomb shelter.  Note that even these "break-away" nations in current war--HAVE SHELTERS!  AMERICA HAS NO SHELTERS AND THOSE FACILITIES UNDERGROUND ARE NOT TO SAVE YOUR ASSETS--PEOPLE!

Dharma, we are out of time for this segment.  I must ask to finish this subject, however.  We still must speak of self-sufficiency skills, home schooling of your children, health measures and understanding nutrition and alternate medicine methods.  I cannot tell you that this is just "stuff"--"in case".  The times are now upon you and it is already too late for much of which we suggest.  But you will have a big void of medical care, medications and schools will simply close.  I did not make this mess, and I can only give you that which might get you through the time of turmoil and depression.  If you choose to not hear nor act--so be it.

My expertise and joy is in that which comes next for you of God's people.  Mine is to allow you to see within the glory of those places prepared for the ones of God in Light.  Your world is quickly becoming the place of adversarial greed and destruction.  God's places are more radiant and beauteous than ever and He awaits.  I remind you most emphatically, however, NO EVIL SHALL BE BROUGHT INTO THE PLACES OF GOD OF CREATION!  NONE!  YOU WHO WILL COME HOME WILL COME WITH GOD INTENT WITHIN.  YOU WITHOUT THAT LEVEL OF GOD INTENT WILL BE LEFT IN CIRCUMSTANCES SUITABLE TO YOUR LEVEL OF GROWTH TOWARD GOD'S LAWS OR YOU SHALL BE LEFT TO EXPERIENCE THAT WHICH YOU HAVE BUILT IN THE NAME OF SATAN.  MINE IS TO GIVE YOU THE FACTS OF THAT WHICH FACES YOU.  YOU WHO CHOOSE TO CLING TO AND SERVE THE LIE SHALL BE LEFT TO THAT CHOICE.  SO BE IT.

Salu, Hatonn to stand-by.  Thank you for your attention.  We shall continue at our next sitting.  Dharma needs to attend other preparations for there are none who can serve all her human needs and responsibilities any more than for any other of you.  It is not an easy time, beloved ones, for you have been trained to exist and not attend self to any great extent other than as to that which they have given you to search and hold.  It will serve you badly now as you must attend of selves and families or they will simply perish as the months and years pass.  May you be given into understanding for hiding will no longer serve you.

I ask that whatever available back-up helpful information regarding this subject be listed as to availability at America West or available listings elsewhere if available.  I cannot take time to make those individual suggestions.  I do know that we have written in detail on all of these various matters if you but obtain the JOURNALS.  I can offer no more.



Source:  THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, January 14, 1992, Volume 17, Number 13, Pages 4-11.

Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.