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The Gate Of Choice


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What follows, is a synopsis of what this whole "Earth" thing has been about.

Creator wishes to experience ALL things, including the idea of "separation from The Creation". So, areas of The Creation were set aside for "free-will experiencing, investigation and experimentation". The Creation is ALL, and It does not equivocate. When It mandates "Free Will", It means exactly that. The Creation wants to "see what happens" when portions of Itself (all Spirits) are allowed to forget their connection to Source and do whatever they Desire. Let's leave "good" and "bad" out of the equation for now. The Purpose of the Design was to "allow experience". This is what François Rabelais meant when he mandated "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of Law".

Now you say, "Whoa! That means I can do whatever I want? Creator WANTS me to Rob, Rape, Plunder and Pillage? Whoo-hoo! I'll be right back!!". Well, uh, yes and no. Creator will not "condemn" those who commit evil deeds or acts, for these do qualify as valid "experiences". Creator knows that, in Time, the Inner Yearning of the Individual Spirit to return to its Source will eventually steer it to do Right. Although we are given Ages to "play in the sandbox" so to speak, we are given but a brief instant by comparison, to CHOOSE which polarity we are going to evolve in for the next untold eons. That "brief instant" is NOW, and The Choice is being made by every one of us, every moment of every day.

To completely understand what is happening on this planet, its Purpose and Humanity's Purpose, one must cease thinking of one's self as a "human" being and begin to realize that we are "Beings experiencing as Human". The benevolent Beings who orbit this globe and the myriad Beings who live beneath the Earth's surface and between dimensions are SPIRITUALLY no different than we are. Actually, they are US. They are our true families, our true friends and our true colleagues whom we left behind long ago in order to EXPERIENCE this adventure of Spiritual Evolution on the Planet Earth. Even our Adversaries who reside between dimensions are related to us in ways we have yet to be able to imagine. They are also on a Journey of Experience, albeit of a very different nature than ours. Nearly 100% of the 6.5 billion "Souls experiencing as Human" are not from this planet. The REAL YOU is from "somewhere else" and so am I.

The true reason that this planet is over-populated at this time is because we are at the ENDING OF SEVERAL GREAT CYCLES OF TIME. "Graduation" is upon us and the "fireworks" are going to be tremendous. Figuratively speaking, Souls all across this Universe lined up twenty deep to get a ticket for this "last wild ride" on Earth. Some wanted to try and make that last leap towards Enlightment, some wanted to "wallow in the muck" for old time's sake and others are here SIMPLY TO OBSERVE OR TO ASSIST what happens when a combination of Great Cycles come to their termination point.

Those orbiting the planet from above, who are here to help, do so out of Love and Compassion for us, their brothers and sisters. These advanced Beings also have an opportunity to advance their own Spiritual Evolution depending on how successfully they execute their "missions" here.

Some are here to disseminate information to Humanity in order to help Awaken them in time to make their Choice. Others are here to defend the Planet from certain man-made and nuclear-type catastrophes if these actions ever threaten to destroy the Earth. This interference is allowed by Galactic agreement as it has been decided to never allow Earth Human's nuclear irresponsibility to endanger the free-will of the Greater Universe. Thankfully, Human free will gets "trumped" in this area.

There are those whose sole mission is to EVACUATE ALL HUMANS FROM THE PLANET when this action becomes necessary (this is the true reason you are "taught" to fear what comes from "above". The goal is to have you trained to run from your own salvation when the time comes). Still others are here to "stir the pot" (the Dark Brothers) and again, there are those who are here from distant galaxies simply to OBSERVE.

Planet Earth is not some giant "rock" careening through Space. It is a Great Spirit, with a Consciousness of its own, that long ago volunteered for an important Mission. The Mission was to allow itself to become a home for an experimental Paradise. A Paradise where Beings from all over the Universe could come and contribute their Knowledge and creations to the planetary scheme. About 300,000 years ago, this plan got hijacked by a group of off-world Beings. The Earth has been in torment ever since, as it struggles to support the negative thought-forms that humans have accumulated in abundance since that time.

Now, she is tired. Earth has petitioned for relief. She is ready to move forward in her own Evolutionary Journey. As such, she is on-schedule to be fully "de-commissioned" by Dec 21, 2012.

-- All humans alive at that time whose physical bodies are able to make the Transition will move forward to continue experiencing in the higher 4th Dimension in their transformed Light Bodies.

-- All those who die prior to Transition, but are of sufficient vibratory level, will be moved to higher existences on 4D planets elsewhere in the Galaxy by way of incarnation. They will be born with Light Bodies.

-- All will be given the choice of returning to their true "home planet", choosing a new 4D home or staying with the New 4D Earth.

-- All those who fail to raise their personal vibratory rate to the required level will be re-located to another 3D-like planet, somewhere else in this or another galaxy. There, THEY WILL BEGIN AGAIN AS STONE-AGE MEN AND WOMEN, WITH NO MEMORY OF THEIR EARTH INCARNATIONS. They will "start from scratch" and once again try to lift their soul energy to a sufficient level of Light in the hopes of graduating at the end of the next "Great Cycle", eons from now.

Our Brothers and Sisters of LIGHT, the so-called "ET's" know this, and THAT is why they are here. The Dark Brothers also know this, and they are working feverishly to keep as many human souls as possible from graduating.

After all, they are going to need Souls to Abuse, Control, Enslave, Lie to, etc. when they move on to the next 3D "playground". What we should be asking ourselves is do we want to go with them for more of the same negative crap we've indulged in for ages and ages of Time? Or do we want to finally assimilate our Lessons, leave our Earthly schoolroom and move forward into our next Great Adventure?

Believe it or not, all human Souls have finally arrived at THE GATE OF CHOICE.

Hey, it had to end sometime. What made you think that you weren't going to be here when it did?

Choose Wisely.

~~ G