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Preston James

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Oct. 11, 2014

Even Disclosure is going to have its limits.

t has been reported that the Powers That Be (PTB) who control Secret Space War Units of the US and NATO Space Warfare Command have decided that actual verified Disclosure of the presence of Alien ETs and their anti-gravity craft will be allowed and will be systematically rolled out in an orderly fashion.

However, even with this “Full Disclosure” there are some things you will absolutely NOT BE ALLOWED to know at this time.

This means that some Alien ET/Secret Space War matters will remain secret, undisclosed and completely Verboten, that is, you will not be allowed to know these things for now and this particular matter will likely remain sealed from you for a significant period into the future.

The actual US and NATO Secret Space War (ultra top-secret Beyond-Black) Units are hidden from other parts of the US Military and NATO, and are deeply isolated and compartmentalized within various specialized Special Access Program Defense Contractors.

This article is written for US Military and Intel Insiders who have no access to these highly compartmented programs, even though they may have Top Secret, Above Top Secret, SCI, Q or Special Access Program clearances.

Yes, there are some Secret Space War Matters that you will not be allowed to know for certain at this time nor in the near future either.

I cannot tell you for sure that information presented in this article is true and verifiable. But you can use this information and claims to form any belief you choose. You may look at this information and conclude it is nothing but myth or misinformation to cover up certain other Space War Secrets or you may choose to believe that it is actually true at face value. But in any case. at this time you will not be allowed access to publicly verifiable, repeatable facts to really know for sure. So look at the information and believe if you want. And yes, believe anything that makes sense to you.

However, at this time and for at least a significant time to follow, you be not be allowed access to hard, verifiable (beyond reasonable doubt) evidence to know for certain. Some years back an expedition was sent to verify this information as true by conducting a flyover of a chartered airliner, but that expedition crashed under mysterious circumstances.