Transfer Capacitor Storage Device Special to THE HIGH TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL
written by Brandon DeWitt, IIId
1st Revision November of 1997
Originally Authored December of 1996
From: http://www.compamerica.com/tcapstore.htm
A C C / CompAmerica
electronic components division
ACC Research and Development Announces New Superfast Computer Products
to be based upon TRANSFER CAPACITOR: [click here]
Original Description:
American Computer Company announced that it has, after five months effort, successfully assembled a transcapacitor based storage "disk drive" with the assistance of "Tata Industrial Semiconductors" (name changed for security purposes), a Taiwan based (location changed for security purposes) silicon foundry. Picture and specifications of the new device are detailed below.
Described as a "Poker Chip Sized" solid state disk drive, the new semiconductor could be seen in service by the end of 1999 or early in the year 2000. The device can store over 90 billion characters of information, the capacity of 15 Digital Video Disks, or 112 ordinary CD-ROMs, or printed material which could fill 90 ten-story buildings. The TCAP's power consumption is described as "negligible", and the speed of access is said to be "limited by the computer it is connected to, reading a full 1 million bytes of information could take as little as 10 nanoseconds". The development team, underneath Phillip Huang, has visualized PC's with "no RAM memory needed" in a future implementation which might mate one or more of the INTEL Pentium II Processor(s) with the "90b8" device, along with an "embedded Windows NT operating system". Estimated price for the "Hard Drive" version of the 090b8: $895
Fig 1: 90-Gigabyte Solid-State "Hard Drive"
Based on the new ACC Transfer Capacitor (TCAP)
visualized in an INTEL Slot-1 Cartridge Chip Carrier
[The Slot 1 Cartridge Chip Carrier housing the prototype,
is a licensed, patented product of INTEL Corporation]
When reached for comment, a spokesperson at ACC stated: "The best part of this new Electron Trap design is, it has NO MOVING PARTS TO WEAR OUT, and is 100,000's of times faster than even the FASTEST Mainframe Hard Drives ever made by IBM. It can store upto about 20 or more Hours of Continuous high definition Television Video on a single Cartridge, making it ideal for future "set top boxes" used in future film rental systems, that can store 6 to 10 complete first run films for viewing, retrieved by Cable TV modem on a Pay Per Retrieval - Multiple View basis. It will be able to record an endless amount of Television, News, and Internet Data. It is designed to be "removable" so that it can be taken out and stored (it has its own off-line battery). It is extremely versatile, because it is so compact, a typical system could incorporate multiple slots and owners could own multiple 090b8's. Over time, we expect its price to the end consumer will drop. It will likely change the entire industry: PC's will be able to outperform Mainframes by an order of magnitude, and supercomputers using thousands of this new device, will truly be able to store information in ways that have never been done before."
The ACC Spokesperson continued: "We intend to sell the device upon introduction next year, as a component Computer assembly houses can eventually simply buy and add to their PCs, and Consumers can buy and upgrade existing machines with. We may just NOT sell it to the top 10 PC Companies who monopolize our industry. Instead, it will be marketed to Research Companies and Fabricators who can gradually integrate TCAP "electron trap" (based on our design - which uses Silver Alkane, a dielectric metal insulator, as a process semiconductor: by enhancing its bond with additional electrons through a unique 'Injector' - we have found a way to cause it to semiconduct, and switch at frequencies up to about 10-12 Teraherz - it can be used for RAM, Solid State Drives, even for Logic Circuits in CPUs and it replaces the Transistor)."
"TCAP's success hinges upon how reliable our ability to produce such a technology is, no one has worked with Silver Alkane as a Semiconductor before, but we are sharing some of our information with the various National Labs, this technology is one so far ahead of today's memory technologies that it is more than 7200 times the capacity of IBM's recent storage announcements, and perhaps a hundred years ahead - its 12 Teraherz Operating Speed and its microvoltage operating ranges, produce almost NO HEAT. One microscopic TCAP is faster than the very fastest supercomputer ever produced composed of millions of CPUs."
"We have no idea where the drawings from which we derived our TCAP came from. They were extremely complex but not that detailed, we had to fill in the gaps. Obviously, very deep studies were performed, and IBM and Western Electric (Bell Labs) were involved in the 1947-1955 analysis of this technology, but from WHERE did it come? Neither IBM nor Bell could figure out what it did back then, but we have the advantages of a very brilliant scientist, and 50 years later science. Yet, compared to what the Army allegedly discovered 50 years ago, our rendering is probably rather primitive, but over time, as we develop more facilities, we should be able to migrate the Transcap into mainstream, replacing the Transistor. Average Humanity must be, on the intelligence scale, the equivalent of a "low grade moron" compared with wherever this device's design came from. In a report read to me yesterday, we have been told that IBM is extremely 'jumpy' about all this, and local confidential inquiries in the Westchester County, New York area around IBM's "New Orchard Road, Armonk" headquarters seems to indicate that while most IBM'ers agree with what we are doing 100%, IBM Corporate Relations continues to try to find ways to upset our applecart, pardon my pun."
90 Gigabyte Storage Drive
(photo depiction of wafer without leads or housing)
an array of billions of semiconducting microswitches which
operate like random access memory, replacing transistors,
operating at speeds up to 12 TeraHerz with very
low voltage requirements and almost no heat generation.
(12 TeraHerz = 12,000,000,000,000 Herz)
scale 1:1
F E A T U R E S:
(c) Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 American Computer Company
90 Billion Byte Linear Capacity (720 Gigabit). Plus Cyclic Redundancy Check and ECC bits.
1.5 Billion Byte "Relocation" Pages Dedicated for "failure relocation" to insure data integrity
266Mhz I/F Bus Clock for compatibility with PCI
12 THz Internal Operating speed
6,650 Megabit per second sustained transfer rate per direction using the compatibility interface
768 Terabit per second transfer rate internally
Average Access time varies from .15 to .31 nsec per page, page is 1 MB in size.
Optional ATAPI IDE Controller module
Optional SCSI UltraFast Wide Controller module (can use 2 SCSI Channels)
1.8 to 6.0 Volt Operation
Low Power TCAPS Technology drains only 1 ma/hr during operation.
Storage Key Hardware Write Protect for Software Selection
Software Password Protection in Hardware - includes encrypted "Media Serial Number"
Sharability: up to 256 Sharers in Hardware, no limit to Software based sharers.
Page Write Buffer - 8 MB
Page Read Buffer - 24 MB
Self-Timed Write Cycle with Auto-Clear
Reference DRIVER set for UNIX, Windows 95 / NT
Emulates "Western Digital" Hard Drive Access Method, Plus "Extended File System" support for upto 512 GB storage devices *
Fast Backup Mode for Offline Data Archiving to Streaming or Duplicate Storage
Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges
1 Hour Data Retention with no power
10 Year Data Retention with a small disk battery
100 Year Data Retention with "trickle charge"
128-pin PGA, 128-pin TCP, 128-pin-active SLOT-1 or 134-pin x/SOIV packages on Prototype
Commercialization Date: Unknown
Commercial Carrier: Large PPGA (Plastic Pin Grid Array)
Read Bus - 50 signal
Write Bus - 50 Signal
Control Bus - 15 Signal
Power Bus - 13 Pin (four plus, four minus, 1 ground, 4 control (on, off, clear, init/test)
* Atapi IDE and SCSI ESDI Storage Protocols are licensed from Adaptec Corporation.
For further information about this device, contact your American Computer Company sales office.