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Exposing The “Secret Owl Society” Soaring Through History

Richard Cassaro

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There is a fair amount of evidence that the owl is the chief symbol of an elite yet undiscovered secret society moving through history. In this article we’ll examine this evidence and uncover the lineage of this secret society. We’ll also learn how the magic, majestic, and nocturnal owl actually symbolizes an ancient self-empowerment doctrine once known and practiced worldwide.

Top Left: Owl on Merchants Building on Broadway at 4th Street in NYC. Top Right: Detail on the Catford Broadway Theatre, London. Bottom Left: Owl depicted on the façade of the Woolworth Building in Manhattan, NYC. Bottom Right: Owl on a bridge of the Merritt Parkway in Connecticut.

A “Secret Owl Society”—a hidden, fraternal Order that uses the owl as its trademark—could very well be exerting a hidden yet continuous and measurable influence on world affairs, undetected by scholars, journalists, and historians.

Its members, possibly those same scholars,  journalists, and historians, are well-versed in mystical traditions, ancient mystery teachings, and eastern philosophies.

This Secret Owl Society remains well-hidden. But if we look back in time and connect all the fraternal orders that have owl logos, we begin to see its lineage, operating for centuries.

Note the society’s chronology below:space