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Church singing on lockdown

Mat Staver

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In a shocking display of hypocrisy, one whole state has officially banned all singing in church. Even "chanting" is forbidden—but only if you are inside a church. Meanwhile this state's governor is encouraging protesters who are shouting and screaming and destroying property outside the church building.

But it's not just religious freedom that is on the chopping block. Do you know how many states are wavering on whether they will go back into lockdown?

Freedom-loving patriots need to rise up and declare to these governors and national leaders that our freedoms are not for sale, our faith will not be silenced, and our families will not bow to anti-religious tyrants. Send your fax to this governor today. - Mat


California's governor, Gavin Newsom, has gone way too far. This month he targeted churches with his tyrannical restrictions.

"Places of worship must therefore discontinue singing and chanting activities and limit indoor attendance to 25% of building capacity or a maximum of 100 attendees, whichever is lower." – California Department of Health. (July 1, 2020). COVID-19 Industry Guidance: Places of Worship and Providers of Religious Services and Cultural Ceremonies. Sacramento, CA. CDOH

This new order came after thousands of protesters were flooding the streets to scream obscenities at our police and participate in other destructive behaviors. But when the police took action to protect their communities, the governor criticized the police for trying to keep order.

It might be time to take church worship to the streets of California and other lockdown states too.

We the People have a decision to make. Will we bow to radical politicians who want to control when and how we can worship while letting looters and rioters go free? Or will we stand up and demand the freedom that our Founding Fathers risked an ocean to create—a nation with religious freedom?

I encourage you to use LCA's offer today and send a fax directly to this governor and other national offices to stop infringing on our freedoms now.

Our nation is at a crossroads. There are 12 states that have either paused or reversed their re-opening plan, according to Newsweek.

All the churches in these states are very dependent on how these governors will order them to operate here in America. If more governors restrict the church, the only recourse for that church is months of costly legal fees and a drawn-out fight to regain their constitutional rights and God-given freedoms through the courts.

Radicals are in a full-court press to regain the control and fear they once wielded over Americans, over YOU, through COVID-19. Now is the time to rise up and demand that our nation restores liberty and freedom in our churches, in our communities, and in our country.

Hold our leaders accountable to protect and preserve our God-given freedoms to worship Him by sending your fax directly to their desks today.

Now is the moment when we need to worship our Lord and turn the eyes of our nation to Him. Yet these politicians want us to worship their golden idol—illusions of safety. These politicians are insisting that we silently bow the knee to their latest dictates for muzzles and masks.

My friend Samuel Rodriguez is the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. He said, "I believe Newsom's order regarding singing is completely discriminatory. How can you permit, not for one day, but for many days, tens of thousands to march in protest without wearing masks and then demand that 100 worshipers refrain from singing?"

This is simply religious discrimination.

We need to stop this before it spreads beyond the borders of California. Send your fax to Gov. Newsom and other state and national leaders to demand religious freedom here in America again.

Liberty Counsel Action works as a watchdog to alert you to threats to your freedom and religious liberty all across the nation. We research, verify, and prepare a way for your voice to be heard with just a few simple clicks. Our ministry is completely funded by the donations of our friends and supporters, and we rely 100% on your donations to keep this ministry moving forward.

If you value our service, let us know with an urgent donation today to help us continue this battle for religious freedom.

Thank you for your concern for how current politicians are treating our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms and for any way you can help make a difference. I encourage you to forward this email to your family and friends. Then, if you haven't already, sign our petition to end the lockdowns and restore freedom.

In Christ,

Mat Staver



P.S. Radical politicians want control. They are frantic to reimplement lockdowns, contact tracing surveillance, and more. Send a fax demanding legislators and governors not to send us back into lockdowns again.

If you cannot send a fax today, please sign our petition to leaders and to the White House urging them to provide national leadership to protect our freedoms.

Please know that we are keeping our friends and supporters in prayer. You are the reason that we can continue the vision God has given to wake up America. If you can, support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today. We would deeply appreciate your partnership with us in this mission. Again, thank you and God bless.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

This message can be viewed on our homepage.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
