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Stop the Impeachment Gestapo

Mat Staver

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Yesterday, the House voted 232-196 to pass a resolution to continue impeachment investigations. This is a continuation of gross injustice that I’ll lay out for you below.

But first we need to keep holding our representatives accountable and demand actual justice. We are just 15 votes away from stopping impeachment in the House. Click below to send an urgent fax today. - Mat.


There were two Democratic legislators who broke from their party to vote against impeachment. Liberty Counsel Action picked both Rep. Jeff Van Drew and Rep. Collin Peterson before the vote and flooded their offices with your faxes.

I believe that you impacted their vote! Thanks to patriots across America who made your voices heard, we can now show bipartisan resistance to this sham impeachment.

In addition, we held the number of co-sponsors to just eight House members. That means that almost 99 percent of the House is not committed to this process. And that means they are more willing to listen to our next flood of faxes.

But now for the bad news. This resolution is a complete poison pill for justice, and here’s how:

  • In past impeachment proceedings, both parties were given leadership roles. But yesterday’s resolution appoints Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff as both the prosecutor and the judge.
  • In previous impeachments, both parties could issue subpoenas as they wished, but this resolution requires that Republican leadership first gain “permission” from Rep. Schiff before they can issue a subpoena. He has already blocked some of Republican's requests.
  • Radicals are using these closed meetings to leak selective quotes that help their in-pocket reporters drive the news cycle. And they have scheduled more "hearings" for 9:00 AM on Monday.
  • And the worst attack on justice is that this resolution bans President Trump’s lawyers from seeing all the evidence. It allows Rep. Schiff to pick and choose what evidence he presents to the Judiciary Committee and only at that point can President Trump’s lawyers even be in the room and attempt to reply while their hands are tied. This is a mind-blowing breach of our American justice system.

This whole process reeks of injustice. These ground rules shockingly resemble the Soviet-era kangaroo courts where the accused was not allowed to hear the charges against him or her, and often their verdict was decided before they found the sham “evidence” to convict.

Help us stop this partisan hack. Send a clear message to our list of targeted legislators to end this hoax against the American people and our President before it is too late.

Radicals are modeling these impeachment proceedings after Joseph Stalin's bloody courts. His head of the secret police famously said, "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime." This statement from Lavrentiy Beria describes how, if you look at anyone long enough and hard enough, you can invent crimes for them.

One person who did listen to the call was former NSC Senior Director for European Affairs Tim Morrison. He said, “I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” according to The Federalist. Morrison also said that officials in Ukraine didn’t even know that some military funding had been delayed until more than a month AFTER this phone call.

But will that stop these radicals?

Not unless you and I stop them. We must demand equal standards for all elected officials regardless of their party affiliation. I will not sit by and watch this perversion of justice at the highest level in our nation. And I hope you won’t, either. Click the button below to send a fax and raise your voice today.


Liberty Counsel Action is in many private briefings. We are meeting with some of the most effective leaders on the Hill. Together, we are working to create a strategy to fight this radical attempted coup.

We need friends to come along side us right now to help share the many costs to create these powerful faxes and change these important votes on Capitol Hill. Would you pray about becoming a monthly donor of 25, 50, or 100 dollars? We also would be very grateful for a one-time donation to help us focus on countering these radical lies with the truth.

Thank you for your help to uphold justice in the halls of Congress.


Mat Staver



P.S. We have a very short window to speak out about impeachment. I hope you will send an urgent fax demanding a no vote on impeachment and exoneration for President Trump. Sign our petition right now to have your name given to our President. If you are able to donate, your support allows us to continue fighting for truth and justice on Capitol Hill. Help Liberty Counsel Action spread the word and gather more signatures by sending this email to your friends. 




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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854


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