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Congress wants to give away Our Wild. Don't let them!

The Wilderness Society

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President Trump's allies in Washington have declared war on Our Wild. The first day Congress was back in session, lawmakers passed a rule that makes it easier to give away our shared parks and public lands. A couple of weeks later, we have now seen the first bill trying to exploit it—legislation identifying 3.3 million acres across 10 states to be 'disposed of' and sold off.

NOW is the time to stand up and fight. The quickest and most impactful way to let your member of Congress know you reject the assault on Our Wild is to make a phone call telling them to vote against H.R. 621 and any other land giveaway schemes. CLICK HERE to call the U.S. Capitol switchboard and find your member of Congress (have your zip code ready to reach the right office). If that doesn't work, you can find your representative HERE.

Anti-conservation politicians laid the tracks for this scheme the first moment they could, and now the train is barreling toward Our Wild. We know we cannot count on the president to stand in its way. It is up to US to get tough and raise our voices.

Please call your member of Congress today.



The Wilderness Society



Please call Congress—it only takes a minute. Tell them to vote against H.R. 621 and other land giveaway bills!




1615 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20036  |  1-800-THE-WILD (1-800-843-9453) |