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Joseph Farah's Radical Plan to Rivive Freedom

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-From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: Joseph Farah's radical plan to revive freedom
Taking America Back:

A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality, and Justice

By WND Founder Joseph Farah

As Americans wake up to the reality of life in the age of Obama, many citizens are asking what, if anything, they can do to restore America's former greatness.

Fortunately, in Taking America Back: A Radical Plan to Revive Freedom, Morality and Justice, WND founder Joseph Farah provides some real answers.

"Our nation's economic well being, homeland security and once-great culture are all in danger," says Farah. "People want answers, now more than ever. And providing answers is what Taking America Back is all about."

Taking America Back exposes the weaknesses in America's current political and cultural systems and offers practical solutions that will revive freedom, decency, and justice in our nation.

"The founders put it all on the line," writes Farah. "They were willing to sacrifice their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. What, if anything, are Americans today willing to sacrifice?"

Exclusive Offer:

While supplies last, all copies of Taking America Back and Stop the Presses will be autographed by Joseph Farah.

Order your autographed copies today exclusively from–and don't forget to look for the "Personalized Inscription" box during checkout!

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Stop the Presses!

The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution

By WND Founder Joseph Farah

"Stop the presses!" You've heard newspaper editors shout that phrase in old movies. Joseph Farah was never a newspaper editor in the movies - he was one in real life. But he no longer works with ink, presses and newsprint.

A decade ago, Farah founded and became a pioneer on the New Media frontier. Today is the largest independent news service on the Internet. Stop the Presses! The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution is not just Farah's story, but that of a new wave of media superstars who have forever changed the way Americans get their news and express their views.

Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge...these are just some of the New Media names that old-school media like ABC News has acknowledged "rule our world." This revolution has shaken the foundations of the mainstream media, eroding its ability to control the flow of information...and with it, the power to control the lives of millions around the world.

The New Media revolution's beginnings have never been told until now.

"Joseph Farah was not just 'present at the creation' of the new media revolution, he helped instigate it Stop the Presses! is a fascinating and freewheeling look at how a harmonic convergence of politics, personalities and technology has forever changed the way Americans interact with their government, their fellow citizens, and the world."
Rush Limbaugh, nationally syndicated talk show host

"WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah is uniquely qualified to tell the real story of the 'new media revolution.' After all, he helped start it. This Patrick Henry of the internet will have you hoisting a Sam Adams in celebration."

Ann Coulter, author of five New York Times best sellers
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SPECIAL OFFER: Through this special, limited-time offer, you can save $7.95 when you purchase Taking America Back and Stop the Presses bundled together for just $21.95.