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Dear Mr. President: We Will Fight You

Ellen Olenska

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Dear Mr. President:


You have betrayed your most ardent supporters and your own campaign promises. The following are among those former supporters who do not support your current compromises to the elite, the Bush administration and the bankers:

The New York Times, The Nation, The Progressive, Senator Russ Feingold, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Wexler, Naomi Klein, William Greider, and the 88 members of the Westside Coalition to Restore the Bill of Rights, an organization I chair. Here is a list of your betrayals:

- Refusal to consider a single-payer healthcare system, even though a wide majority of Americans not employed by HMO's and big pharmaceutical companies want it desperately. (Canadians pay on average $60 per month per person for healthcare - a feat made possible by a nationwide risk pool -vs. $1950 per month here.

- A stunning gift of absolute power to 600 or so corrupt bankers that will keep Americans bankrupt for at least 100 years, as the debt created by this takeover impoverishes every American for generations.

- Your appointment of a GMO proponent as Secretary of Agriculture and a former Monsanto executive to head food safety: actions which may implicate you personally in millions of cancer cases and thousands of deaths worldwide.The Monsanto –FDA revolving door, initiated by George H.W. Bush to ensure that Monsanto would utterly control  the FDA, empower it to fire all scientists whose tests proved their GM seeds unsafe for human consumption,  and enable it to dictate non-regulatory government policy, is now Obama policy. The global domination of Monsanto, through illegal and stealthy contamination of heirloom  food crops in India, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay and Paraguay has destroyed millions of communities and crops, such as Mexican corn, that took thousands of years to breed to perfection. When Monsanto was unsuccessful in taking over the corn crop in Mexico, they dumped tons of very cheap GM corn onto Mexican markets. Once contaminated, the pristine Mexican corn seed becomes sterile forever.  Here in the US, Monsanto sends out hit squads of thugs to threaten and intimidate American farmers, often resulting in mass bankruptcies, even though the farmers are innocent of wrongdoing. The bee die-off that threatens to annihilate all food production on the planet may be due to contamination from Monsanto's "terminator seeds". That is the suspicion, although it is yet to be proven.

Monsanto has one goal: absolute power to own and control all seeds, food, and food production, preventing any human on earth from feeding his own family by growing his own organic or heirloom crops. Once Monsanto successfully monopolizes the global food supply, they will possess the political power to starve billions of humans to death; to play God and to determine selectively who shall live, and who shall die. I beg you to watch the  documentary, "The World According to Monsanto" co-produced by the Canadian and French governments to see exactly what evil you are unleashing upon the world.  Monsanto has strived to ban this film from US markets, but since Robert Redford has released it in the US, Monsanto can no longer hide from its shocking revelations.

- Refusal to end the war in Iraq

- Escalation of the quagmire in Afghanistan and Pakistan

- Refusal to close Guantanamo where torture continues as I write this

- Refusal to hold Dick Cheney accountable for gross violations of his constitutional oath

- Refusal to end military commissions, restore habeas corpus and prosecute telecom companies guilty of spying on innocent Americans.

Refusal to restore the rightful balance of power to the Federal government, as promised repeatedly in your campaign speeches.

In those speeches you showed courage and wisdom. In office you have retreated to passivity as Larry Summers and Tim Geithner executed a coup d'etat over the Federal government. You, like G.W. Bush before you, have enriched the billionaires of Wall Street at the expense of working Americans who are already suffering a much lowered standard of living.

We no longer trust you. We will fight you. Until you live up to your promise, you cannot count on us to support your programs. We, your former supporters, are growing in ranks. You will have to answer to us as well as the Republican opposition.

Author's Bio: Ellen Olenska is a choreographer and activist