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Swine Flu Mass Murder --How To Go After The Perpetrators

Dick Eastman

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From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 11:50 AM
Subject: Swine flu mass-murder -- how to go after the perpetrators

Information on swine flu attack follows below. But first
How do we bring down those who are responsible?
Lori Price writes:  "In a 'Holy convenience, Batman!' moment, a 'unique' flu virus (one likely concocted in US Army labs) overtakes media coverage of revelations that the highest levels of the US government instructed the CIA (and private contractors) to torture terror suspects."
She is right about the timing of this bio-weapon and its function as a distraction.  Dividing our attention among war escalation, the Kleptastrophe (which is spreading faster and destroying life more than the flu probably will this side of a Black Death or 1918 epidemic), and disclosures about torture and ever more evidence of the demolition of the twin towers and other aspects of the 9-11 false-flag terror attack -- this new distraction where there is a virus imperiling your family -- there is no way that the public will be able to take effective action appropriate to any of those situations. 
The media will play the Swine flu like they played the O.J. Simpson frame-up during the Whitewater investigation of Clinton -- whatever the  percentage increase over normal per-capital deaths from flu -- one thing should be born in mind, aside from the precautions we must take, there is very little we can do in bringing to justice the perpetrators of this bio-warfare against us.  We cannot track the virus to its source.  Yet we know the source because we know  other crimes the perpetrators have committed (9-11 for Zionism and profit and the Kleptastrophe for total economic domination, along with all of the calamities of the 20th Century wrongly attributed to other causes.  If we nail the Money Power on 9-11 and the Kleptastrophe we will nail them on all of the other frame-ups of Mother Nature, including applications of both weaponized Swine Flu and weaponized Clandestine Weather Modification.
Let's go after the economic crimes, never doubting that the same people are responsible for Swine Flu also (since the disease is cleary genetically engineered and could be deployed like this only by the biggest criminal syndicates in a world where international organized crime is practically a monopoly held by a few powerful families. 
Start visualizing the cuffs going  -- and start thinking about the the men who lock the cuffs on Lord Rothschild, David Rockefeller, the CFR,  and the heads of the CIA, Homeland Security and all the President's Cabinet and staff -- what incredible force of public support are they going to need behind them to see that justice is done?   I have always tried to rally people behind the more than ample evidence of the 9-11 false-flag frame-up.  On top of that there is the sufficient evidence to convinct the entire (Zionist) global merchant banking financial elite on the Kleptastrophe. At the top the the perpetrators are the same for each of those super crimes.  The crimes are exposed -- all we need is to rally public opinion to outrage and action over the fact that law-enforcement and the media guardians of of our freedoms have failed to do their primary jobs of saving us from discovered conspiracy.  We can't be microbiologists and backward engineer the genetically engineered virus (and how many microbiologists have died under unusual circumstances in the last few years?)
A good general will attack the enemy where that enemy is vulnerable -- where that enemy has already failed to conceal his actions.
Yet the official story of 9-11 has been exposed as a lie at least since 2002 --  yet you all have chosen to follow Alex Jones and Mike Ruppert and Morgan Reynolds and Jim Fetzer and Ron Paul and a hundred other shills ..  Nevertheless, my strategy for winning is still the only one that will work -  get them on the real 9-11 evidence (thermite at wtc, bombs at the Pentagon, the stand-down and a dozens of other REAL lines of evidence) and the Kleptastrophe crimes.  But to do that you must determine who has the facts and who is playing the "Ross Perot" false-opposition false hero such as Ron Paul, John McCain,  or everyone else who is allowed a high profile by the mass-media.
That's all from me this week. 
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.