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A YouTube Boycott will be observed on December 19, beginning just after midnight on December 18, in protest of YouTube's sweeping new policies, which are in effect serving to censor political messages that run counter to the ideologies of certain individuals who are monitoring channels and reporting abuses. Even though there has been no violation of the terms YouTube sets forth, the alleged offensive videos are taken down, while allowing videos that are actually offensive or abusive according to YouTube's guidelines. This has reportedly been on the increase since Google purchased YouTube in May 2007. Now, with ADL being tapped to join in on the monitoring of YouTube videos, we can expect an increase in censorship of videos it decides are abusive..
YouTube earns revenue every time someone clicks on one of its videos, no matter on what site it's located. The organizers of the boycot ask that people refrain from clicking on any YouTube (or Google) video for the entire day.
There's a YouTube video promoting the boycott, but of course YouTube keeps censoring that, too. But here it is on another service: