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A Thought to Ponder On the Fourth of July

James Velozo

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----- Original Message -----
From: "James Scott Velozo" <>
Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 6:33 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10
It is true that we live in the greatest country in the world.

That is a true statement because of "The Constitution of the United States", a document envied and admired around the world and beyond.

Try not to be caught up in the blind patriotism that so often accompanies this holiday and remember that it is not about the blood that will spill today, in our battles for land and/or resources, but is about the blood that was spilled in order to bring part of humanity into a reality of personal sovereignty. Try and remember that this country is no more than a dictatorship without "The Constitution of the United States".

I really hate to bring this up but feel on this day more than any other, people should try and break through their programming and realize that our constitution has been under a headlong frontal attack since 9/11. There was a coup that took place that went completely unnoticed. Our government gave our monetary system away to the financial ruling class and the federal reserve. That coup started in 1913 and capped off on 9/11, with a direct strike against "The Constitution of the United States".

Let us assume, for reasons of personal comfort, that the line of trash that was fed to the American populace about the strike is actually true and our history intact and credible. That leaves us with a our ruling class using a strike against our country to push through legislation that kills the document that keeps us free and gives us our liberties. I speak of the patriot act, which in truth all but destroys our personal liberties. A bill that was pushed through congress without anyone reading it. A bill that was in place since the Vietnam war. A bill that never would never have seen the light of day without a direct attack against the land of the US.

The "patriot act" is about controlling us and protecting themselves and their corrupt system from the people of the United States. It has nothing to do with stopping the spread of terrorism. That is a fiction that is played out for you on your television screens. George Bush JR. said, on national television, never let a good tragedy go to waste. I have heard that mentioned many times since.

Now that alone should concern many but it doesn't. Well, throw in the legislations that have been passed since 9/11 where items were inserted in the final drafts of bills that congress and the senate were given no time to review, that were direct attacks on the constitution and our personal liberties. Still not concerned, throw in the executive orders passed under the guise of stopping the spread of terrorism. Our government has multiplied it’s ruling and definitive powers over its people 100 fold since 9/11.

Just a few closing points to consider on the most important "fourth of July" ever.

1. The Constitution of the United States is under attack.

2. The United States Government is not the United States -- WE ARE -- they work for us.

3. War has, for thousands of years, always been about land and resources which equates to money and power. It's all about salesmanship. In order to stay in conflict you must sell the war. In order to sell a war you need an enemy. Real is best but perceived will suffice.

4. You can support and feel for our troops while denouncing war. They are two different things.

5. The worldwide ruling class is trying to breakdown our country and there are those who supposedly work for us who are helping.

6. "The Constitution of the United States" is the only thing that stands in their way.

I ask of you on this "Forth of July" holiday to remember the lives that were lost in an effort to bring the people of the United States the freedoms that are so cherished AND that "The Constitution of the United States" affords us these freedoms.

Also to please consider what I have wrote here today with an open mind. I really do believe that in order to save "The Constitution of the United States", the "Republic" and our rights and freedoms as human beings, we need to  look past the input that we are being presented with and consider the possibility that we are being deceived.

All that would have to happen in order for us to save our country is for everyone to WAKE UP. Hopefully this holiday will give you some time for reflection.