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"Incredible opportunity ... to fundamentally transform our country"


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Massachusetts was the first state to roll out contact tracing and surveillance. The Commonwealth just released shocking numbers indicating they have tracked down around 10,000 people in a very short time frame, and personally talked with about 60% of those under surveillance.

This Commonwealth's efforts are, unfortunately, a very low-tech system compared to what radicals plan to launch in the next few weeks. It’s important to note that Massachusetts has less than 0.4% of the workforce that Johns Hopkins University claims might be "necessary" to do contact tracing surveillance. In addition, the CDC and governor are building a program to share the data they plan to gather.

This surveillance launch is expected soon. Now is the time to remind our politicians they are public servants and We the People demand liberty and privacy. - Mat

All 50 states are working on a plan for surveillance, even the conservative holdout of South Dakota has already launched contact tracing through cell phones with a slight nod to anonymization. Right now, California is offering to pay people nearly $20.00 an hour to dig into the lives of their fellow Americans.

Radical politicians and tech gurus want to constantly track both sick and healthy people in every corner of America. Presidential candidate Joe Biden said, "I truly think that if we do this right, we have an incredible opportunity to not just dig out of this crisis but to fundamentally transform our country."

What is included in this transformation? The goal is to have hundreds of thousands of people all spying on you and other innocent Americans without a single warrant and then give these prying eyes the technology to track everyone’s movements. This will make what is happening in Massachusetts look like a lumbering dinosaur compared to the Industrious Age of spying.

Unless freedom-loving patriots rise up and stop this, these hundreds of thousands of domestic spies will have access to your cell phone’s location, and privacy in America will be destroyed. Send your fax today to end this spying.

Experts have their eye on this technology for the long haul. Mayank Varia a Boston University cybersecurity expert said, "this technology can be useful beyond the current epidemic since we have this capability ready to go."

What do our journalists have to say about this? "Contact Tracing Could Free America" is the start of The Atlantic’s headline. PBS took its 75-million-dollar coronavirus bailout from Congress, not to question IF we should be doing this but to explain to the masses "How contract tracing can help the U.S. get control over coronavirus." It promotes a Harvard professor saying, "extensive contact tracing in every community in America" is "absolutely fundamental to have."

It’s time to remember that what is truly fundamental is our constitutional rights. And it is time to stop this mad rush to destroy our freedom.

I want to pause a moment to encourage you today. It is not the government that gives us our freedom. Our freedom comes from a much more foundational source. Paul writes in Galatians 5:1 "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Our freedom comes from God.

I am confident that slavery, whether to legalism or to a power-hungry government intent on shutting down houses of worship while silencing and imprisoning pastors and clergy, is not the future that God wants for our nation. I urge you to get on your knees and pray for an awakening and for God’s mercy.

Then I ask you to stand firm with me right now. You are the only reason that Liberty Counsel Action can stay in this fight and provide the information and tools to help you change our nation’s future. Please consider sending us your best possible gift today on #GivingTuesday.

It is my prayer that together we can restore our dependency on God and the freedom, common sense, and dignity that flow from that.


Mat Staver



P.S. All states are already launching their contact tracing surveillance programs. There is not a moment to waste. They are tracking a shocking number of people, both sick and healthy. In the next several weeks, we expect new technology to automate a good amount of this surveillance. Now is the time to stop it. Send my fax today. Or if you can't send a fax, sign our petition to ask key leaders and legislators to stop spying on Americans.

Finally, if you share our concerns about what is happening, please donate to our organization's work on Capitol Hill to stop this madness.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
