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Surveillance on more than just the sick

Mat Staver

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National efforts for constant surveillance and spying on YOU are already cropping up around the nation. Even the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is on board.

They call it "contact tracing," but shockingly the CDC website never once suggests this surveillance even begins as a "voluntary" process—contrary to the constant promises from politicians. Nor do they limit themselves to only tracking people that are sick.

While we still have the freedom, we need to demand that our own government end this nightmare of spying on us.

As some states are moving to reopen, politicians are unveiling more attacks on your privacy. While high-tech options are still being rolled out (expect a launch this month), low-tech surveillance is already here in America.

Kansas City, Missouri is demanding that all businesses, even churches, record the name and contact information of everyone that enters their doors and submit that to the government. If people refuse, even pharmacies are being told to deny services to anyone that doesn't comply.

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo is now referring to people involved in this tracking as his "army." Americans who are highly trained to spy on the lives and activities of their fellow citizens. And the CDC urges this "army" to track and spy on you even if your only crime was being around someone else that the CDC says was "suspected" of being sick.

Did you catch that?

The CDC's policy does not even attempt to confirm if someone else actually had COVID-19 (or just a seasonal allergy) when they walked by you before invading YOUR privacy, tracking your movements, and demanding that you shelter at home or at their "isolation" facility.

Right now, your privacy, freedom, and liberty are under attack in ways I have never seen in my lifetime. Tell our politicians to end this now!

Right now, Communist China forces everyone to have an app on their phone that tracks their movements. They use the app to dictate if a person will be shoved into a locked room for two weeks, allowed outside, or granted entrance to a shopping center or public event.

India just launched the same technology last month, and before the month was out, they began demanding download compliance. Yesterday, Buzzfeed reported the following on the app, Aarogya Setu:


[A] pair of uniformed security guards stopped photographer Altaf Qadri from entering the pharmacy inside a large residential complex in Noida, a city near the Indian capital of New Delhi, unless he first showed them his phone. They wanted to see if he had installed the Indian government's coronavirus contact tracing app.

There to buy medicine for his father, Qadri protested. But then he saw other people trying to get into the pharmacy. They were downloading the app.

"That's when I realized this s**t is real," he said. "They really meant it."

India launched their app only a few weeks ago. Freedom-loving patriots need to wake up now.

Back in America, "A massive effort is currently underway by states across the country to recruit more manpower for the complex effort, which experts say will require billions of dollars and tens of thousands of people in an unprecedented effort," according to ABC News.

In addition, former New York City Mayor and failed presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg, just promised a 10-million-dollar donation to "help develop and implement" this interstate surveillance plan.

Those efforts are already up and running in Colorado, California, Kentucky, New Jersey, Alabama, New York, Utah, Oklahoma and North Carolina to just name a few. In fact, two weeks ago, the federal government sent 10-12 trained people to EVERY STATE in America to recruit, train and get this "army" of spies active in every state in America.

Our time is running out. Your liberty is in jeopardy right now. And the stakes couldn't be any higher. If America does not lead toward freedom right now, other nations across the world will fall in line and demand the same from their citizens. This is our moment to demand an end to the spying!

Liberty Counsel Action is passionately fighting for your freedom across most of America. This is only possible because of your support for our ministry. We cannot fight for individual liberty and community responsibility without your help.

Many days it seems that we are surrounded on every side by unconstitutional attacks. We receive more requests for help than we can serve because of limited finances and resources. Would you pray about giving your best possible donation today to ease this burden?

It is in moments like this, I pray that God will open your eyes, and like the servant of Elisha, be moved from fear of the surrounding army to the realization that we are surrounded by the army of the Living God (2 Kings 6). The eyes of our Father are constantly searching the earth looking for blameless hearts that are loyal to Him so that He can show himself strong on our behalf.

Even when afflicted, perplexed, and persecuted, (2 Corinthians 4) we can have a spirit of faith so that we do not lose heart.


Mat Staver



P.S. We have a very small window to stop this surveillance before it causes permanent damage to our freedom and privacy. Both the international community and American leaders are demanding we give up our freedoms. Will you comply? Fight it now by sending a fax to the politicians we need to change their minds in order to combat this.

Your prayers and donations are appreciated now more than ever as we are in the fight of our lives at this moment. God bless you.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
