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  OPINION:  Unbelievable. Each day the news is more unbelievable than the day before.
Today we learn that OBAMA is about to appoint Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board. Thrice denied confirmation by the Democratically controlled Congress due his extremist views Obama will now use a "recess appointment" to appoint him to a Board normally having five members but now only one other. So, Becker and one other now control labor relations in America. So who is Becker and why was he denied confirmation three times? He is an extremist (Communist says I) who has been an advocate for SEICU (remember who has visited the Oval office the most?) for years and is a former lawyer for the AFL-CIO. In your face America. Independence, neutrality, etc. no longer has anything to do with National Positions even those expected to keep the peace among adversaries (labor/management). Government offices will be handed over to Union Shills because the Unions gave Obama 450 million dollars in campaign contributions. "CHANGE" you were sold, Change you are getting. 'CHANGE' and 'COMMUNISM' are words fast becoming interchangeable in the Obama Administration.
Domestic Law Enforcement is being 'Militarized'.
CHAVEZ has closed the last remaining opposition owned newspaper in Venezuela and arrested the owner on trumpted up charges. Sean Penn, and likely most of Hollywood, says anyone criticizing CHAVEZ should be PUT IN JAIL. COMMUNISM thrives on both coast. No first Amendment-- to go with the coming loss of the second?
So, which Foreign Leader rushes to the microphone to be the first to congratulate Pelosi, Reid and Obama for 'Obamacare'?  CASTRO of course.  A COMMUNIST.
"Retirement USA" is the name for the approaching Government Mandated takeover of your 401K's and IRA's. Don't worry retiree's, you will be given some of those eternally popular Treasury Debt Instruments in return for your money. Then you can get in line with the other holders of the other $105,000,000,000,000 (Trillions) of said Debt. It is a misnomer. It should be named 'Obamacare Two'.
Ten Trillion more in Deficit Spending next ten years says morning news.
What else, oh yes, I remember. Buried in the Obamacare Bill just passed, $1500./Annual 'Special' Insurance Premium TO BE DEDUCTED FROM EVERY AMERICANS PAYCHECK. It's for old age 'special care' if needed. Possible to 'opt out' by filing Government forms. Can't wait to find what else is buried in the Bill.  "You will find out after it's passed" said Pelosi. After all, you can't expect them to read 2700 pages can you? I once purchased and tried to read Clinton's favorite 'Tragedy and Hope'. Only 1400 pages as I recall, a monster of a book. 
It goes without saying the COMMUNIST in D.C. exempted themselves from the Obamacare Bill (Page 114, Line 22). Thats another neat thing about COMMUNISM, the Leaders are not subject to the laws for the masses.
Daily Headlines bring unbelievable news each day; Sex Ed for six and seven year olds, parents jailed for home schooling their own children, thousands of California farmers Bankrupted by Government Bureaucrat Flunkies withholding their water, it seems there is no end to it. Behind every one of these "atrocities" sits a LIBERAL bent on "Change". They are not necessarily Lobotomized Obama Zombies but they are always Liberals. Liberalism is a mental disorder and, like Sean Penn, think the rest of us should be in jail. What do you think? There is a WAR going on whether you realize it or not and I am not referring to yesterdays 'WarZone' report. I refer to the WAR for the heart and soul of America.  Freedom and CONTROL, Freedom and Marxism, Freedom and Jail, are not compatible. If you do not choose soon you will have no choice, it will have been made for you.
Gays in the Military, the end of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' the Clinton  era idea which has worked so well for so long. Try to find a Military Person who agrees with Obama cramming this down their throats. Not one in a million. Equal treatment is not the object, they have that.  Like the parades through San Francisco with men virtually naked performing simulated sex acts on floats in public, IN YOUR FACE is the object. 'You WILL accept our LIBERAL IDEAS' and to hell with your beliefs and/or religion. Someone should explain to these 'Cavaliers' what happened when they pushed the
'Roundheads' to far.
WE can't talk business right now except to say  R.E.L.A.X..(not same as exlax).
39 Counts of 'whatever' filed by U.S. Atty. against Buckley. Indictments by Federal Grand Jury. 'First Reading' of circumstances (by me) indicates this has no bearing on his program funding (Treasury Gate, etc.).
The Obama/Netanyahu 'Dust-Up' mentioned yesterday is more serious than first realized. Construction of the East Jerusalem housing causing the flare up was exempted and not part of signed treaties to stop construction in certain areas. That didn't matter to Biden on his trip over nor to Obama as he gratuitously INSULTED Israel's Head of State in several different ways. This is a staged temper tantrum by the most naive and child like President in U.S. history. The purposeful insult/wounding of our most important ally in the region by an inexperienced, arrogant, puffed up, self important novice has exposed himself to the world as a 'tin horn' Dictator who thinks he can order anyone to 'catch and fetch'. He has no business being in the Oval Office. The job, especially the Foreign Policy part of the job, is well beyond his abilities except for the 'bowing' part which he has down pat.
                casper   3-26-10