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Montel Turns the Tables On A Fox Morning Television SHow

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From: JR
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:01 PM
Subject: Montel turns the tables on a Fox Morning Television show

I found this on Daily Kos and thought it was worth providing to MS readers. I always liked Montel's style, though I surely do not always agree with him. But, this is very cool. For the record 37 soldiers have died this month in an increasingly violent Iraq. The Surge is a joke and is prolonging our decision to leave this country to the Iraqis, if that is at all possible.

For just over three minutes on Saturday morning, TV talk show host Montel Williams owned the hosts of Fox and Friends. A former Marine and Naval officer, Montel lectured the stunned hosts on the stupidity of spending air time on the death of Heath Ledger, rather than covering the war in Iraq. It was a spectacle rarely seen on live cable television, as Montel exposed and condemned both tabloid "news" shows and much of American culture for what they have each become: shallow and greedy.

Three minutes into this awkward segment on Fox, one host cut off Montel in order to go to a commercial. Montel did not return after the break. Four days later, after 17 years as a television host, Montel lost his job.

DARK'S NOTE: Heath Ledger is dead. Get the fuck over it. Stop supporting this kind of "junk food media" and join the already ongoing boycott of FOX & NEWS Corp. Let them know you are fed up with this kind of shit!

FOX, CNN, NBC, CBS and the rest of the MAIN STREAM media no longer provide us NEWS.....just contrived entertainment and distractions. WAKE UP and DO SOMETHING about it!