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Western Media Continues to Spread Fake News About North Korea

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

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In modern warfare, one of the greatest weapons is the power to manipulate information. In a globalized international society, extremely in and connected by an infinite information circulation network, a media which controls the dissemination and content of such information is in an extremely advantageous position, as this power allows it to shape public opinion. In the mass society, we are all hostages to the dissemination of information and to the way it is carried out, which puts us in a position of extreme fragility, as we are daily forced to consume false information strategically manipulated by its disseminators.

Lies fill a large part of the mass media, as it is controlled by the most powerful groups in society and which are better able to guarantee their interests. In the Western world, the use of false.....

......In the end, Kim is alive, well and there is no concrete data that can tell us anything more accurate about his health.....