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An Historic Partnership Forms


Across the United States

Between the County Sheriffs


Citizens’ Grand Jury Movement

Submitted by the Steering Committee


Featured by State of the Nation

With the advent of the COVID-19 Super Vaccination Agenda, it has become apparent to every rational and righteous U.S. citizen that the nation has been completely taken over by an incorrigible cabal of criminally insane psychopaths.

Given this indisputable reality, there is only one way to right the ship of state: We the People must act decisively — POST-HASTE — to take back the American Republic.

It ought to be evident by now that only the U.S. Citizenry can forever terminate the genocidal OPERATION COVID-19.

There are no leaders anywhere in sight who are capable of, or courageous enough, to shut down the Covid juggernaut rolling across the 50 states.  This stark reality must be faced head-on if the Republic is to be saved.

In view of this rapidly predicament, PROJECT TAKE BACK THE REPUBLIC (PTBTR) has been inaugurated.


The foundational principles of this national movement are firm and uncompromising.

They include a peaceful and nonviolent, lawful and constitutional approach to holding accountable the countless criminals who have colluded to commit the Covid genocide of the American people.

The philosophical and legal basis of PROJECT TAKE BACK THE REPUBLIC has it roots in two primary institutions long upheld within the Anglo-American traditions of jurisprudence and law enforcement.

The first is the crucial role and law enforcement authority of the county sheriff; the second is the irrefutable constitutional power invested in the citizens’ grand jury.

For the uninitiated, citizens’ grand juries were the original form that legally operated during the earliest years of the grand jury system.  The most fundamental right of any citizenry is to hold accountable tyrants by way of indictments issued by a citizens’ grand jury.

Particularly in cases where the existing criminal justice system has devolved into a full-blown protection racket for the rich and powerful is it a legal necessity to convene citizen’s grand juries to indict the guilty.

When the guilty parties are so dangerous to American people as they are throughout the ongoing Covid crime spree, it becomes an obligation to carry out citizen’s arrests after the proper indictments are issued by the lawfully convened grand juries.

Trials can then be conducted with sentences handed down accordingly to remove every Covid menace to society from the streets with all deliberate speed.  For example:

Dr. Fauci to be Indicted by the Citizens’ Grand Jury (Video)

Bottom Line

The guilty Covid criminals are now aware that there is a serious endeavor that will soon unite the Patriot sheriffs in all 50 states with a constitutionally backed Citizen’s Grand Jury Movement.  These citizen Patriots will be lawfully empowered to carry out Citizen’s Arrests, convene Citizens’ Grand Juries, conduct Citizen-Conducted Trials, as well as execute the harsh sentences that will be handed down. See: HANG THEM ALL! LIVE—ON THE INTERNET!

KEY POINT: This nationwide citizen’s initiative will grow teeth by the day as county sheriffs in the red states sign on to PROJECT TAKE BACK THE REPUBLIC.  The Patriot sheriffs who have been elected in the conservative counties can lawfully deputize citizen undersheriffs who can then form the posses necessary to legitimately make the citizen’s arrests, after the citizens’ grand juries have issued their indictments.

(Source: RED ALERT: The Anti-Vax & Covid Truth Movements Will Soon Be Vilified After Being Blamed for Staged False Flag Domestic Terrorism)

To be continued —

Steering Committee


An SOTN-Supported Citizens’ Initiative