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Brandon Smith: Censorship, The Economic Collapse, The Coming Reset, and Breaking Free

Brandon Smith

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There is a lot of talk in the alternative media about the problem of internet censorship, but what are possible solutions, and what about the coming reset?  

Editor’s Note: We are pleased that Rory Hall of the Daily Coin has a Real.VIDEO channel, and in our attempt to diversify away from YT, we are providing the embed from that alternative platform.


Brandon Smith interviewed by Rory Hall of The Daily Coin

The two videos below are published on my account. While I am still using youtube I will be leaving that platform due to censorship and other issues discussed below.

Please subscribe to my Real.VIDEO Channel – click here to subscribe

Over the next few weeks you will see a dramatic increase in the number of videos that are produced through this channel. Our “studio” has been quiet due to the censorship by google, fakebook, youtube and twitter, but going forward we have a new set of tools, new platforms and a new outlook. We need your support to make it stronger, more vibrant and better than ever.

Don’t forget to follow us on our alternative social media platforms

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Part 1 – Free Speech, Censorship and Breaking Free