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FW:  Sept. 16, 2016

(NOTE:  Be sure to check out  his website listed below)




My work for Humanity at large on Our planet is something I thought You might be interested in.  In My 60 years here, I have established a number of things:


1)  That money accounts for Human energy added into the system that accounts for Our energy and which moves the bulk of the planet\'s wealth to very few here.


2)  That the very few who are receiving the bulk of the wealth are genetic psychopaths - thus Their inbreeding to retain the gene.


3)  That the planet belongs to ALL of Us but has been stolen through \"trusts\" We are neither told about nor have consented to (implied consent - because We do not specifically withdraw Our consent - is used to proceed on these \"trusts\").


4)  We have (relatively) new technologies - including electrogravitics, which is presently hidden in the black projects - that can provide unlimited free energy.


5)  All such technologies are hidden and suppressed.


6)  Adding free energy into Our economies removes the need to account for Human energy, removes the need for money, which is the only tool to power the psychopaths have, thus the hiding and suppression of free energy technologies.


7)  The systems in place presently promote psychopaths to power; to wit, money systems and top-down controlminds (\"governments\").


8)  We can withdraw consent from the systems in place now and consent to better ways of managing Human society.


9)  There are better ways of managing Human society.


My work is sharing awareness of a better way in the effort to have enough of Us consenting to this better way such that the systems now in place fall into disuse.  I alone cannot create this better system - it takes a large percentage of Us doing the creating.  To that end, I would like to offer links to a number of My articles in the hopes that Your organization is interested in investigating, and beyond that, that You might assist in sharing this awareness to the tipping point.


On the chance that links here cause the message to be put in "spam," I will await instruction on whethIf You want to investigate immediately, please do a search for "T.A.P. - You're It."  er this is so, or an email address to send the links to The link to the forum I administrate, and post articles about The Abundance Paradigm (T.A.P.) on, should be the top search result.


I thank You for Your time in considering what I offer, and any further action You take in the effort to create something far better for Humanity on this planet than the psychopaths in control are creating.



Love always!


Amaterasu Solar


"What Human does not deserve leisure and industry of interest, if (S)He chooses all behavior Ethically?"

"Revolution in ideas, not blood.\"



"Did You give an oath and find it\'s bait and switch?  Well, there is no oath then, is there?"

"ALL money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap - THEY will do ANYTHING to get there.\"

"The ONLY tool They use is money, and I say We can put that down and pick up far better tools.""The love of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows...\"\"If the universe is made of mostly \"dark\" energy...can We use it to run Our cars?\"\"If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.\"