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Jeff Rense is Not an Enemy of Islam!

Dick Eastman

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I will not see Z T Minhas accuse Jeff Rense of being an enemy of Islaam and do nothing about such a falsehood, such an injustice, such help Zionism and Satan as Z T Minhas has provided.  Z T Minhas is wrong and I am almost certain that he knows he is wrong.
I would appreciate it if someone reading this would have the honesty and integrity to forward this to the yahoogroups addressed above which I do not belong to.  The people of those lists need to hear words on behalf of the innocence of Jeff Rense of the accusation placed against him.  A man should not have to answer to slander.  I man should trust that men of integrity who know the truth will to speak up for him -- that is what I am doing.
None of you know me, so my effort to convince you may be futile.  Islam has no better friend in the US.  Rense has published on his site many articles defending Palestine and telling the truth about Zionism.  I have never heard a negative word about Islaam from him. 
I will not post another thing on the internet until this Z T Minhas retracts his statement about Jeff Rense being an enemy of Islam.  Allah requires justice of every man.
The people and civilization of Islaam have a very good friend in Jeff Rense.  No one is a stronger and more effective exposer of the evil of Zionism than is Jeff Rense  -- and yet you are letting this man, Z T Minhas, twist the truth so that you think Rense is an enemy of Islaam  when the truth is that Rense has never said anything against Islaam or given any indication of hostility to that faith. 
 I cannot see how intelligent people can follow this lie when the evidence of Rense's own radio broadcasts and his website are archived for all the world to see.
You allow secret operatives pretending to be friends of Islam   create conflcit between American anti-Zionists and faithful Islaam. 
If Z T Minhas does not retract his accusation -- then let my absence from further discussion of world events be a reminder that the greatest evil that threatens any of us is the agent of Satan pretending to be on the side of the one true God.
Z T Minhas does not speak like a Muslim.  He speaks like an operative attempting to divide people who belong working together in the holy cause against Zionist world domination.
Mr. Minhas may send his retraction here:
I do not want to hear from any of the rest of you.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 11:33 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Re: article on Rense
If Jeff Rense is a member of APFT then all the better:


I was first aware of 911 through a now defunct website. However as time went by you were one of the sources I would go to for news. I would dismiss your anti-Islam articles because I knew that not everyone will agree with Islam. Even on some social network websites, people would agree with me about 911 but be vehement in their opposition to Islam. So I would just take it as it came.

Jeff, be open about it, say it clearly. I know that Muslims are about 1.5 billion, that means that the remaining are not. So you fall in that category, but not every non-Muslim is a hater. I think the reason why people are talking  to you about this is because it is really not clear where you stand. I think you need to be clear. Say it and get it over with. You are an Islam hater. To be honest, I am fine with that. You can hate Islam all you like. I know a few people as acquaintances, not as friends that I have fair dealings with that hate Islam so bad they almost shit hearing that word. However that is not something we talk about at work. So as a result things are fine.

Jeff, you seem pretty adamant that 911 was an inside job. Yet you want to blame Islam, not for 911, but for everything else. I mean who are we kidding? I mean just look at the article you linked to. Do you want me to deconstruct you by deconstructing this article? I don't want  to get personal, but I can read people quite well. What part of arm chair warrior don't you understand Jeff? That's one. Sure valor means to choose your battles, but you can not please Satan and God at the same time, unless you are chicken shit. That's two.

I know what happens when well meaning people get on the good side of Islam, just ask Kevin Barrett, or Kevin Ryan. Or even non-Muslims like Steven Jones, who went only so far as to say that 911 wasn't done by Muslims. Or ask people less directly involved with 911, like Norman Finkelstein who really hasn't said much about 911 at all, and yet he is on the good side of a whole bunch of Muslims. What happened to him in Israel? Oh yeah, he got his ass kicked at the point of a gun. Jeff, let me ask you, are you in any danger? I mean that in a serious way. I mean do you fear losing all that you worked for because of your website? It happened with Jihaad Unspun, it happened with various palestinian websites, it happened with kavkaaz (at least temporarily), it happened with happened with libertyforum. Are you afraid of going down that memory hole?

Jeff, I heartily congratulate you for saying that 911 was an inside job. However, that money might light your hand on fire if you don't go all the way with the truth. Why not tell the whole truth. ISRAEL was a perpetrator of 911. You might lose that money, but at least your hand will stop getting burnt.

I know a lot who used to go to your website. Emphasis on used to, but you know, Jeff, we Muslims are a kind bunch.  We are not good at protest, boycotts, etc. It never works for us. In the end we get frustrated and we just walk away, and you might not  even know that we did. Quite a number have, and quite a number will continue to do so, as you can see from who are in the CC list here. I am not going to kid myself. I have no power over your website. Only you do, and only you will see the numbers shifting up and down, and that might be all that matters to you. But as you can see from what has happened to Hisham, members of my family, and others, you are only feeding the beast. I ask from your good judgement, that if feeding the beast is filling your belly, maybe you should consider going on a fast. That might be difficult, but it might be what is best, that is unless you are an Islam hater. If so, just start reading this email from the top all over again.

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From: Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq <>

To:; Mark Glenn <>;

Cc:;;;; Richard Wilcox <>;;;;;; Roland Zuercher <>

Sent: Friday, October 1, 2010 11:01:10

Subject: Re: article on Rense


Thanks for sharing this email to Jeff Rense. Your actions taken serves as a powerful example of what we all should be doing. Actions speaks louder than words is a simple statement that we all know but your bold and courageous actions regarding this and so many other things that you do, serves to remind us of what that simple statement really mean.

As a Muslim, I am deeply grateful to you Mark. Rense have carried many of my essays on 9/11, Palestine, Iraq, Zionism, etc for many years. But over the years I noticed a reluctance on his part to post anything I submit regarding clearing up misunderstandings about Islam, yet he eagerly will post Islamophobic material. After establishing my website I had a link to Rense as a reference but had gotten several emails about Rense being Islamophobic. I did not pay these experiences serious attention. But through your actions, especially with what you have shared in this email, I have decided to give it very serious thought. The article posted on his website is truly vile, filled with misinformation and serves the Zionist agenda perfectly to whip up hatred towards Islam and Muslims.

I have removed as a reference on my website and also will not solicit to carry his programs on my new radio station. I will also do my best to inform as many as possible to not support him as they will be supporting Islamophobia. There are too many wholesome truth tellers out there like yourself and many you have copied on this email, to support rather than Rense. Yes, there are many good items on his website and he has been a source of good information for many of us for many years. But his obvious demonizing of Islam to serve Jewish interests has caused him to lose my support and I hope as many people as I can inform on my website, yahoo groups and through the radio station.

Thank you Mark. Through your example I am inspired to go beyond words and take actions to address those things that should be addressed. I hope all of us could learn from your example. This would be a much better world.

Please keep us informed regarding the results of your email to Jeff Rense.



"Strive as in a race to achieve the

goal of excellence in all that you do."

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From: mark glenn <>


Cc:;;;; Richard Wilcox <>;;;;;

Sent: Tue, September 28, 2010 1:44:42 AM

Subject: [APFT] article on Rense


In light of what took place at Hesham's Islamic center recently--namely a car being torched as well as the physical threats he now receives personally, I am preparing an article dealing with 'alternative' media and how it assists mainstream media in fomenting anti-Islamic hysteria. On your front page you feature the following article--
I need a comment from you concerning your reasons for running something like this, as much as it is 100% pure Zionist propaganda while at the same time you profess to oppose Zionism
and the butchery taking place against the Muslims of Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, etc.
I would appreciate your reponse as soon as possible since I plan to release this article before you have Hesham on your program this evening.

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace...I did not come to bring peace, but the sword'--Jesus of Nazareth

"...But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, saying "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages." He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it...Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in him."

Book of John, Ch 12

----- Original Message -----
From: Dick Eastman
To: Z T Minhas ; Dick Eastman
Cc: Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq ; ; Mark Glenn ; ; ; ; Greatest Pakistan ; bangla vision ; Southall Group ; Yusuf Salaam ; ; ; ; ; Richard Wilcox ; ; ; ; ; jimprice_7@verizon.netRoland Zuercher ;
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject:  Re: Last post from Dick Eastman -- Dick Eastman endorses Jeff Rense as solid on 9-11, on Zionism, on good and evil. This Z T Minhas is poisoning your minds about a good man. Re: [bangla-vision] Re: article on Rense