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2/1 9/17

World peace in Hebrew means


everybody else bites the dust



By John Kaminski



Caution: Jewish destabilization template at work! The hiring of paid protesters by George Soros is a classic example of it.



The thing I can’t get over is that the leftwing peaceniks of the 1960s and ’70s have morphed into the violent liberal hooligans of the 20teens. Maybe Anthony Burgess predicted this in “A Clockwork Orange”, a 1962 novel about an ultraviolent future. 



Or maybe violence is part of the psychological package when it comes to paid protesters. We already know it is when the U.S. hires paid terrorists.



I suppose if the hardcore Communists of the ’50s can become the notorious Neocons in our new century, it simply demonstrates the political truism that certain threats that appear in one generation often change their disguises but not their intent in subsequent generations.



Then as now, most violent radical groups were not only funded by Jews, but now that Jews are out of the closet and openly in charge of the United States, they are often led by Jews as well. The main duty of these demagogues is to prevent any discussion about Jews in relation to the systemic crimes they have implemented in their unquenchable desire for power and control over everyone else.



I repeat, now that Jews are out of the closet and openly in charge of the United States, what desperate hope do the rest of us cling to in our frustrating pursuit of peace and justice?



I was horrified by all these George Soros funded maneuvers, first to pay the Ferguson protesters to ransack their own neighborhood, but then to disrupt Trump’s inauguration, to advocate violence against another political party. <>


These were no idealistic protests. Championing the cause of Hillary could never be construed as an idealistic endeavor. Next to Bush and Obama, she is perhaps the major American politician who should be in jail for her crimes.



This is exactly the kind of strategic subterfuge that allowed Bolsheviks from America to steal Mother Russia and got Frenchmen to hack many thousands of their countrymen to death. Its presence was also patently obvious in Ukraine, where the United States hired assassins to murder people on both sides to exacerbate that country’s turmoil.



This is the real Jewish-controlled United States at work, murder as many people as possible to keep the world afraid! The Japanese and the Germans know that all too well.



Who in their right mind could possibly protest to have Hillary Clinton be made president? Hillary, champion of homosexuals and welfare recipients! No, these were people paid to protest.



This is simply a variation on the way that cops who infiltrate all protests are usually the most violent participants, trying to increase the arrest total. And the media always play up the story to give all protesters a bad name.



This is a first in American history, and directly attributable to Jewish behind the scenes funding of poor people hired to fill the seats at Hillary’s boring Democratic Convention.



I tried to think of another example in U.S. history where the outgoing party promised to wreck the new administration, but I couldn’t. Barack Obama’s smug pride in his “achievements” are pathetic boasts in light of the absence of human concern and simple honesty during his presidency.



But what this caper of trying to destroy the Trump presidency DOES resemble is the consternation stirred up in Russia prior to the Bolshevik revolution, as well as the Reign of Terror that ravaged France during the chaotic years of the French Revolution.



Does this forecast a bloody revolution in America’s immediate future? You make the call.



Today’s events of the Deep State working to destroy the new President is very reminiscent of the two periods of history when behind-the-scenes Jews engineered the destruction of these two ancient countries, and obliterated both their history and national character in bloody atrocities.



I believe the same fate is about to befall the Americans. They will be fatally injured by the violent suppression of an inadequate revolution that will result in the total loss of freedom of speech. This is something that has already happened in many other countries which prohibit all negative comments about the obvious fact that Jews control the finances — and the governments — of the world.



This is why factual comprehension the true nature of the Jewish Holocaust hoax of World War II is so important to achieve, because it reveals many of the lies Americans, through Jewish media, have incorporated into their worldview as gospel truth. Mostly it’s a case of group think manipulation that your friends will be embarrassed if you try to state the truth of World War II that Hitler worked tirelessly for peace.



And you simply can’t imagine telling your friends that you believe Tom Brokaw’s “Greatest Generation” is the real revisionist history, having turned the story of World War II totally upside down. 



More than that. Hitler created prosperity by circumventing the Wall Street (Jewish) bankers as much as possible, and that was a message the Jewish world controllers could not allow to stand, lest its obvious appeal spread to other countries.



As long as Jews control the media, it will not be possible to regain any condition resembling freedom to say what we want to say, or to do what we have to do.



The one thing that hasn’t happened yet that marked the French Revolution as the bloodiest is the mass killing, neighbors offing neighbors. Some have speculated that could happen here as the food supply lines are cut off, or the ATMs are suddenly shut down.



Also, the pump is primed and the factions are really stoked for an all-out race war. Both black and white supremacists appear to be speaking different languages when asked to summarize America’s race problem. 



Blacks can see nothing but their own perceived oppression, while whites remember the days when a white country prospered, but now that half the world has been dragged in here, the systems are failing and community coherence is at an all time low.



Even though blacks in America are not successful unless they act like whites, the Jewish culture mavens make sure black music and entertainment lure white American youths to act like blacks, thereby retarding their potential for advancement in white society.



The great lie is the Jewish phrase “strength in diversity”. Actually, diversity brings only conflict and division. These things weaken a nation and cause it to lose its focus, making it prone to the desire of its unprincipled leaders to regard crime by force as just another foreign policy option.



A recent bill that would effectively cut off all critical speech about Jews, Judaism or Israel still lurks in halls of Congress, and given the tiny fraction of the electorate that is now Jew-aware, is very likely to pass next year. This would forever seal investigations into all of America’s military disasters, because those probes would necessarily delve into Israel’s subterranean control of the United States and all its activities.



The American revolution has already happened. Most people are simply not aware of it yet, and other people likely never will be.



as long as we don’t say who they are


it’s OK to talk about them


but the minute we name them


the topic suddenly becomes taboo



In this way is all discussion of what Henry Ford once called “the world’s foremost problem” totally shut down, deliberately silenced by the pernicious Jews who control all the media, and therefore, control what people believe.



So we’re talking about the “deep state” now, but all that means is that we’re still not talking about Jews and how they control every aspect of our lives, including especially our own political process in the United States.



Most Americans remain too dumbed down to even have a clue about all this, and that’s just the way the Jews like it, as they continue to work on their project of taking everything we have. It’s what they do; it’s what they’ve always done.



John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.