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Understanding what we are up against


The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness.  Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews.  But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred for enemies.


- "The Jews" by Cornelius Tacitus

1st Century Roman Senator and Historian


I recently received a note from a former 9-11 activist, who I first met in 2002 when he organized some of the first 9-11 "truth" events on the East Coast.  I had attended his events although I was never invited to speak.  I understood that I had been excluded because my analysis of 9-11, which focuses on the Israeli connection, is "politically incorrect" among pro-Israel organizations. 

After years of not hearing from the person, he recently sent me a small donation for my second chapter of Solving 9-11.   I subsequently sent him an advance copy of my latest chapter.  He quickly wrote back saying that he was troubled by my quoting Captain Eric May and the "Jewish" connections discussed in my 9-11 research:

And try to resist the temptation to have to make a Jewish connection to every piece of evidence or story you weave into your solving 9/11. It just reeks of racism even if you are not a racist or prejudiced in that way.

I responded that I had checked out Captain May's background and found that he had indeed been an officer in U.S. Army intelligence in Houston, Texas.  I had used Capt. May's comments, I told the 9-11 activist, because his credentials added credibility and support to my thesis about military games and false flag terror attacks.

About the advice to "resist the temptation to have to make a Jewish connection," I responded thusly:

My hypothesis about 9-11 is that it was an Israeli-produced event.  There is a great deal of evidence to support this hypothesis.  I don't think the Vatican or some idle minds at the Pentagon pulled off 9-11. 

I think that the Israelis did it. 

It is not racist to point out Israeli connections to a crime if you are making a case that they did it.  Don't be silly. 
If the Italian Mafia, or a Japanese criminal network had committed this crime, would it be racist to be pointing fingers at specific Italian or Japanese criminals?

This is the shortest possible answer to criticism that I am unfair to Israelis or Zionists in my writings about the abundance of evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11.  This is the common sense answer I use as my first defense against such charges.  There is, of course, a much longer answer for those who are interested.

The long answer could be illustrated and explained with my trial in the corrupt Chicago court of the Zionist judge Hyman I. Riebman. 

Unfortunately, very few people observed that gross miscarriage of justice so I will start with the more easily explained observation that there is a Zionist Jew covering every critical point of the 9-11 investigation, interpretation, and litigation.   That's a simple fact that I have already proven and discussed in many articles.

Michael Chertoff, Larry Silverstein, and U.S. Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein are the most prominent Zionists managing the 9-11 saga that come to mind.  Silverstein is now suing for another 12.3 billion dollars in Hellerstein's court.  Silverstein already won some 4.6 billion dollars on a lease that he had only paid a few million dollars. 

There are many more Zionists playing roles in the 9-11 saga, such as Judge Hyman I. Riebman and Steven Rosenblum, the head prosecutor who led the malicious prosecution against me in Chicago for my "anti-Jewish" 9-11 writings.  

One might ask, how could American Jews, a very small minority, be so well organized to manipulate the levers of power and control the 9-11 investigation and process? This is, after all, a very important historical question.


Tacitus, a Roman senator of the 1st Century, certainly knew something about Jews.  The Romans had sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D., when Cornelius was about 15 years old.

"The rest of the world they confront with the hatred for enemies," he wrote in The Histories.  It should be noted that Tacitus was writing some 300 years before the Babylonian Talmud, with its extreme anti-Christian teachings, had been written.  The oral teachings that preceded the first Palestinian Talmud were the teachings of the "scribes and Pharisees," which Jesus Christ railed against.  The Talmud basically rewrites Mosaic law and changes the original meaning.  (In a similar way the U.S. Constitution has been modified and re-interpreted to change the intent of the original document.)

Tacitus made the following observations about the Jewish religion of his time:

Moses prescribed for them a novel religion quite different from those of the rest of mankind.  Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral.

Proselytes to Jewry adopt the same practices, and the very first lesson they learn is to despite the gods, shed all feelings of patriotism, and consider parents, children and brothers as readily expendable.

"The rest of the world they confront with the hatred for enemies," Tactitus wrote.

This is something most non-Jewish Americans simply do not understand.  Jews view the rest of mankind as "the enemy" and they organize themselves against it.  It is that simple.  There are hundreds of Jewish organizations that are devoted to advancing Jewish and Zionist interests.  There are, however, no organizations to defend America against these anti-Christian and anti-American organizations.  America, for the Zionists, is like a country with AIDS; it has no immune system or resistance.

This is because American society has become very fragmented.  It is "atomized" or broken down to its smallest unit – the individual.  If that individual is very lucky he has a good family.  That is about the extent of the organization of American society.  Jewish organizations are able to cut through American society like a warm knife through butter; there is no opposition.

When the "Hebrews" of Eastern Europe began coming to America in the mid 1800s they were quick to organize.  There were thousands of Jewish organizations in New York City at the end of the 1800s.  The B'nai B'rith, for example, was created around 1840 in New York City. 

The B'nai B'rith, which is a secret Masonic organization exclusively for Jews, is the real world "Elders of Zion."  Through this exclusively Jewish Masonic network Zionist conspiracies are plotted and the secrets are taken to the grave.  High-level Masons of the B'nai B'rith are allowed to reach the highest level positions in the U.S. government.  They advance each other, not on merit but because they are fellow brothers in B'nai B'rith.

Larry Silverstein's father was B'nai B'rith.  The grandfather and father of Michael Goff of Ptech were B'nai B'rith.  The father of Mark V. Rosenker, the current head of the NTSB, was B'nai B'rith.  Those are just a few of the ones we know about.  There are many more. 

It is through these so-called "charitable" Jewish organizations that the Zionists are able to maintain a huge network of agents across the United States and the world.

B'nai B'rith is the parent organization of the ADL and Hillel, the Zionist organization on every U.S. college campus.  The Jewish Zionists are organized from New York to Miami to Alaska in every college, school, and town across America.  They face no organized resistance whatsoever; the Zionist agenda prevails without contest.

The New York Times first mentioned B'nai B'rith on July 22, 1868, in an article about the organization's annual convention.  The group's chairman Joseph Salzberger (probably Sulzberger of the New York Times family) mentioned in his address that the organization had been founded 28 years earlier, i.e. 1840. In 1868 there were 112 lodges and 12,000 members of B'nai B'rith.  (By 1968, one out of every 5 Jewish families in the United States was affiliated with the organization which had 500,000 members in 46 nations.)

After presenting the districts of the already national organization, there were the final toasts to "our country," "the future of Israel," and the press.

"Our country," to the B'nai B'rith, is "the Jerusalem of our prophets." 

Jerusalem is not an American city. It is currently illegally occupied by Zionist forces.

"The Future of Israel," was "the full noontide sun of our glory and happiness" for the assembled Elders of Zion. 

Israel is not an American state; it has been created on the occupied land of the Palestinian people, who have been thrown out of their homes, villages, and cities.

The final toast was to "The Press - The Archimedian Lever of the 19th Century."  The Archimedian lever to what end, one might ask.

The Zionists have long controlled the press in the United States.  Through controlling the media the Zionists control how Americans view the Middle East and the world.  The Sulzberger family of the New York Times, for example, provided three presidents in a row of the B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 1 in New York City.  On the other side of the family, the uncle of Arthur Hays Sulzberger, Benjamin Franklin Peixotto, was the Grand Saar or Grand Master of the entire B'nai B'rith organization from 1863-1866, during the U.S. Civil War.

Briefly, this is how this small minority of anti-Christian Zionists with a foreign agenda controls the American nation; plain and simple. 

If Americans cannot organize themselves to resist, which appears to be the case, they simply cannot prevail against a well organized foe.  This inability to organize does not bode well for the American republic or our way of life.

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4 April 2008

Plato's Republic and the Bush Dictatorship

Immorality in its "most perfect form" is manifested in a dictator, like the unelected U.S. president George W. Bush.  How such an immoral dictator is able to "comprehensively" plunder a nation is discussed in Plato's Republic by the sophist Thrasymachus. 

The comprehensive plundering of a nation is what the 27-year-old Bush-Clinton regime has done to the American republic since January 1981, when George H.W. Bush first entered the White House as Vice President to Ronald Reagan.  These are the tyrants who have given the American people numerous wars of aggression in far-off places but won't spend a dime to build a railroad for the people.   

The Zionist "war on terror" with its disastrous and extremely costly wars in the Middle East and the immensely destructive trade policies (e.g. NAFTA) of the Bush-Clinton criminal regime have severely damaged the U.S. economy. 

Today more than 4 out of 5 Americans realize that the nation is in serious trouble.  More than two out of three Americans think the economy is already in recession. 

Source:  "81% in Poll Say Nation Is Headed on the Wrong Track"
New York Times, April 4, 2008

Thrasymachus described the immoral dictator, a description that fits George W. Bush like a glove:  

This is the person you should consider, if you want to assess the extent to which immorality rather than morality is personally advantageous - and this is something you'll appreciate most easily if you look at immorality in its most perfect form and see how it enhances a wrongdoer's life beyond measure, but ruins the lives of his victims, who haven't the stomach for crime, to the same degree.

It's dictatorship I mean, because whether it takes stealth or overt violence, a dictator steals what doesn't belong to him - consecrated and unconsecrated objects, private possessions, and public property - and does so not on a small scale, but comprehensively.  Anyone who is caught committing the merest fraction of these crimes is not only punished, but thoroughly stigmatized as well:  small-scale criminals who commit these kinds of crimes are called temple-robbers, kidnappers, burglars, thieves, and robbers.

On the other hand, when someone appropriates the assets of the citizen body and then goes on to rob them of their very freedom and enslave them, then denigration gives way to congratulation, and it isn't only his fellow citizens who call him happy, but anyone else who hears about his consummate wrongdoing does so as well.

Source:  Republic by Plato

Translation by Robin Wakefield, 1993

Oxford World's Classics

3 April 2008


A new podcast is now online.   In this podcast I discuss my latest article, "When Terror Drills Turned Real:  9-11, the London Bombings & the Sinking of Estonia."

The podcast is on my new website at:

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Jesse Ventura, the former independent governor of Minnesota has written a book, Don't Start the Revolution Without Me.  On April 1, 2008, the former professional wrestler was interviewed by Larry King on CNN.

"I believe we need a revolution here," Ventura said.  

Here are a couple extracts from the interview, which is worth watching:


When I say revolution, I don't say a violent one, because I'm not for violence.  But we need a revolution to get rid of the Democratic and Republican two-party dictatorship that goes on in this country.

Larry, they've got us $9 trillion in debt now, these two parties. Trillion.  I can't fathom what a trillion is. Can you?

Larry, if you did that in the private sector, you'd be in prison.  You'd be put in jail. And yet they get away with it running our government -- Enron, WorldCom, ring a bell?


I like John McCain as a person. I respect him for his military service. But I don't like his positions at all, when he starts telling me that we could be in Iraq for 100 years. Larry, I can't hold my country on a pedestal anymore.

You know why? Because we lined our military up at another sovereign nation's border, we invaded that country and overthrew that government without being asked. That's what the Nazis did. That's what the communists did. And now we've done it...and now we've done what those countries have done.

We've invaded a country that did not do one thing to us. There isn't one shred of evidence that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.


KING: What's your read on what's happened with the economy?

VENTURA: I think it's directly to the Iraq War.

KING: That's the reason that --

VENTURA: I think that's a great deal of the reason. When we've sent over $500 million [Ventura misspoke here.  He meant $500 billion, i.e. 1,000 x $500 million] -- I don't know what they're at now. We're getting close to a billion dollars [he meant $1 trillion, i.e. 1,000 x $1 billion] over there.

And what happened to the fact Donald Rumsfeld sat on TV and told us Iraqi oil was going to pay for the whole thing? What happened to that concept?

I guess that went down the drain with weapons of mass destruction, ties to al Qaeda. And, you know, when I give speeches, this isn't the first war we've been lied to about.

The Vietnam War -- McNamara has now come out and said the Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. And that was the catalyst that put us into the Vietnam War and that was a lie.

I'm tired of -- you know, every president since I've been alive and can remember, which basically takes me from LBJ on, has lied to me.

Source:  Transcript of Jesse Ventura interview with Larry King, April 1, 2008




JAILED - Omri Sharon, the eldest son of the notorious Israeli war criminal and genocidaire Ariel Sharon, began serving a seven-month sentence in Israel at the end of February for having enriched himself immensely with funds illegally raised for his father's 1999 political campaign for the extreme right-wing party, Likud.

It is likely that Shimon Peres, the president of the state and deputy prime minister under Ariel Sharon, will grant a pardon for Sharon at a convenient time in the near future. Peres is the godfather and architect of Israel's illegal nuclear weapons arsenal and was the key person responsible for the illegal weapons transfers from the United States and Europe to the Zionist militias in Palestine, such as the Irgun and the Haganah, which became the military of the nascent state of Israel in the 1940s.

Omri Sharon was convicted of lying under oath (perjury), violations of the electoral code, and the fictitious registration of corporate documents.  According to the indictment, Ariel Sharon’s son received about $1.5 million from campaign funds raised from corporations in Israel and abroad between July 1999 and February 2000. 

This important story, which gives a glimpse of the rampant criminality at the highest level of the Israeli government, has been completely ignored in the U.S. media, where much of the money for the Likud comes from.  Omri was the key advisor and campaign manager for his father, who became the head of the Likud party before becoming prime minister in 2001. Like father, like son.

The criminal regimes that have ruled Israel have done nothing but harm to the Jewish people and damage to the reputation of the "Jewish state".    

Last year, Israel was seen as the state with the "most negative influence on the world."  It has just managed to inch above Iran and is now ranked as the second-worst state in the world, according to a recent poll released by the BBC World Service. 

The slanderous anti-Iran propaganda campaign has clearly paid off for the Zionist state.  Israel was able to pull ahead of Iran, which is now ranked as having the most negative influence.  Iran, however, has been unfairly maligned by the Zionist controlled media.  Israel, on the other hand, is given preferential treatment over all other states by the same media.  Ongoing Israeli state crimes, such as the terrorism and mass murder by the Israeli military of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are seldom described as the crimes they are.

Israel's negative rating dropped this year from 57 percent to 52 percent, moving it from the "worst influence" in world opinion to second most negative. 

To understand the reality of the extremely brutal Israeli occupation and how Palestinians and Arabs see Israel and Ariel Sharon, I suggest viewing these two music videos of Palestinian music.  They are very powerful. 

Palestine Nasheed - Amr Diab - Al Quds De Ardina


This is real political music, quite unlike anything American and Western kids listen to these days.  The music is the west is not even anti-war after 17 years of war against Iraq!  A current popular song in the West has these hopeless lyrics, which are repeated like a mantra to give up:

Relax, take it easy; for there is nothing we can do. 

Such music is meant to demoralize the youth and prevent them from taking any effective political action.  The former head of the CIA turned president, George H.W. Bush, used a similar song, "Don't Worry, Be Happy" in his campign when he ran for president.  This is mind-control music, which is now very common in America.

Source:  "BBC poll: Iran only country viewed more negatively than Israel"

Haaretz, April 2, 2008


1 April 2008

The Quest for the Wreckage of United Flight 93

The fact that the public has not seen any of the wreckage of UA Flight 93 is probably the weakest link in the 9-11 fairy tale.  United Airlines told me several years ago that the wreckage of Flight 93 was being kept in a warehouse and could not be seen because of the civil lawsuits.  There is now only one lawsuit from Flight 93 remaining, although that may have been settled by now.  There is no legitimate reason to hide the wreckage of Flight 93, if it exists.

The Daily American of Somerset, Penn. reported that 90 percent of the wreckage had been recovered from the 24-foot hole in the earth.  90 percent of a 100 ton aircraft is 90 tons of wreckage.  This would include such durable parts like the engines and landing gear.  Yet nobody in Lambertsville or Shanksville ever saw any wreckage of Flight 93.  How does 90 tons of wreckage disappear from a reclaimed mine and get transported to a warehouse without anybody seeing anything?  There is only one small road, with houses on both sides, that goes to the site of the "crash" near Shanksville.  Nobody saw anything.

When I followed-up on information from the FBI that the wreckage had been turned over to UAL, I called the airlines and spoke with Jeffrey Green, the person who dealt with Flight 93 questions at United Airlines HQ in Elk Grove Village, Illinois.

Jeffrey Green wrote to me on September 30, 2004:

1)       The wreckage of Flight 93 recovered from Pennsylvania has been preserved in a storage facility as it will likely be used as evidence in pending civil litigation.

This indicates that United Airlines has the wreckage.  But nobody has seen it.  The litigation is not the reason the wreckage has been hidden.  It's been hidden because it does not exist.

The fact that there is no evidence of any wreckage from Flight 93 is the weakest link in the whole fraud.  9-11 is a hoax.  The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are crimes of aggression.  The Bush-Cheney administration is a criminal regime. 

The "war on terror" is a huge Zionist deception.  Don't support it.

30 March 2008

Christopher Bollyn's latest article,



has been translated into French and Estonian.

A redacted version was published in Estonia's leading weekly,


The on-line article in Estonian is here


...and here is the French version of the complete article:

"Quand des exercices d'antiterrorisme tournent au vinaigre:

11/9, attentats de Londres et naufrage de l'Estonia"


25 March 2008




9-11, JULY 7 & ESTONIA

Bollyn's latest article is now published at:

20 March 2008




"Terror is theatre."

-Khalil in The Little Drummer Girl

by John Le Carre (1982)

The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carre is highly recommended reading for anyone who really wants to understand how Israeli false flag terror attacks are carried out.  This book provides a case study in how Israel cultivates and murders Arabs in a way to make it appear that they have blown themselves up.  This is how many of the so-called suicide bombings in Iraq and Palestine have been carried out.  

Le Carre gave special thanks to General Shlomo Gazit (born Weinstein in Ukraine), a former head of Israeli military intelligence (AMAN, 1974-78), in the forward for his insightful book on Israeli false flag terrorism in Europe. 

Le Carre had spent time in Sidon and among the Palestinians in the refugee camps of Beirut when he wrote the forward in July 1982.  He finished this novel as the Israeli war criminal and arch-terrorist Ariel Sharon pounded Beirut with everything short of a nuclear bomb.  Some 30,000 innocent Lebanese were killed in Sharon's invasion of 1982.

"Terror is theatre," are words Le Carre put in the mouth of Khalil, the noble Palestinian freedom fighter targeted by the Israeli secret service in the novel, but the reader knows that the Israelis are the real stage managers in this production of Zionist false flag terrorism. 

(I will refer to The Little Drummer Girl when I write about the Israeli agents that surrounded the 9-11 Arab "terrorists" in Florida.  Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, met with the Levy brothers, two senior Florida-based Israeli agents (Wings) in New York City on 9-11.  It is very odd that I am the only one who points out that Olmert was in New York City secretly on 9-11.  This is certainly not a small piece of the puzzle.  Why has Olmert's visit to New York City on September 10-11, 2001 been ignored by the media and the so-called 9-11 truth seekers?)

The warning signs are now indicating that a major false flag terror attack in Europe is in the works, as I previously warned in my March 10 posting below.  The latest warning comes through an audio tape of "Osama Bin Laden" interpreted by Israeli channels for the Associated Press.  See "Bin Laden Slams EU Over Prophet Cartoons" AP story:

The Israelis are apparently setting the stage for a major false flag terror attack in Europe. 

The reason for the planned false flag terror attack is quite clear.  The fighting morale among Europeans for the fraudulent "War on Terror" is flagging.  Nobody seems eager to help the clueless Canadians who are threatening to pull out of Kandahar if they don't get help, but nobody else is that stupid.  Maybe they think Kandahar is part of Kanada.  Seriously, there are reports that Canadians have tried to adopt Kandahar as something like that.

"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread," and the Canadians are obviously quite foolish.  Canadian troops say they will stay in Afghanistan until the Parliament calls them home, but what are Canadians looking for in Afghanistan?  What do these provincial Canadians really hope to accomplish in the middle of Asia?

The Canadians aren't the only fools following the Americans, of course.  The new client states (e.g. Poland, Estonia) of Eastern Europe and the corrupt regimes of Europe (e.g. Denmark) are also in Afghanistan for the long haul, so they say.   Formerly occupied nations like Norway, Denmark, Estonia, and others have squandered their moral authority by participating in the illegal occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.  In their craven foolishness they have lost a great deal.

We have even seen BBC video of Prince Harry firing a few rounds from a big machine gun in a well-protected nest in Afghanistan -- before he was called home to one of his family palaces in Britain.  He reportedly enjoyed being "normal," i.e. being filthy dirty and killing innocent Moslem Afghanis, along with the other pathetic British serfs suffering under his corrupt family monarchy.

Fools like Harry have clearly not read Plato, which should be required reading in every American and European high school, especially Phaedo and Republic.  The ancient Greeks believed that the souls of those who committed "many illegal and wrongful acts of killing" went to the lowest level of Hell, to Tartarus, "whence they nevermore emerge," i.e. condemned to eternal Hell.  Socrates and Plato knew what they were talking about.

This is why we are seeing so many suicides among these soldiers and veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan.  Their souls are suffering more severely, and permanently, than the tortured Iraqis of Abu Ghraib. 

It is important to remember that eventually these 160,000 combat-scarred trained torturers and killers will come home.  Their families will be the first to suffer.  Many of these vets will wind up becoming cruel and sadistic police men like Officers Barber, Stoy, and Felgenhauer of the Hoffman Estates Police Dept., the Iraq-war military police vets who broke my right arm and TASERed me in front of my crying family -- without reason other than to torture me.  Think about it and be prepared.

But the Canadians, Estonians, Danes and all the king's men are clearly not enough to win Afghanistan.  The Zionist "War on Terror" planners need the French to join the fray.  The Soviet Army couldn't win in Afghanistan in 10 years with a long land border and 10 times as many troops.  How does NATO expect to win where no one has ever won before? 

First clue: They don't read history.  Second clue:  They don't think history.  Their interest is primarily in short term profits from opium, mineral, and weapons deals.

With the extremely costly and disastrous wars clearly lost in Afghanistan and Iraq and with the US Dollar now worth less than the Swiss Franc, it is pretty clear why the planners need a new false flag terror attack in Europe. 

A distraction, please.  Everything has gone south. 

Given these warnings, it now seems very likely that a new false flag terror attack in Europe is imminent.

My advice:  Be prepared and be vigilant. 

14 March 2008


Christopher Bollyn's latest research article,

"The Terror Drills That Became Real:

9-11, the London Bombing & the Sinking of Estonia"

- about the terrorism exercises that became real.

This article is about the military and terrorism exercises that created the background and the framework within which the false flag terror attacks of 9-11, the London bombings of 2005, and the 1994 sinking of Estonia occurred.

The 5,000 word article, entitled "The Terror Drills That Became Real:  9-11, the London Bombings & the Sinking of Estonia," begins:

The past two decades have been marked by a large number of man-made terror events which remain unsolved to this day. Several of these events, which involve heinous crimes of mass murder, are similar in a most remarkable way.  These are the disasters which occurred during security drills or military exercises in which the scenario was incredibly similar, if not identical to the real-life terror attack.

Understanding the exercises that created the background and framework for these attacks is essential to understanding how the attacks were carried out.  The fact that these real-life terror events occurred within the context of virtually identical terrorism/security exercises has been completely ignored by the media - as if the exercises had never happened.

The first comments from readers:

From the United States:

Thanks so much for the article.  I think it will be a significant contribution.  The beauty of your work, aside from all the new information discovered, is in so clearly setting out and analyzing the pieces of the puzzle and in showing us how they fit together.

From Switzerland, a truly democratic republic ruled by its people and a constitution based on the U.S. model:

I have read your latest "SOLVING 9-11" research article.  This is another very interesting, important, and well written document. If only it could be made compulsory reading for all who are so incredibly (and, it seems, willfully) ignorant.

One (if not THE) reason for the "success" of these crimes and their subsequent cover-ups (most of the cover-ups lasting for many decades -- e.g. the real reasons how/why both world wars were provoked and kept going is unknown by almost all) is the total (controlled) failure (i.e. refusal) of the media to investigate. In fact, it's not simply a refusal to do what would be their duty, the controlled media does all it can to discredit those who get anywhere near the truth. The very fact that you, dear Christopher, a most gifted and able researcher and journalist had to flee from his own home to avoid abuse (or worse), speaks for itself.

A very interesting statement in your article is the following:

While the terrorism/security drills created the "contrarian scenario" framework within which the real terror attacks occurred, it does not necessarily follow that the agency running the exercise is the actual terrorist. The true culprit is much more likely to be a foreign agency, who is covertly, but intimately aware of the planning of the exercise. By having access to the critical computer networks involved in the exercise this outside agency has the ability to hijack the drill and make it "go live."

Of course, the really big ones, like 9/11, would not be possible without actual complicity in the highest political and military circles (Bush and Co. in the U.S., Blair in the U.K., etc.) and, as already said, a fully collaborating criminal media industry.

And, what hope is there with people like McCain, Obama, or Clinton as the next President of the U.S.?

The complete article with photos is only being sent to supporters and donors who contribute to Bollyn's research.

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* * *


Bollyn on

"THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL" As a child, my father told me that we were related to Anne Boleyn. What my dad told me was family history that has been passed along for more than 400 years. My father, an actor like his father, certainly knew his history. He had acted in "A Man for All Seasons" and other plays from the period.   I helped him study his lines.

I recently saw the film, "The Other Boleyn Girl," in which the Israeli actress Natalie Portman plays Anne Boleyn.  Mary Boleyn is also played by a Jewish actress.  The film had a Jewish writer and was produced by Scott Rudin, a producer the Los Angeles times says, "looks more like a reflective Talmudic scholar than a Hollywood deal-maker."

I certainly understood going in that I would not be seeing a film made by self-respecting Englishmen, but when the film opened I noticed, with some false optimism, that the BBC had a role in its production.  As a 9-11 researcher, I know very well that the BBC does not stand for historical integrity.

I was, all the same, deeply disturbed by the film's slanderous portrayal of Anne Boleyn.  Why would the BBC be engaged in smearing the Boleyn family with such lies?  Have they no respect for English history, even if they are not English?

As reviewer in the British press wrote, "At far too many crucial points, this isn't just History Lite, but History Helium."

Wrong.  The film is not history anything.  It is a work of pure fiction; vicious lying fiction.  Unfortunately, most viewers are completely unaware of this important fact before seeing the film.

I stayed and watched the credits.  At the very end of the film, a notice appears that says:  "This is a work of fiction."  How deceptive to put this at the very end of the film.  Nobody sees it.

This film is, indeed, a very nasty piece of fiction.  Why would the BBC be involved in producing such a slanderous interpretation of Anne Boleyn?  This is a question that needs to be answered.    

Anne Boleyn is one of the most famous queens in English history. The second wife of Henry VIII, she waited seven years for Henry to obtain an annulment.  The marriage in 1533 to Anne Boleyn caused an irrevocable breach with the Roman Catholic Church. 

Unable to provide a male heir for the king (there is much more history here), Anne was wrongly blamed and executed on patently false charges of witchcraft, incest and adultery on 19 May 1536.    

Having been through a similar experience of being maliciously prosecuted and forced into exile, watching the scene in which Anne was found guilty by 12 jurors was a profoundly personal cinematic moment.  I certainly understand how she must have felt.  

Anne Boleyn's daughter, Elizabeth, eventually became England's greatest queen.  Elizabeth I is, after all, a Boleyn.

The reign of Queen Elizabeth I is known as the Golden Age of English history.

It marked the height of the English Renaissance.  This was the time of William Shakespeare.  It was a time of peace and prosperity for England.

Elizabeth was also an immensely popular Queen.  She is one of the most admired rulers of all time. She was a legend in her own lifetime, famed for her remarkable abilities and achievements.

As Professor Retha Marvine Warnicke, the American historian of Anne Boleyn and the period, wrote:

As long as the lurid charges against the Queen exist only in unsubstantiated indictments and contradictory diplomatic writings, historians ought to remain sceptical about factional theories of her adulterous guilt or of factional politics. At the least, they owe it to the past not to further obscure the facts.

Warnicke's historical research was "severely distorted" in The Other Boleyn Girl, a novel by Philippa Gregory. Gregory claimed that her novel's conclusion was based upon Warnicke's findings in The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn. 

Warnicke, however, has publicly distanced herself from the novel and its presentation of the Boleyns.

* * * * *

March 10, 2008


It is prudent to advise my readers that there are reasonable concerns of false flag terror attacks, particularly in France during the visit of the Israeli arch-terrorist Shimon Peres (born Persky in Poland) to Paris, and acts of aggression in the Middle East on or about March 19 and the following days, during the time of the Jewish festival of Purim:

My latest article about the major false flag terror attacks that have occurred within the framework of security and terrorism drills is now being sent to donors. 

The article can be obtained by sending a donation by PayPal to:


* * *


25 February 2008

Christopher Bollyn and the unique Barbara Jean, radio hostess of Born on the 4th of July, had an interesting and lively two-hour discussion on K-TALK of the Salt Lake valley area on Monday afternoon, from noon to 2 p.m. (Mountain Time Zone).

Christopher and Barbara discussed the signs of the increasing tyranny of the U.S. government.  Bollyn discussed the broken social contract in the United States and how fictional elections and electronic vote fraud have resulted in fictional representation (as Thomas Paine warned in 1803) and the growing awareness of the loss of the democratic franchise in America:

It is always the interest of a far greater part of the nation to have a thing right than to have it wrong; and therefore, in a country whose government is founded on the system of election and representation, the fate of every party is decided by its principles.

As this system is the only form and principle of government by which liberty can be preserved, and the only one that can embrace all the varieties of a great extent of country, it necessarily follows, that to have the representation real, the election must be real; and that where the election is a fiction, the representation is a fiction also. Like will always produce like.

- Thomas Paine to the Citizens of the United States, Letter V, January 29, 1803

Bollyn reminded the listeners that there is a completely peaceful and legal way to recover our democratic franchise:  throw out the electronic devices and private companies controlling our elections and go back to open and transparent vote-counting.

He recommends that each state, the State of Utah, for example, restore honest elections and truly representative government by returning to simple paper ballots counted by hand (in front of the public) in each polling station immediately after polls close.  The U.S. Constitution grants each state the authority to manage its elections.

The citizens of the various states must reclaim control of their elections.  Only by restoring honest and transparent elections is there any chance for good government; it's common sense.  Honest elections will bring prosperity and popularity to those states that have the integrity and common sense to restore the social contract with the citizens, who are the true sovereign power.  Among the 50 states there must be one whose citizens are fed up with the tyranny of the criminal regime in Washington and the funky gadgets and foreign companies stealing their votes and elections that support it.

Bollyn also discussed the 9-11 research of Prof. Steven Jones of BYU and how he was unfairly suspended and forced to retire from teaching because of his honest research into the molten metal found and seen at the World Trade Center.

The callers were positive and interesting.  This was helped by the fact that the audience understood the Mormon concept of "Gadianton robbers" taking over the government and all the institutions of society.

The lies of 9-11 and the illegal wars of aggression that have followed are clearly supported by widespread corruption in the media and the government.  Until this corruption is addressed and rooted out, there will be no prosecution of the crimes of 9-11.

Read this bit of Rousseau and ask yourself, does this NOT describe the United States of America in 2008?

As soon as serving the public is no longer the main concern of the citizens, and they prefer not to give service themselves, but to use their purses, the state is already near to ruin.  Is there a battle to be fought? – they pay for troops and stay at home; are public decisions to be made? – they choose deputies and stay at home.  Through being lazy and having money, they end up with soldiers to oppress their country and representatives to sell it.

 - Jean Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762, "Deputies or Representatives"

Finally, when the state is close to ruin and subsists only through empty and deluding forms (e.g. the fraudulent computer-controlled elections in USA), when in each man's heart the social bond is broken, when the crudest self-interest insolently adorns itself with the sacred name of the public good, then the general will falls silent; the motives of all are kept secret, their votes are no more the votes of citizens than if the state had never existed, and the decrees that are falsely passed (e.g. executive orders), under the name of laws, have private interests as their only aim.

- Rousseau, The Social Contract, Book IV, Chapter 1 

 Christopher Bollyn is an independent journalist and historian known for his original research articles about 9-11, the Middle East crisis, the dangers of TASERs, depleted uranium, electronic vote fraud, and other important - but under-reported issues of the day. 

He has spent many years studying the Middle East and Semitic languages and earned a degree in history from the University of California at Santa Cruz with an emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Besides research and writing, Bollyn works as an editor and translator.  His extensive travels and knowledge of German, Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish, Hebrew and Arabic complement his ability to analyze international politics and events.

Bollyn is currently working on a book entitled Solving 9-11, which is dedicated to explaining what really happened and bringing the events of 9-11 into historical perspective.  The research is underway and will take months to complete.  This essential work to increase understanding and clarity of the subject can only be completed with the support of readers and interested citizens.

To support Bollyn's research and writing,

send a donation by PayPal to:



Christopher Bollyn in Los Angeles, California

All power to your pen in 2008.

With best wishes for a safe and productive

year for you and your family,

- A Supporter from Japan

You may also donate by sending a check or money order to:

Christopher Bollyn

3 Golf Center, Suite 365Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

U. S. A.

Please specify if you would like a copy of Bollyn's charming ABC book for children.

Thank you for your support!


News and Recent Articles

NEWS: The entry in under my name is fraudulent.  I don't know who created it or any of the so-called "friends." It is a fraud and contains numerous errors of fact and the ridiculous assertion that I have been "kidnapped." is the only place where I post articles and comments.


Is "Rayelan" a.k.a. Raye Allan Dyer Russbacher (nee Smith) , the widow of John Norvell Dyer, the former professor of physics and dean of the U.S. Navy's Postgraduate School at Monterey (1961-87), taking orders from U.S. Army Intelligence?  It certainly looks that way.

Note:  My information that Raye Allan Smith married John Norvell Dyer on May 21, 1975 comes from Who's Who in the West - 1988-1989, 21st Edition (pub. 1987), information that is in the public domain.  There is much more information about Raye Allan and Gunther Russbacher that has been published in newspapers around the United States, most of it about the various identity theft and con scams run by Mr. Russbacher.  If Russbacher was a secret CIA operative, as Raye Allan says, why did he steal the identity of a living man in Minnesota, after serving time in the state, to run one of his con schemes in Missouri?

There are also numerous press reports about the problems his two sons have had in Missouri, including the 2004 death of a passenger in a vehicle driven by a Norman L. Russbacher, age 24, one of the Russbacher boys, who was very drunk when he crashed into a tree. 

I am certainly not "outing" Raye Allan by reporting published information that can be found in a NewsBank search or any library in the United States.  The published articles about Raye Allan and the convicted con-man Gunther Russbacher are readily available to any reader through a NewsBank search of the national newspaper archives.

My note about RMN banning me precedes the following article about the school shooter "off his meds" and the urgent need to understand the dangerous side effects of SSRI medications like Prozac.


Another School Schooting, Another Schooter on Drugs16 February 2008


NEW! Is Denmark Being Set Up? 

Why a Nation Known for Pork is Busy Attacking Islam14 February 2008

NEW! Peter Power and the London Bombings

14 February 2008

Peter Power Responds to Bollyn:

Peter Power of Visor Consultants ( finally wrote back to me after several weeks of my calling his office during business hours and sending emails.

Power wrote:

Subject: Re: RESEND: Media Question About 7 July 2005 ExerciseDate:    Fri, 15 Feb 2008

I have just read your libellous and absurd feature supposedly about me now available on the internet. I had not responded before to your earlier email as it automatically went into my spam folder along with all the other messages from bizarre minded people. For your information I decided to leave the Dorset police. I was not dismissed. You might want to withdraw your statement now, or I will indeed take action against you for libel.  I was never charged, 'forced to retire', summonsed or prosecuted for anything at all. Beyond that I do not feel compelled to answer your malicious allegations that anyone in their right mind would have nothing to do with. However, we do have on our answerphone in London a rambling message supposedly from you saying inter alia, you were the subject of a police raid and became upset as a result...

Peter Power, Visor Consultants

First, I want to give credit to the July 7th Truth Campaign, which has published the information about Peter Power's comments of July 7, 2005 and his troubled past in West Dorset on their website:

I wanted to add a line to my RMN posting about Power, giving credit to the J7 website, but was banned from Rumor Mill News before I could do so.  My apologies.

See: "Peter Power and the London Bombings," Feb. 14, 2008;read=118940


Power says he "decided to leave the Dorset police" and "was not dismissed."  Anyone reading the press articles about the 1993 criminal investigation into Mr. Power, a former police superintendent in West Dorset, would probably come to another conclusion.

The Sunday Times reported on August 8, 1993:

Crown Prosecution Service has been sent details of an investigation into a senior police officer with the Dorset force. Dorset police confirmed yesterday that Superintendent Peter Power, the officer in charge of the west of the county, has been suspended on full pay since April but refused to outline the allegations against him. Power, who was involved in the Iranian embassy siege and King's Cross fire, transferred to Dorset in 1990 after serving 19 years in the Metropolitian police.

Source:  Furbisher, John, "Top detective held in drugs probe - Kevin Cooper"; Sunday Times - Aug. 8, 1993

It should be noted that the Crown Prosecution Service is responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales.

On September 2, 1993, the Dorset Echo had a page 3 feature story reporting that Power was "to retire early on medical grounds" from the Dorset Police:

Suspended police chief leaves force

Dorset Echo

September 2, 1993

A West Dorset senior policeman currently under suspension from duty is to retire early on medical grounds.

Superintendent Peter Power (42) will leave the force on September 26.

He was suspended following an internal police inquiry earlier this year after which a file was submitted for consideration to the Director of Public Prosecution.

A Dorset Police spokesman said Supt Power's retirement grounds were "confidential".

She added "Supt Power is entitled to an ill-health pension. His retirement does not affect any liability for action by the DPP".

Supt Power commands a sub-division covering Dorchester, Shaftesbury, Swanage, Blandford, Sherborne and Wareham.

Chief Inspector Ted Ryan was appointed in charge following Supt Power's suspension.

The Guardian of September 2, 1993 reported the same:

Superintendent Peter Power, aged 42, who has been suspended on full pay since April, is to leave the Dorset force on September 26 on health grounds.

What nonsense is this?  Why would a 42-year-old police chief who had been suspended and under a criminal investigation for 5 months be allowed to retire on "health grounds" with a pension?   Do you see something fishy here?

Was Power being investigated for criminal behavior related to his health?  Was he involved in some unhealthy behavior that is criminal?  What could that possibly be?  Why have all the details of the criminal investigation into Peter Power been kept confidential?  This man is right in the middle of the false flag terror of July 7!

I tried many times to ask Peter Power about the mysterious unnamed company he was conducting a security drill for on July 7, 2005 as well as the Dorset investigation.  The unnamed company designed the terror scenario that became real that day.   My God, why have they been let off the hook?  Are all the police in London as corrupt as Peter Power?

Mr. Power does not want to answer any questions but his central role in the July 7 bombings requires that he tell the whole truth about who he was working with on that day and the charges for which he was investigated in 1993.

NEW! Read This if You Vote or Fly

5 February 2008 - Super Tuesday

Comment: 9-11 Let the Truth Be Known10 February 2008

Bollyn's Crucial 9-11 Discovery Now Posted29 January 2008

For supporting documents, click here and here.

The Evidence from "Integrated Aircraft Early Warning System" 

(see pp. 44 -50 for key personnel)

9-11- Bush Was Behind Silencing of Dr. Steven E. Jones on Thermite29 January 2007

The Key Players of 9-11 - Who is Jerome Hauer? 20 January 2007

Please scroll down for more exciting articles.

New Articles & Audio Files

Bollyn Article Delayed Due to Lack of Funds18 January 2007

URGENT! Bollyn Makes Crucial 9-11 Discovery16 January 2007

NEW! SOLVING 9-11 Chapter 2 - "America the Target"

15 January 200

Fire Did Not Collapse the WTC8 January 2007

On Fictional Elections & Taking Our Republic Back

3 January 2007


The Remedy to Protect the Iowa Caucus Results

1 January 2008

ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus

31 December 2007


Exposing the Zionist Hidden Hand Ruling Britain and the United States20 December 2007

Bollyn's Christmas Letter 2007Rejecting the War Agenda and Standing Up For Peace

15 December 2007

Algeria Bombing - 11 Means "Israel"12 December 2007

James Meigs & the 9-11 Fairy Tale - Spinmeister or Slave

11 December 2007

"Slam Bollyn Every Way You Can" - Daryl B. Smith10 December 2007

HOW ODD - Olmert & Mukasey Supported a Jewish Arsonist in Brooklin

8 December 2007

Italian president Francesco Cossiga: Mossad & CIA Committed 9-11

8 December 2007

9-11 Judge Hellerstein "Slams" 9-11 Widow Ellen Mariani

6 December 2007

On Enduring Dictators and Darkness

5 December 2007

TOP SECRET: Ehud Olmert's Visit to NYC on Eve of 9-11

4 December 2007

The Israeli Prime Minister's Connection to 9/11  

2 December 2007

America the Target of Israeli Terrorism

27 November 2007

Solving 9-11, America the Target, Chapter 2 now available to supporters and donors

20 November 2007

Comments from readers:

"Chris continues to lead the pack into places where the vast majority of journalists have a seemingly total fear of treading. It really says a lot about the near total criminal cryptocracy running the show."

- James B. Phillips, Oak Park, Illinois

"Thank you for sending the second chapter of Solving 9/11 - admiring your courage in seeking this information and finding it, and clarity of the exposition."

"I admire your journalistic and investigative talents as well as your courage to speak truth to power.  In 2002, I went to a debate at the University of Judaism in L.A. between Henry Kissinger and Shimon Peres.  It wasn't much of a debate since they agreed.  Yet the tragedy etched in Shimon Peres' face is something I will never forget.  I had never seen a face with such bottomless sorrow."- A Reader from California

Trigger-Happy Canadian Cops Kill Polish Traveler in Distress

16 November 2007

Global Warming - "The Greatest Scam in History" 14 November 2007

Audio: Bollyn on Israeli attacks against US prior to 9-11. Also he discusses the drastic incarceration of Dr. Linda Shelton while taking her medical equipment to the Cook County Courthouse. Listen to his 3-part audio filr reorded on 9 November. 




Chris And Helje during their November 9th radio show.

James B. Phillips, 1st Lt. USMC (Ret.) Comments on Bollyn Case8 November 2007

Click on the link below to view an amazing photo of james B. Phillips with his USMC rifle Platoon in Vietnam in front of a Catholic Church.  1st Lt. Phillips is in the top row, third from the left.


Audio: Bollyn discusses USS Liberty and readers' comments 
27 October 2007

Michael Chertoff the Israeli - Proof of His Childhood in Israel

26 November 2007

Is 9-11 Judge Hellerstein Working for Israel?23 October 2007

Chapter I The Planes of 9-11 

The first chapter of Bollyn's book "Solving 9-11". Now also in French.

18 October 2007

Solving the 9-11: The Planes

16 October 2007

Audio: Bollyn discusses his latest article about the planes of 9-11


Bollyn Makes Crucial 9-11 Discovery

10 October 2007

Closing the Book on the 9-11 Cover-Up

27 September 2007

9-11:  An American Holocaust25 September 2007

9-11 Cover-Up: The Italian Gangsters & Their Jewish Bosses1 October 2007

Who is Michael B. Mukasey?22 September 2007  

The 9-11 Conspirators & Their "Unbreakable Bond"

with Israel

20 September 2007

Bush Nominates 9-11 Zionist Judge as Attorney General

17 September 2007

Bollyn on the Toxic Dust and Smoke of the World Trade Center

12 September 2007

9-11 Litigation: Andrew Colsky, SSI & the Exclusion of Evidence11 September 2007

Bollyn Responds to Slanderous Lies of Daryl B. Smith

Audio: Bollyn speaks on K-TALK

3 September 2007

Comment about Disinformation Spread by Daryl B. Smith & Eric Hufschmid

4 September 2007

Arnon Milchan & the Israeli Control of Media1 September 2007 

Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid

21 August 2007

Bollyn Statement on the Importance of Non-Violence 

19 August 2007

Letter from An Exile 

17 August 2007 

The Zionist Gatekeeper Greg Palast & His Attack on Dr. Jones and 9-11 Truth

11 August 2007 

Bollyn Statement Regarding False Rumors & Associations

18 July 2007

7 September 2007

James B. Phillips Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid

6 September 2007

The Lonesome Death of the American Dream

Posted on Aug 8, 2007

"Your most serious danger is what is happening to your laws; to the basic foundation of your rule of law. And this, this is what is intended by those who are determined to and engaged in the effort to enslave you.

"It is your laws that determine how and where and when the military will act; how the police will act. It is your laws that determine whether agents of the law can drag you from your homes in the middle of the night. It is your laws that allow for you to be beaten by agents of the law for flying a flag up side down on your front porch. It is your laws that determine whether you can be shoved around, denied the right of assembly and generally messed with whenever they want to mess with you.

"Where are the laws that go into force when those who enforce the law are breaking the law? Where is the process that should be automatic that deters the abuse of the law by those empowered to defend it? Where is this thing that isn’t working as I type these words?"

Read the whole article here

The Right Against Government Retaliation

Read the whole article about theCriminalization of Political Activists and Critics in North Country Gazette

Across the nation, judges, prosecutors and the police are running amok, engaging in a rape and pillage of the U.S. Constitution, abusing the laws, their briefcases, gavels, badges and their black robes to terrorize, retaliate and intimidate members of the citizenry who have the courage to stand up to their arbitrary and wrongful arrests, malicious prosecutions and rulings, who seek to expose the cover-ups of abuse and corruption in the justice system and challenge their abuse of parties whom appear before them seeking justice and redress of grievances.

Police are abusing their powers, arresting people who dare to criticize the government, arresting people for taking pictures of police officers or simply taking pictures in public places, who wear a t-shirt bashing President Bush and for reporters who dare to look further than the news release handed out and work to expose government corruption.  The prosecutors and low level courts are condoning it, resulting in ruining people’s lives, causing wrongful incarcerations, trying to label their critics as cuckoo, all in an effort to cover up their wrongful actions, in essence fueling the cancer of governmental interference and corruption that has become pervasive in today’s society.

Christopher Bollyn and his Muse Dusty