Whiskey, Dope and Hot Money Banks
Sherman H. Skolnick
by Sherman H. Skolnick, moderator/producer of Chicago public access Cable TV Show "Broadsides" since 1991, and chairman/founder since 1963, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts
They are known by savvy folks as the whiskey, dope, and hot money banks. And they are centered or want to be centered in Chicago, called by some the mafia-CIA capital of the world. Here is their story.
The Bank of Montreal is owned by the whiskey-soaked Bronfman family, including the Seagrams booze cartel, the Cineplex Odeon [some say odious] movie chain, and various big firms in the movie, record, and entertainment indusries. The Bronfmans reportedly took over the liquor business after Joseph P.Kennedy, Founding Father of THAT family,piled up his fortune in whiskey smuggling during the "Prohibition Era", when such liquor was outlawed in the U.S. Kennedy went on to become in the 1930s, the first and most corrupt securities industry czar, shipping boss regulator and fixer, and then, the pro-Hitler U.S. Ambassador to London. A pay-off for Kennedy enriching the British royals by his clandestine transporting and marketing of their Scottish brands into the U.S. The Kennedys continue to this day to profit from 5 out of every 8 British liquor and spirits brands brought into the U.S.
The Bronfmans, headquartered originally in Canada, and smuggling booze through Minnesota, became the Kennedy clan's successor and alter ego. With the Rosenstiel family as a front, the Kennedys competed for a while through their ownership of Schenley Industries tied through a tax-exempt foundation front to personally benefit long-time FBI dictator and mob white-washer J. Edgar Hoover. [Some details in the book "Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover" by Anthony Summers, G.P. Putnam's Sons, N.Y., 1993]
The Bronfman flagship became the Bank of Montreal. They bought up the supposedly staid Harris Bank of Chicago originally owned by the Peter Fitzgerald family. Fitzgerald was elected U.S. Senator from Illinois in 1998 and promotes howsoever he can, bank money laundering alibis and cover ups through his fellow fakers in the U.S. Senate [such as Senator Orrin Hatch(R.,Utah), Chairman Senate Judiciary Committee reportedly deeply implicated in the Olympics bribery mess and who arranged to let Clinton loose from impeachment charges].
Peter Fitzgerald became a major stockholder in the Bronfmans' pirate activities, and together they bought a major interest in Grupo Financiero Bancomer. According to federal criminal prosecutions that surfaced in May, 1998, just as Fitzgerald became the nominee to run for U.S. Senate, the Mexican bank octopus has been a kingpin in dope money laundering for Mexico, U.S., and California. This, centered in Chicago and Los Angeles. On their website press release, dated prior to the public mention, Bancomer tried to explain it away: "(Los Angeles CA, March 30, 1998) Bancomer, S.A., announced today that it entered into a settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice in connection with the criminal and civil actions involving unauthorized money laundering activities of three former employees. Under the settlement agreement, the bank pled guilty to one count of money laundering and paid a fine of $500,000. As part of the settlement, Bancomer agreed to continue its efforts to conform its current anti-money laundering program to international standards and to cooperate fully with the U.S. Government in the investigation of this case and Operation Casablanca-related matters." Bancomer has had the press release of which this is an excerpt together with one dated May 18, 1998. See: www.bancomer.com
Not everyone believes Bancomer will give up their apparent evil past as a unit of Bank of Montreal. In August, 1999, Chicago Alderman Ed Smith [28th Ward] publicly demanded that the Chicago City Council deny Bancomer a license to operate a branch bank in Chicago. [So far, their branch bank units have been Los Angeles and New York.] The Alderman asked that the license be denied on the basis of their dope money laundering. [Part of 10 p.m. newscast, 8/31/99, WMAQ-TV, Channel 5, Chicago.
Funds for the money laundering reportedly have been dealt with through postal and wire transmissions handled through Harris Bank, in their tri-national cash management system. That is, for U.S., Mexico[Bancomer],and Canada[Bank of Montreal]. So far, America's PRIVATE and some say conspiratorial BANK, the Federal Reserve, seems to be in favor of granting Bancomer permission to spread out, as they have been already, as much as they want in the U.S.
For some years, Harris Bank has been the worldwide center of foreign exchange, trading in the currencies of most every country. Known as ForEx, the trading has reportedly been the key feature in money laundering for the Chicago commodity and currency markets, the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. The financial press seldom if ever mentions that the Red Chinese and the ethnic Chinese of Indonesia have an armlock on the Chicago markets. Their reputed front man has been Rahm Emanuel, for six years having been Clinton White House senior advisor. In a Chicago TV program, Emanuel bragged on camera from scenes in the White House, that his desk there was the closest to the Oval Office.
Funneling through ForEx and the markets have been massive sums, proceeds of the Red Chinese and ethnic Chinese transactions in huge dope and gun smuggling into the U.S., mostly through Chicago, of "China White", high purity heroin. Also, the cash resulting from their selling of human body parts harvested by killing political prisoners on an "as needed" basis. The human hearts, livers, and such, are sold to U.S. hospitals for wealthy sick people; bought and sold as routine as parts for a car.{The doomed political prisoners whose parts are needed, are not shot but beheaded, so as not to damage the body parts needed for quick export.] There is one event that a ForEx trader would himself be shot for, though perhaps not beheaded, and that is the forbidden speculating against the Dutch currency, the Guilder, controlled by the Vatican through their Holland connection.
Through Bancomer and fellow bank unit, Harris Bank, the George Herbert Walker Bush family are big daddies in the dope traffic. Only mentioned in smaller media venues, the Bush family launder the rake-off of their interest in the Columbia dope cartels, Cali and Medellin. That includes sons George W. [Texas Governor]. Jeb Bush [Florida Governor], and Neal Bush [who corruptly escaped jail in the massive swindle and downfall of Silverado S & L of Denver].
The press fakers have somewhat discussed how Russian mafiya has embezzled some 15 BILLION dollars of U.S. and International Monetary Fund hand-outs to the Moscow government. BUT: left out have been how the Russian criminals, jointly with Clinton's White House gang and the George Bush family, have used Bancomer and Harris Bank to make some of the Russian cash flow disappear as if merely harmless everyday business transactions. And the press whores have never mentioned how the Bush family are actually and financially tight with William Rockefeller Clinton. Time Magazine, part of the Time Warner criminal combine, including CNN, are up to the top implicated reportedly in the Russian-U.S. embezzlement.
In exclusive stories, we have told you about the mysterious 50 million dollar affair. How it seems to show up in different places just like a gambling casino chit. Early in the 1980s, 58.4 million dollars of federal agency funds were parked with Chicago-based Household International and Household Bank. The funds thus escrowed were to make good the pending claims of Chicago-area caulking contractor Joseph Andreuccetti, that various banks, merged or tied to Household, have swindled him out of many millions of dollars. Of those parked funds, 50 million dollars were secretly transferred to Little Rock, so that Bill and Hillary Clinton could try to escape bank embezzlement federal criminal charges in their misappropriation of 47 million dollars from their crony Jim McDougal's Madison Guaranty S & L.
[By the way, Household is the alter ego and successor to the CIA proprietary, now defunct, Nugan Hand Bank.]
47 million dollars needed for the cover up. 50 million dollars transferred. The 3 million dollar gap, called "street tax" in mobster jargon, was apparently grabbed by Rahm Emanuel as a super campaign fund extractor and extortionist, and used to jump-start Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign. The Chicago Tribune in a Sunday Magazine cover story referred to Rahm Emanuel the fixer and the three million dollars. [Chicago Tribune, 11/23/97, page 34.]
Congressman Dan Burton [R., Ind. ] referred to the mysterious 50 million dollars. [Congressional Record, 5/29/96, pages H-5627-28.] He said the money was sent by Clinton out of the U.S. to a known major dope money laundry center in the Caribbean.
Harris Bank has several accounts that relate to the 50 million dollar secret transfer. In October, 1998, I accompanied Joseph Andreuccetti as we confronted top Harris Bank officials, supposedly heading their bank embezzlement inquiry unit, about the secret accounts. I feel certain that if the bank had windows that opened up, the bank bosses would have jumped right out in our presence.
Despite everything, it would not surprise me to someday find Bancomer with a branch in the mafia-CIA capital of the world, my home town of Chicago. Just another story suppressed by the newsfakers, the liars and whores of the press---you know who, those with the 50 dollar hairdoes and the nickel heads.