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Fact, the 1213 Charta took place, the king gave his possessions to the Pope.

Fact, the 1215 Charta took place, the king granted rights and lands to the Barons, with the Pope signing off on the Charta.

Fact, a couple of months later the Pope declared the 1215 Magna Charta null and void.

Fact, the king started businesses (trusts), called Virginia and Carolina in America.

Fact, these American Charters were non-revocable trusts.

Fact, the king claimed all lands in America settled by his subjects as his as a matter of Conquest.

Fact, the king by way of the Charters possessed allodial ownership of this land.

Fact, by way of the Charters the king retained for himself and all his heirs and successors 30 percent of all gold, silver and copper, to be sent to him annually.

Fact, our forefathers declared themselves subjects of the king.

Fact, the king had lawful title to this land, our forefathers could not claim what they never owned.

Fact, the Revolutionary War was over taxation, not subjection to the king.

Fact, the king ceded the land above ground in the 1783 Peace Treaty to the States.

Fact, the king did not cede the gold, silver and copper to the States.

Fact, the king could not cede the minerals to the States because of parties not yet born, and successors yet to serve future kings of England, as a result of the Trust he created.

Fact, the inhabitants were not granted anything by the king.

Fact, since the king retained the mineral rights to America, no man, free or otherwise had allodial title to his land, he was a mere tenant.

Fact, the king allowed the inhabitants of the States to believe they were free, just as with the British people in the 1215 Charta and the 1689 Declaration of Rights.

Fact, for a short period of time, eleven years to be exact, the inhabitants of the Colonies/States were declared to be freeman.

Fact, freeman status ended with the passage of the 1787 Constitution, because all State inhabitants were now declared by their representatives to be citizens, subject to the laws of the U.S. government.

Fact, the States ceded their grants of land and most of their sovereignty to the 1787 Constitution and U.S. government.

Fact, the king knew a central government was going to be created by the States when he signed the 1783 Peace Treaty.

Fact, by the creation of the 1787 Constitution a Republic was created.

Fact, the Republic in no way was a hindrance to the king in regaining his land, via taxation and banking.

Fact, the 1787 Constitution created a 10-mile square district, not subject to the restraints of the 1787 Constitution.

Fact, in 1789 the Judiciary Act was passed by Congress, which established courts of law, compatible with England, so contracts and business would continue with England.

Fact, in 1791 Washington who once said "no" to being the king, and also said he did not want independence from the king, allowed the office of President to become a monarchy, outside of the 1787 Constitution, when he declared he was dividing the States into district States.

Fact, the district States are subject to the President, this has never been changed.

Fact, 1791 the Bank of the United States was allowed to be chartered by Washington.

Fact, the Bank was financed by the British Board of Trade, that was controlled by the Pope and Rothschild cabal.

Fact, in 1811 when Congress refused to re-charter the Bank, England declared war on the United States.

Fact, in 1810 the Thirteenth Amendment was proposed, which would have effectively removed the king's power of reclaiming his land from the American people, by removing the possibility of lawyers/esquires running and obtaining office in the United States government.

Fact, the War of 1812 took place, the main objective was the burning of our documents in Washington and increasing the debt of the U.S., so the Bank would have to be re-chartered.

Fact, the Jay Treaty of 1792 took place giving away much of what was won in the 1783 Peace Treaty.

Fact, in 1816 the second Bank of the United States was chartered.

Fact, in 1836 President Jackson refused to allow the Bank to be re-chartered, an assassination attempt was then made on his life.

Fact, since the king was denied the taxation through his bank, Congress passed the Act of 1845, his emissaries and loyal subjects, the Judiciary (lawyers/esquires) confirmed the Act of 1845 with the Insular cases, allowing admiralty law to come on land, granting Congress and the President even more power.

Fact, England began using propaganda through the news media concerning the slaves in the South, when the king was the biggest slave trader in the world.

Fact, the Civil War ended the 1787 Constitution, first by Sine Die (no lawful Congress) second, by passage of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Fact, the Southern States were granted a full pardon by Presidents Lincoln and Johnson.

Fact, the Southern States retook their seats in Congress.

Fact, the reseated Southern States voted on the Thirteenth Amendment in Congress and it was ratified by the Southern States.

Fact, the Northern States re-declared war against the Southern States, because they would not ratify the Fourteenth Amendment.

Fact, a permanent state of Emergency was declared and martial law put in place by the unlawful passage of the Reconstruction Acts.

Fact, lawful State governments were removed by an unlawful Military occupation, by direction of an unlawful Congress.

Fact, puppet governments were put into place by the unlawful Military Occupying Commanders, by direction of the unlawful Congress.

Fact, the puppet governments of the Southern States ratified the Fourteenth Amendment.

Fact, the 1787 Constitution by the unlawful passage of the Fourteenth Amendment was forever dead.

Fact, with the king again in control, the bankers began the rape of America.

Fact, in 1869 one year after the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, Gould and Fisk cornered the Gold market for the bankers, with the help of President Grant, which was known as black Friday.

Fact, in 1873 Congress removed the silver coin from the market, that same year the crash of 1873 began and lasted for three years.

Fact, in 1900 Congress passed the Gold Standard Act and created a gold reserve of one hundred and fifty billion dollars, and allowed the bankers to sell bonds to maintain this gold level.

Fact, in 1907, just seven years later the stock market crashed.

Fact, because of this crash, two death blows occured in 1913, the Sixteenth Amendment is passed, and the Federal Reserve Act is passed.

Fact, the Federal Reserve Act was written in England at the Bank of England by New York and English Bankers.

Fact, the Federal Reserve is a direct descendant of England's Exchequer, which comes from William the Conquerer and his taxation via the doomsday book.

Fact, the doomsday book of William the Conquerer is the county recorder's office today.

Fact, World War one increased the national debt, and saw the passage of the War Powers Act in 1917.

Fact, the true United States Independent Treasury created in 1846 that dealt in specie, was abolished by the act of 1920, thereby allowing the private Federal reserve board to control the money of America as the fiscal agent of the United States.

Fact, between 1913 and 1929 the Bankers and the Congress enter into gold guaranteed contracts totaling three hundred billion dollars when only three percent of that amount of gold existed in the World.

Fact, the New York bankers, via fraudulent acts, transfer huge amounts of gold to the Bank of England by 1929, along with the debt of the U.S., bringing about the stock market crash of 1929.

Fact, in 1933 the American people are declared enemies of the bankers and the Conquest and transference of America is complete.

Fact, in 1933 because of the United States Corporation's insolvency, the United States is forced to reorganize and implement the social and financial programs mandated by the Bankers of New York and England.

Fact, in 1933 the king's holding and ownership of America's gold via the Bankers is complete, and America's death is insured by the acceptance of fiat money, Federal Reserve Notes.

Fact, after 1933 the king's collection of taxes increases, along with increased power given to the IRS, his collection arm.

Fact, World War II increases the debt even further, which demands more taxes on the backs of Americans, now that they are co- sureties for the debt as defined by the Federal Insurance Contribution Act of 1934.

Fact, now that the enslavement of America is complete, the enslavement of the world was begun by the ratification of the U.N. Charter in 1945.

Fact, the United States had to turn over 8 billion in gold to join the United Nations just 12 years after there was not enough gold in this Country, and it was declared having gold was a crime.

Fact, the Korean and Vietnam wars explode the debt heaped on the backs of the American people.

Here we are, I have given you just some of the historical facts contained in my research papers. Because they are a matter of history and/or Congressional Record, they cannot be rebutted, I have done the leg work and have given the sources in my research papers. Those that are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

By:James Montgomery

ADDITIONAL FACTS CONTRIBUTED BY THE INFORMER, NOT CONTAINED IN MY RESEARCH PAPERS. Fact, the Bank was financed by the British Board of Trade, that was controlled by the Pope and Rothschild cabal.

Fact, the true United States Independent Treasury created in 1846 that dealt in specie, was abolished by the act of 1920, thereby allowing the private Federal reserve board to control the money of America as the fiscal agent of the United States.

END So, since we are ALL under the laws of CONQUEST, we were FOOLED into believing that we were free citizens. The acts our government are doing in our name are a part of public law. And just wait until the NOAHIDE laws, waiting in the wings, are put into effect. BEHEADING, ANYONE???


Posted By: tenavision Date: Thursday, 24 April 2003, 4:45 p.m.


Reposted March 1, 2010

In response that the Anglo-Saxon common law was left out of the Informer's question, is as follows, and I do not answer for him, but this is in addition to his response.

Britain was first invaded in 55 BC. by Julius Caesar, then again in 54 BC. In 63 AD. Joseph of Arimathea was sent by the Pope in Rome to try and establish the Catholic Church in Britain. In 77 AD. Britain was taken over through conquest by Rome. The Imperial governor Julius Agricola was put in place to rule over Rome's new territory. Britain was as of 77 AD. subject to Rome, with Roman law.

In 407 AD. Emperor Constantine III withdrew the Roman troops from Britain leaving a political vacuum. The Celts (Irish), and the Vikings (Scandinavians) saw an opening to obtain land. In 410 AD. Britain won its independence from Rome, when the Goths ransacked Rome.

In 446 AD. the British government sought help to defeat the invading arms of the northern countries. Rome was unable to send troops because it was defending itself from Attila the Hun. So Rome offered mercenaries to aid Britain, Britain hired these barbaric mercenaries which were from northern Germany, they as you know are called Saxons.

In 450 AD. the Saxon barbarians began to massacre the Britons and take their land, in this manner they occupied the country of Britain. The Saxons were pagans, some believed the Druid religion, others worshiped the same gods Rome worshiped, mercury and Venus, etc. etc.

The long and short of it is the Saxons were not responsible for a Common law by themselves. They were not Christians and did not support Cannon or ecclesiastical law, and their law was influenced greatly by Roman law. The major difference was the Saxon king called himself king of the English, and William the Conqueror called himself king of England, meaning, William the Conqueror claimed he owned the land and the Saxon king made no such claims. Under Saxon law citizen meant freeman, and under Roman law, continuing in England in 1066 under William Conqueror, citizen meant subject. Under both systems you were forced to pay taxes to support the government. A tax payer is always a subject, so under William the Conqueror, he left no doubt as to your status, the Saxon kings were more subtle, the outcome is the same. Taxation and the subjection it confirms, is not always a bad thing. It depends on the government. Case in point, those that are Christians, are subject to Jesus Christ and are taxed 10% to support His government.

Look at what happened at Runnymede with the Magna Charta, the Barons thought they were gaining freedom, by the king granting them rights under the Charta. However, if they had stopped to read the 1213 Charta, wherein the king granted and ceded the Pope all of his lands, they would have known the king could not grant the rights without the blessing of the Pope. Did not the Pope sign off on the Charta of 1215, as a party to the Contract? Ask yourself this, did the granted rights end their tax obligations to the king, or the Pope? No. So is the granting of rights a problem or hinderance to the money lenders? No. Did the 1215 Charta in anyway overturn the obligations of the 1213 Charta? No, and they could not. Here is another reason.

Guess what America, and the rest of the free world, that claim their rights come from the Magna Charta, which was ratified by Pope Innocent III and of course the king under duress on June 15, 1215, on August 24, 1215, Pope Innocent III Declared that the Magna Charta was null and void, [(Geary) 49.3 August 24, 1215 parliamentary origins in England, Internet Medieval Source Book.]

I just found this, I do not have a copy of the above declaration at this time, it has been copyrighted, the book will have to be purchased, if it is still available. I won't speculate as to why it is kept in copyright and not released to the public as most other medieval documents have been.

To continue, Edward I, in 1297 was forced to re-declare the 1215 Magna Charta, because the Pope forbade his monks and bishops etc. etc., to pay taxes to the king, so the king began to tax the Barons again, and they drew their swords. King Edward's action holds less weight than that of his predecessor king John, because as of August 24, 1215 the Charta was an invalid document. Not to mention the issue I raised earlier concerning debt obligations of a previous Charter could not be voided.

The Pope by his confirmation of the Magna Charta was jerking the chains of the Barons, so to speak. As I said in earlier papers, there was no way the Pope would give up what was granted/ceded to him in the 1213 Charter. The Magna Charta could not void an earlier Charter which contained a debt obligation between parties, without all parties agreeing. Since the parties of the 1213 Charter would continue to be born, it was an unrevocable trust.

As example, read the 1689 Declaration of Rights, which became law. Did it, or could it overturn any financial obligations under previous Charters? No. Read the third section of the 1689 Declaration of Rights. It says if any provision of the Declaration comes into conflict with earlier Charters, the Declaration will be as if it were never written. If you do not have a copy of all the above cited material let the Informer or I know and we can supply you with the relevant material.

Do you see how not only Americans, but the entire world have been conned into thinking we are free? Every time the king has been challenged, the king grants rights to the combatants and they go home saying "WE WON," however nothing changed, because the king retained his power to tax, through previous Charters and new tax obligations created by accepting the king's benefits.

Another example, the Declaration of Independence and the war of Independence that followed, is no different than any other time in the history in challenging the king. The king said, OK, I will grant my created Corporations, the states, Independence and allow them to establish their own governments. But wait the governors retained the power granted by the king and the council of state. The states then consolidated their corporate Charters under one Charter, called the U.S. Constitution. Could the tax obligations of previous Charters be removed by our Declaration of Independence, or a war which did not remove the control of the king, which is obvious since in the peace Treaty of Paris he was granting us land? No.

No where in the 1783 Paris peace treaty will you find granted rights to the inhabitants of the states. No where in the treaty will you find where the taxes of gold, silver and copper (mineral rights) were ceded to the states. So much for allodial title in the states, freeman status and allodial title are synonymous, you can't have one without the other. Since the king did not cede all of his corporate enterprise he retained his taxation and the subjection of those that enjoy his benefits.

"YIELDlNG AND PAYING yearly, to us, our heirs and Successors, for the same, the yearly Rent of Twenty Marks of Lawful money of England, at the Feast of All Saints, yearly, forever, The First payment thereof to begin and be made on the Feast of All Saints which shall be in the year of Our Lord One thousand six hundred Sixty and five; AND also, the fourth part of all Gold and Silver Ore which, with the limits aforesaid, shall, from time to time, happen to be found."

(Feast of All Saints occurred November 1 of each year.) The Carolina Charter, 1663

"SAVING always, the Faith, Allegiance, and Sovereign Dominion due to us, our heirs and Successors, for the same; and Saving also, the right, title, and interest of all and every our Subjects of the English Nation which are now Planted within the Limits bounds aforesaid, if any be;..." The Carolina Charter, 1663

"KNOW YE, that We, of our further grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, HAVE thought fit to Erect the same Tract of Ground, Country, and Island into a Province, and, out of the fullness of our Royal power and Prerogative, WE Do, for us, our heirs and Successors, Erect, Incorporate, and Ordain the same into a province, and do call it the Province of CAROLINA, and so from henceforth will have it called..." The Carolina Charter, 1663

Nothing has changed, the parties of interest still rule. It is our pitiful lack of knowledge and understanding of history, which causes us to hang our hats (Independence) on documents that maintain and did not change our subjection. Does this sound familiar to what has happened to the blacks. They assumed, since they were made citizens and given more rights, that they were now free. As you know a 14th Amendment citizen is subject to its creator, who granted their rights, the corporation and the trusties, subject to the contracting parties, the Crown and the Pope. Maybe, now you know why history repeats itself, it has the same authors.


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 11:46 AM

Some of the following Facts are Not Facts
Fact, the 1213 Charta took place, the king gave his possessions to the Pope.
Revised Fact: The 1215 encounter between King John and ope Innocent III was 
the Treaty of Verona whereby King John signed over England FOREVER as a 
vassal state of the Pontiff’s secular Holy Roman Empire. The later acts by 
King Henry VIII only separated the incorporated Anglican Church from the 
sub-corporate Roman Catholic Church - with all slave control mechanisms 
remaining intact.
Fact, the 1215 Charta took place, the king granted rights and lands to the Barons, 
with the Pope signing off on the Charta.
Revised Fact: The Magna Carta of 1215 was the declaration of existing rights
of free will adult man, including the Barons. The signing was overseen by the 
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury.
Fact, a couple of months later the Pope declared the 1215 Magna Charta null and void.
Revised Fact: The Pope, Innocent III, after realizing that Sections 20 and 39 honored
the right of free will man (liber homo) to ‘due process of law’, voided the 1215 document.
The succeeding Pope authorized the succeeding King, Henry II, to sign the Magna Carta 
in 1225, and in that document, we find that Sections 20 and 39 are translated as ‘freeman’,
meaning a slave with granted privileges. With the English Crown being incorporated in 1297 
and the abbreviated Magna Carta being made the first statute of England under the Parliamentary
system. any statute can be disregarded by the Monarch if he/she deems it necessary for the 
good of the corporate Crown. This allows the nullification of any provisions of the Magna Carta.
Fact, the king started businesses (trusts), called Virginia and Carolina in America.
Fact, these American Charters were non-revocable trusts.
Fact, the king claimed all lands in America settled by his subjects as his as a matter of Conquest.
Fact, the king by way of the Charters possessed allodial ownership of this land.
Fact, by way of the Charters the king retained for himself and all his heirs and successors 
             30 percent of all gold, silver and copper, to be sent to him annually.
Fact, our forefathers declared themselves subjects of the king.
Fact, the king had lawful title to this land, our forefathers could not claim what they never owned.
Fact, the Revolutionary War was over taxation, not subjection to the king.
Fact, the king ceded the land above ground in the 1783 Peace Treaty to the States.
Fact, the king did not cede the gold, silver and copper to the States.
Fact, the king could not cede the minerals to the States because of parties not yet born, and successors yet to serve future kings of England, as a result of the Trust he created.
Fact, the inhabitants were not granted anything by the king.
Fact, since the king retained the mineral rights to America, no man, free or otherwise had allodial title to his land, he was a mere tenant.
Fact, the king allowed the inhabitants of the States to believe they were free, just as with the British people in the 1215 Charta and the 1689 Declaration of Rights.
Revised Fact: As a puppet or vassal Monarch of a Vassal State of the 
Holy Roman Empire of the Pontiff of Rome, any and all trusts, treaties, 
businesses, originated by the Monarch of England/Great Britain was as 
agent for the Pontiff of Rome.
Fact, for a short period of time, eleven years to be exact, the inhabitants 
of the Colonies/States were declared to be freeman.
Fact, freeman status ended with the passage of the 1787 Constitution, 
because all State inhabitants were now declared by their representatives 
to be citizens, subject to the laws of the U.S. government.
Revised Fact: ‘Freeman and Citizen’ represent the identical status of a slave 
granted privileges (falsely called rights) in return for a pledge of allegiance and 
for voluntarily paying over wages demanded by the slave owner (taxes).
Fact, the States ceded their grants of land and most of their sovereignty to the 
1787 Constitution and U.S. government.
Revised Fact: The States granted certain portions of land to the Federal 
Government for Federal use, but retained rights and land not granted, as 
per the 10th Amendment. The States came under Federal jurisdiction as 
sub-corporate bodies with the incorporation of the body politic, the 
UNITED STATES in 1871, and the previous acts of President Lincoln 
in the Liber Code and making Congress a sub-part of the Executive branch 
in 1861. The corporate States became subservient through prize of war, 
indebtedness and later ones were carved out of UNITED STATES 
owned territories. Subservient States are designated by a 2 cap letter identifier.
Fact, the king knew a central government was going to be created by the 
States when he signed the 1783 Peace Treaty.
Fact, by the creation of the 1787 Constitution a Republic was created.
Revised Fact: The Articles of Confederation - the creation of the Union was 
the founding document of the Republic. But, a ‘republic’ is a Roman ‘State’, 
and therefore, to be a Republic of Free Will Man, the power structure 
(a pyramid structure) must be turned ‘upside down’. The means to hold the
pyramid inverted in the intended Republic was Section 5 of the Articles of 
Confederation. Apparently, this was voided by orders from  the Pontiff of 
Rome, and thus not instituted, for the same reason that Sections 20 and 39 
of the original Magna Carta had to be eliminated. There is no place for free 
will man within the Roman power structure.  Thus, the all powerful central 
Government and POTUS was part of the program to keep America as a 
proper Roman State, and not a State for ‘free will man’..
Fact, the Republic in no way was a hindrance to the king in regaining his 
land, via taxation and banking.
Fact, the 1787 Constitution created a 10-mile square district, not subject to 
the restraints of the 1787 Constitution.
Revised Fact: The 10 sq mi tract of land was the land of a Roman Catholic 
Bishop’s ‘corporation sole’ estate, Bishop Sullivan’s Farm. Thus, the District 
of Columbia is a foreign city/state country within America. In the Roman system, 
the land estate of a corporation sole is considered to be an independent country. 
The administrative corporation of DC, the UNITED STATES, is a foreign power 
claiming authority over America. As the Magna Carta was adopted as the first 
statute of the corporate Crown of England, so too was the Constitution for the 
USA converted to a primary statute of the corporate UNITED STATES - the 
Constitution of the UNITED STATES.  The all caps spelling indicates indebtedness, 
and that would be an indication of subjugation to the Holy Roman Empire 
of the Pontiff of Rome. Didn’t POTUS Obama express his allegiance to the 
Pontiff of Rome, as did all previous POTUS?
The remainder of the Facts presented need be modified in light of the above 
shown revisions.
Remainder clipped for brevity.
Eldon Warman
#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 RE: Facts to shatter the Illusion:

 Sometimes "Facts" are not as factual as they seem. With all that was said in that document, some VERY important information was not included; for example, King George II, in 1730, made Chief Moytoy Emperor of North America (check Encyclopedia Britannica). Another thing, and very important, is the Declaration of Arbroath, where a declaration was made (and, accepted) by Scottish Noblemen, which stated that as long as 100 of us remain we will not consent to be governed by the "Pope."

 P.S. I\'m one of those 100!

#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 9:31 PM
The problem with DD's 2 points is that first, the Indian people of North America never recognized a tribal chief having such a position as 'Emperor'. The native people of North America lived under a maternal society, and the highest position in their society was 'clan mother'. 
Secondly: The Declaration of Arbroath, 1320, post dated the Papal Bull, Unam Sanctam 1302 by 18 years, And, that Papal Bull declared: "Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff."  And, for sure, Scottish Noblemen ( Vassal landlords under the Overlord of the British Isles, the Pontiff of Rome) were in no position to be making Declarations of non- subjugation by the Pope of Rome. King John certainly discovered that fact in 1213.
Eldon Warman