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September 30, 2015 theunhivedmindOne comment


Parade February 9, 1986

by Fletcher Prouty

(abridged by

The World War II Cairo conference between Pres. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek ended on Oct. 26, 1943. That evening I was given orders to fly a group of participants from Cairo to Tehran. Up to that time, I had not been aware that there was going to be a Big Four meeting of the Super-Powers in Tehran.

As I went out to the plane that morning to get it ready to go, two limousines came from the city. They were T. V. Soong’s Chinese delegates. I flew them to Tehran that day.

En route, I stopped at Habbaniyah in Iraq for refueling, and while on the ground an Air Force B-25 arrived with an old friend of mine flying it, and with L. Col. Elliott Roosevelt, the President’s son. I introduced him and Roosevelt to the Chinese, and vice versa.

I don’t know whether any of you ever realized this, but years later the fact that Elliott Roosevelt had gone to the Tehran conference brought up one of the most amazing untold facts in our history. I can only imagine why more had not been written about it.

Because Elliott had met Stalin in Tehran with his father in 1943, in late 1946, Gardner Cowless, publisher of LOOK magazine asked him to go to Moscow to interview Stalin.

Roosevelt accepted this offer and did interview Stalin there. At the end of a long interview, he turned to the Generalissimo and asked one more question, “Why is it that my mother has never been permitted to visit Moscow even though she has made three very formal applications for the trip?”

Stalin glared at Elliott and said, “You don’t know why?”

Elliott replied, “No!”

Quickly, Stalin responded, “Don’t you know who killed your father?”

Roosevelt-shocked-answered, “No.”

Stalin rising from his chair, continued, “Well, I’ll tell you why I have not invited her here. As soon as your father died, I asked my ambassador in Washington to go immediately to Georgia with a request to view the body.” Stalin believed that if Gromyko could see the body he would confirm that the cerebral hemorrhage that had caused his death had caused extensive discoloration and distortion.

Elliot responded that he knew nothing about that and then Stalin said, “Your mother refused to permit the lid of the coffin to be opened so that my ambassador could see the body.”

Adding “I sent him there three times trying to impress upon your mother that it was very important for him to view the President’s body. She never accepted that. I have never forgiven her.”

This forced Elliott to ask this last question, “…but why?”

Stalin took a few steps around the office, and almost in a rage roared, “They poisoned your father, of course, just as they have tried repeatedly to poison me.”

“They, who are they,” Elliot asked

“The Churchill gang!” Stalin roared, “They poisoned your father, and they continue to try to poison me…the Churchill gang!”

I had heard, while in Tehran, that Roosevelt and Churchill had had a strenuous argument in front of Stalin and Chiang during the conference on the subject of de-colonialization of South East Asia. I have read it in a government publication of the time…

– See more at:


September 30, 2015 at 8:26 am

You will hear much disinformation about FDR even in the so-called alternative media. Why? Franklin was a Promethean and thus a threat to the New Venice Empire made up of the Zeusians. Franklin had often said how he wanted to destroy the British Empire (New Venice). If you look at the problems in the US today you see a lot of them all stem from the Zionist reversing of former FDR policies. So for example Bill Clinton destroyed the Glass Steagall Act on behalf of orders from the City of London via Wall Street. Now the people can be truly enslaved like never before by utilizing derivatives mastered from the City of London. If we can bring back Glass Steagall it will be a start of destroying Wall Street in the US and the City in Britain if that nation takes on the policy. Until a Glass Steagall is back in place then you have no hope of correcting the economy of the people. President Kennedy was backed by the wife of Roosevelt and we all know how much of a Promethean Kennedy was and how he was killed. President Kennedy’s father was the opposite and a truly evil Zeusian supporting New Venice.


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