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NY: Come to the NY Regents meeting, Mon., 10/7, Albany. We aren't going away.

Autism Action Network

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  We are at a pivotal moment in New York State for basic human rights and religious freedoms. It is imperative that each and every one of you to make it a priority to come to Albany on Monday, October 7 for the monthly meeting of the New York Regents and encourage others to do the same.

     Please plan to arrive in Albany at 7:30 a.m. and meet at the steps of the New York State Education Building at 89 Washington Avenue, located next to the New York State Capitol. Bring friends, family, kids. Please wear white.

     The reality of the repeal of religious exemptions has now harshly affected families, schools and other entities. On October 7 we will be calling attention to the fact that thousands of children who have been kicked out of school over the past few weeks. Thousands of teachers will face certain layoffs and New York State schools will lose hundreds of millions of dollars in state and federal funding. There is a tremendous amount of political pressure that has been placed on the New York State Education Department, Board of Regents, Department of Health and the Governor. 

  The Regents set educational policy for the State. There are many hard questions that they need to answer:

  • Why is it illegal to deny an education to students with HIV, hepatitis b, but allegedly legal to deny educations to healthy children presumed to carry diseases?
  • Why are school districts being allowed to deny services identified in IEPs?
  • Under what authority are school districts denying medical exemptions?

     The Autism Action Network has been focusing on the Regents and will continue to do so. If you value the advocacy and information brought to you by the Autism Action Network please make if possible for us to continue to do so by donating to our one fundraising event of the year here:  that we do in conjunction with the Autism Community Walk 2019 on October 20 in Belmonat Lake State Park in Babylon, NY.

     To ensure this event is successful and results in all children returning to school we all need to make it a daily priority to do the following:

  1. Persuade as many people as you can to be in Albany on the morning of October 7
  2. Invite your State Assemblymember and State Senator, regardless of how they voted.
  3. Invite your school board members, school superintendents and special education directors. 
  4. Contact your NYSED Regent and let them know there is no logical reason to ignore the thousands of kids who have been kicked out of school over the last few weeks. 
  5. Write the Governor, Department of Health and letters to the editor (most get published)

    Having legislators and school officials talking to the media and parents at our Albany event will be powerful and persuasive. This will also ensure this issue is widely covered in the media. 

     Please plan to arrive in Albany at 7:30 a.m. and meet at the steps of the New York State Education Building at 89 Washington Avenue, located next to the New York State Capitol

     If you cannot travel to Albany please make it a priority to write letters and encourage you legislators and school officials to attend. 

     Do not be paralyzed by the obstacles and setbacks over the past few months. We must keep our focus and energy on what we can control. The future of our children, marriages and families depends on it.[capwiz:queue_id]

We aren't going away.