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Oct. 27, 2015

'Unplugging the American Matrix'

Groundbreaking new exposé of Obama-Left making big waves

Since its national debut two weeks ago, David Kupelian's latest book, "The Snapping of the American Mind," has soared up the Amazon bestseller charts and elicited rave reviews, which the author hopes is a sign Americans are hungry for a rare commodity in today's culture: truth.


In the book, says Kupelian, "I endeavor – kind of like Neo in the popular sci-fi film 'The Matrix' – to 'unplug' the virtual reality program that has captured the minds of so many of us. It's not much of an exaggeration to say that in today's America, tens of millions of people are living in a delusional dream state."


He explains: "Even our everyday terminology is fantastical and dreamlike, seemingly designed to obscure our reality. For example, in politics and culture we speak casually of 'the left' and 'the right,' as though these were two morally equivalent camps or worldviews. In reality, as I document in the book, the socialist/Marxist ideology that has captivated today's Democrat Party is at war with reason, human nature, common sense, history and truth – indeed, at war with God and His laws."


In fact, Kupelian claims the far left cannot operate without violating the Ten Commandments. "Leftist radicals," he says, "continually elevate and excuse murder (abortion), adultery ('sexual liberation'), stealing ('wealth redistribution'), lying (deceiving Americans as to their real intentions) and covetousness (Churchill called socialism 'the gospel of envy') – thereby wiping out Commandments 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, all in the guise of championing freedom, justice and equality."


The problem for the rest of us, he adds, is that the political and cultural left that dominate today's America is "driving millions of unsuspecting Americans completely over the edge – into depression, family breakdown, debauchery, mental illness, violence, addiction and worse." "The Snapping of the American Mind" exhaustively documents this stunning correlation.


"Fortunately", he adds, "the better we understand the madness that has captured us – both as a nation and as individuals – the more clear becomes our escape route back to the God-blessed land we once knew, and would know again if we could find the way back." The book is hopefully subtitled: "Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and a Godless Culture."


Kupelian, vice president and managing editor of WND and editor of Whistleblower magazine, is the author of two other influential books, "The Marketing of Evil," and its sequel, "How Evil Works."


Rave reviews


On Tuesday, radio talker and Fox News personality Laura Ingraham, while interviewing Kupelian, told her vast radio audience, "David's a compelling writer, and the way he presents the narrative of what's happened to our political psyche, our spiritual psyche, all of it, is really compelling. It's a page-turner. I really urge you all to get this book."


She added, "Some people may think, 'Oh I already know all this stuff, we're going to hell in a handbasket, why do I need to read it?' Because you need to know the way out! And we need to help each other."


Other interviews in the last few days – including George Noory on "Coast to Coast AM," Steve Deace, Barry Farber, Bill Martinez, Dr. Michael Brown, Carl Gallups, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and Fox News radio host Kate Dalley – have echoed Ingraham's assessment.


Joseph Farah, who as CEO of WND Books is the publisher of Kupelian's latest work, says "'The Snapping of the American Mind' is so unique and deeply affecting that I believe it could actually influence the presidential race and even the future of our country."


Here's what other prominent voices are saying:


Sean Hannity

"David Kupelian is one of the most thought-provoking and iconoclastic writers I know." – Sean Hannity, top-rated radio and TV talk host


"David Kupelian is one of the very few must-read writers in the 21st century." – Dr. Ted Baehr, Chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission, and publisher of MovieGuide®


"David Kupelian's 'The Snapping of the American Mind' chronicles the decline and fall of America and shows that it is no accident, but rather a direct result of progressive misrule – an eye-opening, scary and galvanizing book." – Dinesh D'Sousa, author and filmmaker


"In an era when our nation's Judeo-Christian foundation is coming under increasingly open and brutal attack, Kupelian's powerful and redemptive book couldn't have come at a better time." – David Barton, historian, author, and founder of WallBuilders


"An absolute must-read in the Age of Obama." – Jamie Glazov, editor of and host of "The Glazov Gang"


Michele Bachmann

"Read it!" – Michele Bachmann, former congresswoman and Republican presidential candidate


"David Kupelian has once again given us a must-read in these times of political turbulence and cultural insanity." – Paul Kengor, author of "Takedown" and professor of political science at Grove City College


"This book is a stunning exposé of all that is evil and delusional in the liberal-progressive plan to destroy the American miracle. A moral tour de force!" – Lyle Rossiter, M.D., forensic and general psychiatrist and author of "The Liberal Mind"


"Kupelian points the way to national and personal renewal." – Phyllis Schlafly, author, lawyer and founder of Eagle Forum


"Maybe once in a generation are we so graced with a communicator like David Kupelian. ... In 'The Snapping of the American Mind,' David explores the root cause of our age of lawlessness and moral anarchy, yet somehow leaves us filled with hope for American revival and renewal. It's just the book Americans need at such a time as this." – J. Matt Barber, columnist and associate dean at Liberty University School of Law


SPECIAL OFFER: Get your copy of David Kupelian's "The Snapping of the American Mind: Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture" – autographed and personalized – at a special discount at the WND Superstore!


Also, get Kupelian's culture-war bestseller, "The Marketing of Evil" – now available in paperback – and the acclaimed sequel, "How Evil Works," also in paperback – all available, autographed by the author, at the WND Superstore!