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Half a Million Plastic Coffins ??? (with video)

Neithercorp Forum

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Yep, these are cheap plastic coffins. Hundreds of thousands of them. Don’t believe it?

Why coffins? Why in the middle of Georgia?

Well, apparently the Government is expecting a half million people to die relatively soon, and the Atlanta Airport is a major airline traffic hub, probably the biggest in the country, which means Georgia is a prime base to conduct military operations and coordination. It is also the home of the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but usually you don’t buy 500,000 plastic coffins "just in case something happens," you buy them because you know something is going to happen. These air tight seal containers would be perfect to bury victims of plague or biological warfare in, wouldn’t they?

More info on the coffins:

Plastic coffin



PRODUCTS - Adult Vaults

A Burial Vault is an outside receptacle or container, in which the casket and remains are placed, at the time of burial. This helps to maintain the above ground aesthetics of the grave site.  

Polyguard Burial Vaults are now manufactured using an injection moulding process, and constructed of non-biodegradable, water and chemical resistant polymers.

Hercules Airseal Vault:

Available in colors, available with or without carapace, emblems available (indicate when ordering), 100-year warranty, evironmentally safe, non-pourous and water resistant, long-term protection.  (Shown in white with bronze carapace and wreath emblem, open shown in white.)


Atlas Topseal Vault:

Available in colors, available with or without carapace, emblems available (indicate when ordering), non-biodergradable, 100-year warranty, evironmentally safe, non-pourous and water resistant, long-term protection.  (Shown in white with bronze carapace and wreath emblem, open shown in white.)


Adult vaults are also available in Oversize and Youth sizes.

Oversize II and III are made in Airseal model.  Youth vaults are made in Topseal and Airseal models.  Call us or E-mail us for more info.

We also have Infant vaults and Urn vaults.

Airseal Vault double-seal concept: 

"Captured air principal" well as the security of a non-biodegradeable permanent plastic sealant.