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Tea for 'C'

Lee Euler

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A famous old natural cancer remedy is still one of the best


One of the best-known alternative cancer answers is called Essiac tea. Even people who don't know much about alternative medicine sometimes know about Essiac. It's the kind of thing people tell their friends. It's been the subject of many books, articles, TV programs, radio shows and websites.

I first learned about Essiac a couple of years ago when I first got involved in researching alternative cancer treatments. I could see right away it was the real deal. And that's saying something in this business where there are dozens of dubious medicines.

Thousands of cancer patients have used Essiac tea successfully for about 80 years. Many of them got pain relief, extra years of life and in some cases full, 100% remission. It's almost totally safe -- as even its critics have to admit (more on this in a minute).

The woman who 

pioneered the treatment in the 1920s conducted scientific tests and based her claims on decades of clinical experience with cancer patients.

JFK's personal physician cured himself with Essiac

President John F. Kennedy's personal physician and trusted friend, Charles Brusch, M.D., provided Essiac at his Massachusetts clinic.

In 1990 Dr. Brusch signed an affidavit describing his experiences with Essiac: "Clinically, on patients suffering from pathologically proven cancer, it reduced pain and caused a recession in the growth. Patients gained weight and showed a great improvement in their general health. . .Remarkably beneficial results were obtained even on those cases at the 'end of the road' where it proved to prolong life and the 'quality' of life."

Dr. Brusch added something especially important: "I endorse this therapy even today for I have in fact cured my own cancer, the original site of which was the lower bowel, through Essiac tea alone."

I don't know about you, but I like it when doctors practice what they preach. That's quite a difference from conventional American cancer doctors. Many say in private they'd never use chemotherapy on themselves or their families.

The first remedies I learned about are still among the best

Dr. Morton Walker included Essiac as one of his top ten picks in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work. This Special Report was the first one we published. It was a great success and enabled us to keep going and publish more reports including Cancer Defeated, Cancer Breakthrough USA and The Missing Ingredient for Good Health.

Considering we were new to cancer reporting, Dr. Walker was a lucky find. I've learned a lot about alternative cancer treatments that I didn't know a couple of years ago when we were pulling together Dr. Walker's report, but his ten treatments in Natural Cancer Remedies would still be at the top of my personal list.

That's amazing when you consider there are hundreds of alternative cancer treatments, ranging from excellent to worthless. Even when people mean well, it's easy to go wrong. Dr. Walker is a peach, and we're indebted to him for being our first teacher on this subject.

The Number One treatment in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work is a therapy called hyperthermia. I'd insist on it if I had cancer. I wouldn't go to a clinic that didn't offer hyperthermia.

The evidence for it is overwhelming. It's used extensively in clinics outside the U.S. What's more, it's safe and noninvasive. You'll learn more in the report if you decide to buy it. And of course you'll get all the details on nine other top therapies including Essiac.

What is Essiac?

Essiac tea is based on ancient herbal treatments from the Ojibway, a tribe of Native Americans or "Indians," if you will. You might know this tribe better as the Chippewa. The original formula was made up of eight herbs.

This valuable therapy might have been lost forever if a medicine man hadn't revealed it to a white Canadian woman suffering from breast cancer. She was cured, and years later, when she was very old, she revealed the tea to Rene Caisse, the head nurse in a Canadian hospital. The year was 1922.

Not long after, Rene Caisse's aunt was diagnosed with "terminal" stomach and liver cancer. Seeing no alternative, the doctor let Nurse Caisse treat her aunt with the Native American tea.

The aunt fully recovered and lived another 21 years.

This simple incident launched a Canadian legend. In fact, Essiac is just "Caisse" spelled backwards. Rene Caisse spent the next five decades of her life in unselfish devotion to cancer victims.

She refused payment for her services and took voluntary contributions instead -- sometimes farm-fresh eggs or hand-knit sweaters. She became beloved all over Ontario for her acts of charity. Her work brought relief to hundreds of cancer patients.

A missed chance for medical acceptance

What's rare for any alternative, the tea came very close to full acceptance by the Canadian medical authorities as a mainstream cancer treatment. It was a near miss.

Some Ontario doctors petitioned their government in 1926 to accept Essiac. They'd seen what it could do for cancer patients with their own eyes. In 1935, 17,000 Canadian citizens petitioned the government again, asking acceptance for Essiac.

"Legalization" never happened. And for once, it wasn't mainstream medicine's fault. By all accounts, Rene Caisse was a stubborn, eccentric person. She refused to cooperate with mainstream scientists -- many of them pro-Essiac. Her actions prevented the remedy from winning acceptance.

In spite of that, Essiac is less controversial than it was thirty or forty years ago. Decades of experience by thousands of patients reveal no adverse side effects, although people who take too much sometimes complain of short-term headache, dizziness or nausea. It's not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

Can you drink the tea to prevent cancer? It makes sense, but there's no firm proof one way or the other. At least it does no harm as far as we know.

Endorsed by one of America's top alternative doctors

Julian Whitaker, M.D., editor of the popular Health & Healing newsletter, writes, "Rene Caisse never claimed that Essiac was a cancer cure, nor that it would help everyone. But neither should we dismiss it as just another old folk remedy. The individual herbs in Essiac tea have all been shown in recent years to have anticancer activity, and thousands of cancer patients in the past 70 years have claimed to have been helped by Essiac tea."

My take is that the evidence is good for pain relief, tumor shrinkage and general improved well-being among cancer patients who try Essiac tea. When it comes to full remission, there's less evidence. It sounds like such cases are a small percentage but they do happen.

You should not assume Essiac is a full-blown "cure" and personally I'd use it as one of a battery of natural therapies, not as my only hope. Absolutely get help from a health professional if you have cancer. Discuss Essiac with them, if you're interested in trying it.

And meanwhile I urge you to get your own copy of Dr. Morton Walker's Natural Cancer Remedies that Work for more details about Essiac and nine other treatments. Click here to order.

Kindest regards,

Lee Euler


P.S. You'll get a kick out of this story. One of our printers who prints Natural Cancer Remedies that Work for us found out he had an eye tumor. He wasn't especially a fan of alternative medicine, but since he'd seen our report, he obtained one of the remedies Dr. Walker talks about -- it's from Chapter Two in the report. Then he found a U.S. healthcare giver to administer it intravenously (that's why I can't reveal names here, the doctor could get in trouble). Our printer's eye tumor cleared up -- 100% remission.

Health Disclaimer: The information provided above is not intended as personal medical advice or instructions. You should not take any action affecting your health without consulting a qualified health professional. The authors and publishers of the information above are not doctors or health-caregivers. The authors and publishers believe the information to be accurate but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. There is some risk associated with ANY cancer treatment, and the reader should not act on the information above unless he or she is willing to assume the full risk.

Reminder: We're the publishers of Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, Cancer Defeated, Cancer Breakthrough USA, and Missing Ingredient For Good Health. You're getting this email because you purchased one of these Special Reports and gave us permission to contact you. From time to time we'll alert you to other important information about alternative cancer treatments. If you want to update or remove your email address, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the appropriate link.

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