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Wheatgrass And Overcoming Cancer

Ann Wigmore

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For many years I have taken a great interest in the problem of cancer. My reasoning has been that if wheatgrass and live foods can help the most feared and uncontrollable medical problem, cancer, no questions should remain about its ability to heal, nourish, and balance the body. With twenty years of teaching cancer patients behind me, I know that—contrary to popular belief—all types of cancer can be overcome. However, my own opinion is that we will never find a "cure" for this dreaded problem because it can't be cured. The body of the cancer patient must heal itself in the very same way any body rebounds from a cut, bruise, or common cold. Although there are drugs which seem to help by destroying this or that cancer cell, all they can do is help. The body must replace the lost cells with new cancer-free ones.
Once you understand the logic of self-healing and self-cleansing it is easy to understand how the body can reverse even a serious problem like cancer. All that is needed is sufficient will to live and fight the disease, and enough life energy in the body—a strong enough immune system. How do you build up the immune system to overcome or prevent cancer? First, by eliminating the things that reduce your immunity: stress at home or at work, and processed and cooked foods. Once you have taken some of the pressure off your immune system in this way, you must learn how to rebuild it. Thus, your second task is to cleanse the toxic resi­dues of stress and bad food choices from your system with a cleansing live food diet and wheatgrass.
Live foods and wheatgrass juice will begin the process of cleansing and rebuilding the immune system as long as you stay clear of the stresses and foods that create a high risk of cancer in the first place. If you do not avoid stresses, you are like a person with a broken leg who continues to walk on the leg without a cast and crutches. You won't heal regardless of how calm you are or how well you eat. Until you get off the leg and rest it nothing will help. Similarly, if you don't take a vaca­tion (I recommend a permanent one) from the foods that congest and clog your body, your chances of recovery will be that much poorer.
While wheatgrass juice helps to build immunity, its beneficial effects range much further. Preliminary studies have identified a number of substances in wheatgrass juice that are formidable anti-cancer agents. One of these is called abscisic acid. I first learned of abscisic acid from Eydie Mae Hunsberger, a former Hippocrates guest who used the Hippocrates Diet and wheatgrass juice to heal herself of malignant breast cancer. As she relates in How I Conquered Cancer Naturally, her doctor took an interest in her case and researched many past studies to find the active ingredient in wheatgrass that helped make her well.
What he discovered was abscisic acid, a plant hormone known to prevent seeds from germinating until environmental conditions are just right. In tests on laboratory animals, he found that even small amounts of abscisic acid proved to be "deadly against any form of cancer." Tumors disappeared quickly in animals given injections of abscisic acid. Eydie Mae did mention, however, that research with abscisic acid is in its infant stages and it is still too early to tell whether it will become a "cure." But as she says, "Poor eating habits cause more diseases than cancer. We may be able to reverse cancer with abscisic acid pills, but then die from a heart attack or something else." Only sound preventive nutrition and a health­ful lifestyle can save us from all illness. Eydie Mae's decision to switch from the "condemned person's diet" to wheatgrass and other live foods on the Hippocrates Diet certainly paid off for her—within one year after she was given up by the medical establishment, the cancer was in remission—and it remained that way.
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