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Chairman of Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley: 'We do not take an oath to an individual'

Daily Mail

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US Election news: The words spoken by America's top military officer carried a familiar ring, but in the midst of a chaotic week at the Pentagon, they were particularly poignant. 'We are unique among militaries,' said Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 'We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual.' Milley was speaking Wednesday at the dedication of an Army museum in a week that saw President Donald Trump fire Defense Secretary Mark Esper and install three staunch loyalists to senior Pentagon policy positions. Milley's comments, made as he stood alongside Esper's successor, acting defense chief Christopher Miller, reflected a view he has long been passionate about: the military's unequivocal duty to protect and defend the Constitution - what he called the 'moral north star' for everyone in uniform. But his message in a time of turmoil - Trump has refused to concede his election loss - was unmistakable: The military exists to defend democracy and is not to be used as a political pawn. 'We take an oath to the Constitution,' Milley said, adding that every service member 'will protect and defend that document regardless of personal price.'