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The Red Amendment (Book)

L.B. Bork 2007

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Constitution of the United States, which briefly has to do with the public debt of the United States and slaves. . . As this treatise is entitled "The Red Amendment" it comtemplates a dual reference to the fourteenth amendment: One) It was/is a vehicle for the implementation of Communism; and, two) IT was/is a vehicle to bring the United States to deliberate and perpetual debt. The former is of desgn to achieve the latter; when these two factors are combined, it results in fundamental Involuntary Servitude i.e. Neo- Slavery! , By the time you complete this treatise there will be no doubt in your mind that these two factors are true. This is a must reading for all people of the United States to read and follow the research in this book. It is Paper Back having 81 pages of research material, With 37 pages of suppements. The Index is as follows: Introduction Crux of our Delemma Blueprint for Neo-slavery Constitutional Union Insurgent Democracy Agenda Exposed Subversive Empowerment Defact Status Defined The Fourtennth Amendment, Section 1,2,3,4 American Nationalities Furtherance of the Blueprint Internal War[s] Orchestrated Aftermath Internal subversivees Silent Army Remedies Syllabus Supplements] Voter Registration Cancellation Letter Planks of the Communist Manifesto applied Solid Evidence No Treason- by Lysander Spooner Nationality Correction form.

NOTE. This is L.Bs latest book published in 2007. It is filled with new and enlightened material. A must read for any serious patriot.