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Gun Sales Hit A Record High For The Fifth Month In A Row

From Thomas Shaw

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Oct. 10, 2015

Gun sales continue to reach record highs with 1,795,102 prospective gun owners processed in September. Expect that number to break 2 million in October as Obama continues his gun control crusade. Read more for the Digital Journal:

FBI’s National Instant Background Check System shows gun sales hit a record high for the fifth month in a row with 1,795,102 prospective gun owners processed in September.

The number of background checks done is considered a reliable gauge of total gun sales and were up more than 20% from the previous September high set in 2012. Summer of 2015 overall has also shattered gun sales records since National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) went live in November 1998.

A staggering 8,251,381 background checks were processed through the NICS since May 2015. Biggest gun makers such as Smith & Wesson (SWHC) and Sturm Ruger saw their stock values almost double since the beginning of 2015.

Gun sales across the nation have been soaring after President Obama entered the White House on fears that he would put more restrictions on firearms purchases. The summer of 2015 has also seen an increase in calls from some Democratic presidential candidates, including front runner Hillary Clinton, for tougher gun laws.