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Trump Teams Up With Newt Gingrich to Develop New Policy Agenda

Sally Kent

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May 26, 2021

Could this be a sign that Trump is indeed running for president in 2024?

Sources close to the matter say that former President Trump and former House Speaker New Gingrich have teamed up to develop a new MAGA policy agenda. The agenda is reportedly modeled after Gingrich’s 1994 “Contract With America.”

According to The Hill:


One source told the news outlet that the agenda would have an “America-First” approach on multiple issues such as trade and immigration, describing it as “a policy priority for 2022 and beyond.”

Trump’s team told The Hill that the talks are “still in their infancy.”

Gingrich told Politico that the agenda should not be expected “anytime soon,” but said, “it should be positive.”

“School choice, teaching American history for real, abolishing the ‘1619 Project,’ eliminating critical race theory and what the Texas legislature is doing. We should say, ‘Bring it on,’ ” Gingrich told Politico.

Sources say that Trump has been regularly meeting with Gingrich along with his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) at Mar-A-Lago regularly over the past few weeks to strategize who to win back the House next year.