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An update to the Trump Polonium post

by Jim Stone

November 10th 2019

I am NOT saying Trump was actually poisoned, but I will say he's not looking as good as usual, and if they do poison him with polonium, it would be perfect. There's no antidote. A trip back to Israel and an alt identity, and it's done. And I am confident Russia would do it too, despite Putin recently saying Pope Francis is not a man of god. Well, that's correct, but . . . .

If they decide to poison Trump (one way or another) they will use something that makes it look like he has rapidly degrading health, degrading naturally, and when they know they have him weak enough, they'll get rid of him early with one excuse or another, with mental health being one of them. Let's all hope Trump's recent appearance that is simply not as good as it was a short while ago is only the flu, or stress, or whatever, and if he does suddenly fall apart, keep in mind what was posted here.


I don't think Trump is going to be able to fry the deep state even after catching them all. However, if somehow he is able, don't expect it to be an easy going affair, they are going to try to kill him no matter what, and poisoning would be the most likely way. They'll want a story about how old he is and he fell apart and he was a kook and it showed but idiots loved him and we did not shoot him, we did not kill him it was all natural adios THANK GOD order can now be restored . . . . . Plausible deniability . . . . . if this happens, don't be a fool for it.


Polonium would be PERFECT. It will give all the symptoms they want, and progress slowly so people can watch it happen. Polonium is one of the world's nastiest poisons, with 1 milligram able to kill 1, 000 people. And the deep state would simply bury it. Let's all hope he looks like his good self soon, and that this recent rough appearance can be slept off.

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