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Dear Donald John Trump, President Of The United States Of America - October 1st 2018

Charles Miller

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Dear Donald John Trump, President Of The United States Of America,   

I approach you as trustee holding my property, my political will, the exercise of my right to choose the political forum which I inhabit.   

Thus, this presentment is a Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes to the trustee sitting as CEO over the executive branch of the United States as the Peoples government.   

CONGRATULATIONS on your "trade-deal" USMCA, and the clean up of damages done to our country. "Well done!"   

FOUNDERS FINDINGS: We, Miller, Westover, Provost now advise the founders intent to create in 1776 the "possibility" for honest government to be recognized as the real strength and power of the American Dream of individual liberty. MAGA

The results of that unique dream being corrupted incrementally over the years is the cause of ALL compounding confusions across so many aspects of current life for all Americans.   

The People failed in Their duty to Themselves, to protect and preserve their own individual liberty by failing to exercise control over the governments 'We the People' created.   

"Excuses today have no value for creating solutions for the present and future."   

"You as President are now in control of the decision point deciding America’s fate."   

Please consider calling on the innate human-drive to be free, rather than attacking those seeking to further enslave Our People.   

"Your army is waiting to be called to action and understands there is a serious problem now well identified; your rallies prove this point beyond expression."    

Releasing the energy of goodness through right action by checking the voting tally systems, involves every American individually in your Dream.   

Calling on the troops to not accept DIVIDED LOYALTY from all servants in our Republic -- from the stand point of the rightful owners, the Sovereigns -- is recognition of the spark of freedom in every man.   

"Your presence, the powers you hold, your delivery, sets the dividing line between good and evil."   

"It’s that simple! The high ground controls!"   

"NOW is the time, we support your leadership to fullest in Gods grace."   


Charles Miller -

Dear Mr.
            President Donald J. Trump 10-01-2018

Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump 10-01-2018.jpg