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As sent today 11:33 am.



Dear Donald John Trump, President Of The United States Of America,


I approach you as trustee holding my property, my political will, the exercise of my right to choose the political forum which I inhabit.


Thus, this presentment is a Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes to the trustee sitting as CEO over the executive branch of the United States as the Peoples government.


As the only President to promise, in open public forum, to serve the People and recognize the United States Of America belongs to the People, you Mr. Trump formed the largest Army the world has ever seen.


As Commander in Chief, your orders bind every executive branch agency, office, officer, employee, contractor or assign exercising executive authority.


Any federal officer, of any branch of government, refusing, obstructing, circumventing legitimate lawful orders by the President, with out very good cause, operates in a DIVIDED LOYALTY. These acts of obstruction or circumvention are open public admission and confession of giving aid and support to any position or operation conflicting with promised loyalties to the Peoples Rule of Law, executed by our President.


You will, please apply your official powers and authorities to call out to the People for direct support in the form of a Mandate, now. Set a 7 day voting period while keeping the running tally on the White House web site.


Please use your White House open contact forum through your TWEET mastery to request the People to issue a personal Mandate by responding to a single question.


“ Should the Office of President, fulfilling the duties to execute the law, issue finding of fact conclusion of law resulting in Warrants Of Arrest, signed by the President, identifying DIVIDED LOYALTY, causing the seizure of executive, legislative, or judicial officers of the United States obstructing the lawful process of any branch of United States in the full performance of lawful duties?”.


See below US Attorney Manual sec. 1721 through 1725 for basics:




You Mr. Trump hold the will of the People in your hands, use your Mandate.

Dear Mr.



Dear Mr. President Donald J Trump.jpg