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Chile and Mexico to Withdraw Ambassadors

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El Sol de Mexico, June 30, 2009


Managua, Nicaragua.- Chile and Mexico resolved to withdraw their Honduras ambassadors, in alignment with the measures of pressure announced by the Central American countries of ALBA and the Grupo del Rio to revese the military coup against the president Manuel Zelaya. 

"Chile has recalled the ambassador in Honduras," reported the Chilean chancellor, Mariano Fernández, during the historic summit held in Managua to demand the restitution of Zelaya, deposed Sunday by means of a military coup. 

Minutes later, the president Felipe Cauldron announced that he will withdraw Mexico's ambassador in Tegucigalpa, as soon as headquarters completes negotiations for asylum petitions presented by officials of Zelaya's government who are being pursued by Honduran soldiers. 

Both governments adhered to diplomatic sanctions in the framework of an extraordinary summit convened in Nicaragua with the participation of near 30 presidents and representatives of governments of the continent, and attended also by the secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza. The appointment was promoted by the Grupo de Rio, the Alliance Bolivariana for the Americas (ALBA) and the System of Central American Integration (SICA).