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Republicans Hit Dem Election Lawyer With Powerful Accusation

TTN Staff

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March 19, 2021

House Republicans are sounding the alarm as Democrats attempt to overturn election results in Iowa. One major accusation is against election lawyer Marc Elias who works for Perkings Coie. Elias has been sanctioned for nefarious filings recently and is attempting to get the House Administration Committee to investigate and possibly overturn the election results.

There is one big problem, Elias also represents many of the Democrats who are on the committee.

According to Fox News:


Republicans on the House Administration Committee, however, say Hart’s high-profile lawyer on the case, Mark Elias, has serious conflicts of interest because he and his firm Perkins Coie also represent half of the Democratic committee members who will be deciding the case.

In a letter obtained first by Fox News, the Republicans said Elias and Perkins Coie are not only working on behalf of Hart, but they also represent Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., who chairs the House Administration Committee, and fellow Democratic members Pete Aguilar of California and Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania.

There are only six Democrats in total on the committee, and three of them share the same legal team as Hart, the Republicans allege in the letter they penned to Lofgren on Friday. The committee is also considering a second election contest involving Democratic Rep. Lauren Underwood of Illinois — and Elias is representing her, too.

“We write to bring to your attention to a serious conflict of interest regarding Marc Elias, an attorney with the law firm Perkins Coie,” the GOP committee members write. “In the election contests currently before us, Mr. Elias simultaneously represents Members of the Committee, the triers of fact and law, and parties to these contests, an arrangement clearly prohibited by attorney ethics rules and obligations.”

IA-02 Letter to Chair Lofgr… by Fox News

This is just another example of peak Democrat hypocrisy. They want to protect Democracy only if it serves them, and vilify Republicans who question their tactics.

[Read More: Pelosi Supports Overturning Election Results]