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GOP Traitors Just Got Horrific News

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Let this be a lesson to the GOP; the American people won’t settle for officials who are just marginally better than the Democrats. The message is clear: honor our President, and our priorities.

GOP Senators will be facing well-funded primary challengers, in part thanks to Robert Mercer’s $300,000 donation to a PAC supporting a challenger to a prominent Republican detractor, according to Fox News.

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), will be facing a well-funded challenger, thanks directly to Mercer, a billionaire Trump supporter. This challenge may come from Kelli Ward, who valiantly ran against Senator McCain (R-AZ), but lost.

Senator Flake has been undercutting the President consistently, including in his new book Conscience of a Conservative. In it, he implies Trump’s victory undermines the GOP’s principles, “If ultimately our principles were so malleable as to no longer be principles, then what was the point of political victories in the first place?”

That’s an interesting argument, considering it is the Republicans who are struggling to keep their promises to the American people–not President Trump. Evidently, Senator Flake is unhappy with our increased border security, growing economy, abandonment of the TPP, and focus on law and order, all of which Trump has already delivered.

Senator Dean Heller (R-NV), will also be facing a primary challenger. He was one of the senators unable to get on board with the Republican’s first draft of health care legislation. He later supported another measure, but the changes the Republicans had to make to get most senators on board clearly did not work.

Many believe Republicans who cannot make constructive compromises and contribute positively to such an essential piece of legislation should not have public support. Repealing and replacing Obamacare was not just a key issue in the presidential election, but it also contributed to the support Republican senators received. If there was one goal to accomplish, it was this one, and the Senate Republicans failed.

Heller’s challenger will be Danny Tarkanian. He is a businessman who once made a solid run at Harry Reid’s coveted Senate seat, only to lose. Rory McShane, a Republican strategist, has suggested that if Tarkanian wants to win, he needs to get some organizations on his side, including the National Association of Gun Rights and the Club for Growth.