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Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have gone all-in on their resistance to Donald Trump.

They’re betting big on taking down the 45th President.

So it was shocking when the first results of their strategy came in and presented devastating news for Pelosi.

A brand-new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found Nancy Pelosi was the most unpopular politician in America.

Her favorability rating was 25 points underwater.

The poll also contained other horrendous findings for Democrats.

Only four percent of Americans believe Obamacare is working well.

And 52 percent want the law repealed or massively overhauled.


This poll proves that the media and Democrats have been lying to the American people about these town hall protests.

The press has been trying to paint a picture that outraged constituents have mobilized against Republicans out of fear of Obamacare being repealed.

But this poll shows these protestors represent nothing more than professional agitators culled from the far-left base of the Democrat Party.

In addition, the poll shows Americans are optimistic about the future, and they believe Trump’s election has leveled the playing field in America.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

“Aiding Mr. Trump’s approval rating was the fact that Americans are slowly becoming more optimistic about the country and the economy. Asked about the course of the country, 40% said the nation is headed in the right direction. That is up from 33% in December, and 18% in July.

A plurality of Americans, 41%, continue to believe that the U.S. economy will improve, a postelection shift that followed three years in which most Americans expected economic prospects to remain stagnant. Among those who are anticipating improvement, 73% credit the expected gains mostly to Mr. Trump’s policies, while 20% say it would result from the normal ebb and flow of the business cycle.

Some 60% of Americans now say they’re hopeful and optimistic about the future of the country, up 4 percentage points from December. Just 40% are worried and pessimistic, slightly lower than in other recent Journal/NBC News polls.

That optimism is reflected in a sharp change in how Americans view major institutions in the country. For the first time since 2002, a majority of adults, or 52%, say they don’t believe the nation’s economic and political systems are stacked against them. An improved outlook among Republicans is largely responsible for the change.